Five Small Things to Thank God For


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"By small and simple things are great things brought to pass..."

It can be easy to remember to thank our Heavenly Father for the large and obvious blessings but sometimes we (and by this I mean me) can overlook the little things that God has blessed us with that improve life in small ways. So what are five small things that you can be grateful for today?

1. Farm Town on face book. It helps me make that difficult transition between asleep and awake every day.

2. Starburst tropical candy. It makes me smile and curbs my desire to snack on even less healthy things.

3. Ice cubes. I really like being able to just reach in my freezer and pull out ice cubes to make my drink cold. Many people in the world do not have that luxury.

4. Funny pictures of cats. These simple little pieces of creative art are great for cheering me up and reminding me to take things a little less seriously.

5. Wikipedia. I love that I can look up almost any topic and that I can click on all the words I do not understand. Its a great way to sate my endless curiosity.

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"By small and simple things are great things brought to pass..."

It can be easy to remember to thank our Heavenly Father for the large and obvious blessings but sometimes we (and by this I mean me) can overlook the little things that God has blessed us with that improve life in small ways. So what are five small things that you can be grateful for today?

1. The bus lets my grandbabies off right by my house. Their hugs and kisses make my day. :)

2. Electric can opener :)

3. Crayons :)

4. I agree, ice , During the storms in the south we went without. Nothing like a tall glass of ice water then :) and now:)

5. Porch swing, on a lazy Saturday afternoon watching those other larger gifts from our Heavenly Father. :)

Thank you, counting my blessing makes a better day.

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Small things? That's a toughie - I want to focus on the big things. But here goes:

* Falling computer prices. We've finally been able to afford a tablet PC with touch screen so my daughter with muscle issues can practice her handwriting. Couldn't do this back when they cost five grand.

* The person who figured out how to have clocks set themselves.

* The late rain that brought the toads to life in our area. We stuck two of them in our empty fish tank, and the girls are having endless fun playing with Whizzer and Goliath.

* My work keeps a fridge stocked with free sodas. That rocks.

* Mint, peppermint, and spearmint. The smell, the taste - just makes me happy.


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1. Prayer

2. A smile and giggle from my grandson.

3. 1 hour of quiet

4. Conference Weekend. I am very grateful to live where I can hear/see conference every six months. It fills my spiritual cup back up every time.

5. A soft bed with lots of pillows.

6. I agree with Crayons. :)

Edited by applepansy
I have more than five
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Totally agree with air freshener and crayons! :)

Also agree with more affordable electronics.... life would be hard without my PC!

Its amazing how storms can remind us of how awesome it is to have hot running water, ice cubes, bathrooms that work, lights (even though candles are great too).

I also just like storms in general... the way they make the earth smell, the sound of raindrops, and the reduced pollen count after. :)

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Guest xforeverxmetalx

- Elbows [i said this once at Thanksgiving and my parents got annoyed and told me to be serious. But I was. Where would we be without our elbows? So many things would be much more difficult.]

- Chocolate

- Squirrels

- A functioning laptop trackpad [Mine died earlier and I really missed it till I fixed it]

- Temperature controlled rooms and blankets

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1. a little boy from my ward could see over my counter at the library for the first time today...

CUTE! My shortest kid has spent a year reaching such milestones. Of course, she's a tornado wild child, so she does things like run full speed smack into the kitchen table, and then staggers backwards saying "I used to be able to run under that!"


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