The Booyah School Of Driving

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Do you practice the Booyah School of Driving? Better yet:do you know what the Booyah School of Driving is? Take this example:

Examine the time. Three AM, a cold winter night, a winding mountain road. Posted speed limit: 50-55 around curves. Actual speed: 75, normally, 65 around curves. Can we say: have you ever driven on two wheels to be exact?

Another thing, although I haven't attempted these myself: Have you ever tried to sideswipe a Farari going a hundred miles an hour in a pickup, on a mountain road, no less? Have you also tried to talk your way out of three tickets in one night and succeeded? Have you ever driven a car only using the E Brake? Then you, too, must practice the Booyah School of Driving!!

But have you earned the title of a Booyah Driver? If you are, you must know the Booyah Mission Statement, which infers this: All Booyah Drivers must have each and every passenger scream, "BOOYAH!" as you screech safely to a halt at each stop light.

But what else is a Booyah Driver? We Booyah Drivers drive so ridiculously but so safely that any word about our style must come out as, "BOOYAH!"

What kind of driver are you? Are you the cautious creature that begins ever so slow and then suddenly you're creening around a curve like no tomorrow? Are you placid, do you have road rage? Tell us your style and we'll see if we can get you signed up.

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Deffinatly not a Booyah driver. i don't drive long distance (out here you have to to get anywere) i don't drive in snow or late at night, now that being said i have done all of them many of times but i hate it!!!!!!! I am one of those Mom's who wont even start the car till everyone has a seat belt on, And yes i talked my self out of a ticket LOL all i had to do was tell the guy Ya officer i know you i am the one who cleans the sherrifs off. and the bathrooms too LOL he let me go i think it was because i knew to much about stuff there and how major discusting his office and bathroom are! ( Thank goodness i dont clean it anymore YUCK!!!)

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This sounds like the same group that brags about making the 3 hour drive to the temple in 2 1/2 hours. How about that article of faith about obeying the laws of the land. That includes traffic laws.

Wreckless drivers do not only endanger themselves but all who travel on the roads. I know this was done in fun but I have picked up enough broken bodies and discussed with enough parents why their children won't be coming home. :(


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Good for you LisaJo, I am the same way. Don't drive in snow unless it is a necessity, and I don't mean I am dying for a pepsi, I mean life and death. And Ben I agree with you completely. I use a seat belt and make every effort to obey the law, even if that law seems silly, including obeying the speed limit.

How can I be worthy of my temple recommend and not obey the laws???

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This sounds like the same group that brags about making the 3 hour drive to the temple in 2 1/2 hours. How about that article of faith about obeying the laws of the land. That includes traffic laws.

Wreckless drivers do not only endanger themselves but all who travel on the roads. I know this was done in fun but I have picked up enough broken bodies and discussed with enough parents why their children won't be coming home. :(


LOL i have heard that one before it takes 3 hours to get to our temp. and i know how people driv out here, BB almost got hit head on the other day coming from vegas
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This sounds like the same group that brags about making the 3 hour drive to the temple in 2 1/2 hours. How about that article of faith about obeying the laws of the land. That includes traffic laws.

Wreckless drivers do not only endanger themselves but all who travel on the roads. I know this was done in fun but I have picked up enough broken bodies and discussed with enough parents why their children won't be coming home. :(


Keep in mind THIS IS IN FUN. I *do* drive the speed limit--in fact, I'm a pretty safe driver. :D This isn't MEANT to be serious. :wacko: New drivers are kind of fun to watch, though. I jerked a few times when I was learning how to. ^.^ But that doesn't mean I wasn't trying to be safe!

Actually...I go pretty much slower than everyone else. Um. Unless it's late. And I totally forget to watch the spedomiter. :D That was while I didn't have cruise control, though!

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I'm a pretty safe driver.... why I would rather watch people act like turkeys.... than participate ;)

I can remember being in the Seattle area when it started to snow...... and we beat feet to get to the car...forget about the shopping we were looking forward to..... I knew better than to stay in that area with snow on the ground.... :unsure: we got out and I felt safe once we got on the interstate heading home.

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I was a wild and reckless (and thankfully, wreckless) driver in my youth, but I mellowed a lot when I had kids. I am now about as conservative a driver as it gets.

My Dad taught me to drive manual transmission. Then in school, the driver's ed class was on automatic and I was freaked out - had no idea how to drive it. But I was surprised how many of my friends couldn't drive my car. I must have taught about a dozen people to drive stick.I will definitely be teaching my kids to drive both.

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i was in an accident on friday but it was not my fault...i was waiting in line at an atm and the guy ahead of me was about to go off..i saw him close his car door(so he could reach he had it open) and i was just patiently waiting and he all of a sudden starts backing up and he says it was so he could reach his receipt...i honked but he didn't stop and i couldn't put it in reverse in put a hole in the plastic part in the front and scratched behind that and the impact like shattered the it looks like a spider we need a paint job...that guys going to be paying....that was my first accident and im a safe driver..i don't speed more than 5 over and the only thing im guilty of is driving off fast to look cool in my fast car hehe

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IN town an automatic is the best way to go but when on a farm and driving through fields i like a standard trans. In the long run reckless driving is not the way to go it causes more accidents and it cost money when it comes to insurance it is not worth the riskes

Yeah it's funny in print, but not in real life, for sure. I drive like a little old lady. (Wait I AM one!) Proud of it too! I had some guy almost hit me when he tried to pull out in front of me, while I was doing 50 on a country road a couple of days ago. There are a lot of fatal accidents around here. It breaks my heart when I go by a corner with no stop sign, and see 4 crosses in a row with childrens names on each one, decorated with grieving flowers, and notes, and offerings of love for the young lives that have ended all too soon.


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