Prisonchaplain Gives Talk: Waiting on God

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  • 2 months later...

Hey, PC, in listening to your sermon, you said something that made me question.

You were describing events from the Bible of those who waited. One example was of the disciples waiting for 3 days for the Lord to be resurrected. You described those three days as a long, hard difficult that one of them denied Jesus three times during that time.

But, didn't Peter deny Christ while Jesus was being interrogated and before the crucifixion? I'm a little confused on your timeline in this particular example.

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Hey, PC, in listening to your sermon, you said something that made me question.

You were describing events from the Bible of those who waited. One example was of the disciples waiting for 3 days for the Lord to be resurrected. You described those three days as a long, hard difficult that one of them denied Jesus three times during that time.

But, didn't Peter deny Christ while Jesus was being interrogated and before the crucifixion? I'm a little confused on your timeline in this particular example.

Without rechecking my sermon, I would guess that I conflated the hours before the crucifixion (including the interrogation, scourging, and crucifixion) with the three days after his actual death. In other words--you are right...but, it's kinda like when I tell people I'm from Seattle, and only when I find out that they are from my area do I say, "Well...actually, I live in Federal Way."

BTW...I'm flattered that you listened close enough to catch that! :-)

Edited by prisonchaplain
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Ahh, gotcha! I thought I was the only one that stretched things to fit what I'm trying to say! LOL!

I appreciated the posting your sermon. This topic is something I've been thinking about lately and you helped me remember the eternal perspective of what appears to be something hard now. Thank you.

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