Are you guilty? I am....


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After days of thought I decided to post. I'm guilty. But there has been a lot of pride shown in the posts regarding conference and specifically Elder Packer's remarks. Without saying more I'll just post the link to a Prophet's words and warnings. - Ensign Article - Beware of Pride

Edited by applepansy
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I agree, Apple. As I didn't get to hear most of (and haven't yet read any of) Conference this time around, I've tried to stay out of most of the discussions surrounding Elder Packer's remarks. My input has been to offer feedback on how people are treating each other, which has saddened me this week. I guess I've seen some pride, but more than anything, I think I've seen animosity.

It's interesting that you bring up that particular talk. This week in my ward, we were supposed to have a high council speaker, but didn't, because of a convoluted confluence of events. Instead, the bishop invited members to come share anything that stood out to them from Conference the previous weekend. One brother stood up and talked about how he was impressed by Elder Uchtdorf's talk during the Priesthood session, which he said, focused quite a bit on President Kimball's Beware of Pride. He said that President Uchtdorf had observed it becoming a big problem in the church again. Here is his talk: Pride and the Priesthood

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Wingnut, Its been a surprising and enlightening week. I listened to most of conference but didn't hear Elder Uchtdoft of course. I havent' gotten to the Pristhood session yet.

Hubby and I were talking about this subject with friends last night and both Elder Uchtdoft and President Monson's talk were brought up. When we have an "attitude of gratitude" we are less likely to be prideful, even in the little things.

Thank you.

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I agree, Apple. As I didn't get to hear most of (and haven't yet read any of) Conference this time around, I've tried to stay out of most of the discussions surrounding Elder Packer's remarks. My input has been to offer feedback on how people are treating each other, which has saddened me this week. I guess I've seen some pride, but more than anything, I think I've seen animosity.

This is the reason I've been MIA this week. I promise to return soon =)

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Guilty as charged.

My favorite lines from Ezra T. Benson's talk

"In the scriptures there is no such thing as righteous pride—it is always considered a sin."


"Pride is the universal sin, the great vice. Yes, pride is the universal sin, the great vice."

Uchtdoft as I recall called Pride the gateway sin.

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