General LDS/Life Philosophy

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Hello all,

This is my fist ever post to your forum, so please don't judge me too harshly (although technically you're not allowed to, right? ;))

I've been fascinated with religion as a concept for quite some time now, and although I'm not religious myself, I've had many friends who were LDS and have taken every opportunity to invite missionaries into my residence and engage in lively conversation with them.

After having endlessly mulled over the concepts and philosophies of life/existence/creation, I have come to the conclusion that I cannot make myself subscribe to any one religious doctrine/practice, as they all have their benefits, but at the same time also have their downsides. This, however, will not stop me from engaging in intellectual conversations with those devoted to a particular sect, as I believe it helps me more clearly understand others' worldviews while simultaneously solidifying my own.

I would like to start an open discussion with your community in which everyone is encouraged to voice their opinions. Please let me know if any of my comments are out of line for this particular forum and I will quickly seek to remedy any error I may have made.

I guess to start, I would like to ask participating members to briefly describe to me how they look at their surrounding environment; the world they live in. I am already positive it is vastly different than my own, but it would help immensely to get a new perspective.

Thank you for your time. Hopefully we can all gain a greater appreciation of our brief time on this earth through our discussions.

Brides of the Orient

Edited by pam
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I guess to start, I would like to ask participating members to briefly describe to me how they look at their surrounding environment; the world they live in. I am already positive it is vastly different than my own, but it would help immensely to get a new perspective.

The question you've got there is so broad I'll be surprised if anyone tackles it.

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how they look at their surrounding environment; the world they live in.

Yeah pretty big quetion here... maybe I manage to sctrape a bit on the surface.

First a bit of my background. I was raised up by Lutheran parents. My both grandfatjhers were priests. One of them the leading professor of OT in my country. I have never had any doubt about Gods excistence and that Jesus loves me.

Around 18-22 I used to search different religions; Different brances of Christianity, Buddishm, Hinduism, Taoism I was interested in Jewism too. I was turning to the Greek Orthodoxy as it is so beautiful.. all thet singing and beautiness of the inside of the church.. but I got a feeling that I should NOT choose my religion by what is outside, I needed to look deeper in me. I found nothing... I decided that there is no special religion that I should belong to so I can be a Lutheran. I was an active lutheran all the time; I was teaching kids in Sundayschool... I felt kind of hopeless and tought that ok anything is ok.

Then one day the missionaries knocked on the door. It was not long after that I felt like I had come home.

So how do I look at the surroundings today... I live in a country where only 1 % are LDS and my surroundiongs has a lot variety. I live beside Islamities, buddhist lives in front to the left, Lutheran probably to the right, probably atheist, sikhies, hindus around too.... how do I feel in this variety?

I feel great. Only thing that sometimes troubles me is the tabu of talking about religions. Religion has become something so presonal that you are not to talk about it at all, it is everyones personal toughts. I myself would be interested in both listening about others religions and telling about mine. But today if you mention your religion you are already preaching..... NO information is allowed.

I think everyone is and should find for themselves what they believe is right. Often it may even be dangerous to change religion or if not danggerous you may be left alone, pushed away from your family UNLES you follow the family tradition of religion.

We all are on different level of understanding and different opinions on religion should be tolerated. One should never put down others religion or faith! We all are children of the same God and sisters and brothers.. also with Jesus and Satan.

We alla re precious to our Hevenly Father, but even He knows taht we are not able to run faster than we are able to. Ofcourse the delight in Heaven is great even for ONE sole that finds a better way, but all too often we put our fingers in our ears and refuce to listen. It si sooo much easier to hold on to what we have.. the comfort of the tradition is securing in stead of following the sound of our hearts.

I see the surroundings as a big chanse, chanse to learn, chanse to teach.

I have also been on the internett and defending the LDS faith for some years. I find the antimovement somewhat sick and stubborn and redicilous. It is amasing how old accusitions, that have been proved wrong already long time ago stil are popping up all the time... only because the message is contempting and about somethign that a man today thinks is totally absurd and stupid. I am sad that there are people who deilberately try to harm someones elses religion. I am sad that there are people who deliberately attac the excistence of God with a lot of noice. Yet I think it is ok to believe that too. And I can n ot see the equality in the society in information. At the moment most information is given against God, then about Protestants and everythign else... mormons are not allowed to "come on to the carpet" at all. A good example: In a forum a really BIG one almost 70.000 visitors every day... everyone is allowed in teh mormon forum to tell their opinions about any question there, but if a mormon goes in an other forum his/her inputs are delated... even though they have nothing about mormonism in them.

Where is the equality in my surroundings?

I even have lost jobs because I am a mormon. I been carefully followed by leaders because I am a mormon. Stil I never sayed a word about my religion unless asked.

Surroundings have difficulty in approving the mormons.

Those terrible smiling, always happy mormons! :D

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#1 - We're allowed to judge! (We're allowed to judge righteous judgment so we can make informed and intelligent decisions.)

#2 - Philosophy and perspective of LDS life? We might live in it too closely to give a rational response...

One thing I've noticed of the LDS faithful is that they align their lives to be in harmony with the gospel. They typically train for careers that give them control over their weekly schedule so they can participate in Sabbath activities and give church support during the week. I think the most common profession in the LDS faith is being an attorney. Otherwise, most are self-employed or in upper-management positions where they can control their time and commitments very well. (At least in my part of the world... don't assume that it's everywhere.)

Why would we align our lives to it? Because we find happiness in following the commandments of our Lord.

Now, how do I see my surrounding world and world events? I see a nation that is crumbling to decay. I see a nation that is being forced (in multiple ways) to accept evil practices and not to speak out AGAINST those practices. I see a nation that is beginning to ripe in iniquity and the good people with moral principles are supposed to dare NOT oppose it.

I see a world filled with opportunity! There is economic opportunity all around for those who have the right philosophy to seize it! I also see opportunities to share our gospel with others.

Sharing our gospel (notice I said "our" instead of "the") is great... but I find there are MANY people out there that are of some faith. Right now, we need people who are of faith to pray. I see a higher need for our nation for UNITY - and I won't incite any bickering on symantics of our gospel versus their interpretation. A discussion? Sure! But too many bicker and quibble over these things, and there's just no time or reason to. (Read 3 Nephi 11 - "that all such things should be done away".)

This is a great time for the citizens of our nation to (re)discover their faith and connect to the God that they believe in. I believe that all will find access to the truth - once they can learn to find it once it is presented. However, with our nation in the straits its in... I'm just happy to find believers in Christ anywhere - especially those that pray.

Just my own interpretation of your question. Hope it helps?

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Hello all,

This is my fist ever post to your forum, so please don't judge me too harshly (although technically you're not allowed to, right? ;))

I've been fascinated with religion as a concept for quite some time now, and although I'm not religious myself, I've had many friends who were LDS and have taken every opportunity to invite missionaries into my residence and engage in lively conversation with them.

After having endlessly mulled over the concepts and philosophies of life/existence/creation, I have come to the conclusion that I cannot make myself subscribe to any one religious doctrine/practice, as they all have their benefits, but at the same time also have their downsides. This, however, will not stop me from engaging in intellectual conversations with those devoted to a particular sect, as I believe it helps me more clearly understand others' worldviews while simultaneously solidifying my own.

I would like to start an open discussion with your community in which everyone is encouraged to voice their opinions. Please let me know if any of my comments are out of line for this particular forum and I will quickly seek to remedy any error I may have made.

I guess to start, I would like to ask participating members to briefly describe to me how they look at their surrounding environment; the world they live in. I am already positive it is vastly different than my own, but it would help immensely to get a new perspective.

Thank you for your time. Hopefully we can all gain a greater appreciation of our brief time on this earth through our discussions.

Brides of the Orient

As an engineer and scientist the teaching and doctrines of the LDS faith is the only faith with which I have found consistent logic and understanding of the wonders of creation we encounter in life. I have found Buddhism an interesting second and with some rather interesting ancient tie-ins to LDS understanding of things. While traveling in the East I found Buddhist cemeteries reflective of very sacred Mormon symbolism taught in our temples. Because of the sacredness of this symbolism we are encouraged not to discuss them openly.

My point is that ancient truth have found place in many religions – especially those with respect of ancient times. If you enjoy history and unique perspectives towards understanding the root connections between concepts like being whole and holy then you will learn much seeking depth in LDS thinking.

The Traveler

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Hello all,

This is my fist ever post to your forum, so please don't judge me too harshly (although technically you're not allowed to, right? ;))

I've been fascinated with religion as a concept for quite some time now, and although I'm not religious myself, I've had many friends who were LDS and have taken every opportunity to invite missionaries into my residence and engage in lively conversation with them.

After having endlessly mulled over the concepts and philosophies of life/existence/creation, I have come to the conclusion that I cannot make myself subscribe to any one religious doctrine/practice, as they all have their benefits, but at the same time also have their downsides. This, however, will not stop me from engaging in intellectual conversations with those devoted to a particular sect, as I believe it helps me more clearly understand others' worldviews while simultaneously solidifying my own.

I would like to start an open discussion with your community in which everyone is encouraged to voice their opinions. Please let me know if any of my comments are out of line for this particular forum and I will quickly seek to remedy any error I may have made.

I guess to start, I would like to ask participating members to briefly describe to me how they look at their surrounding environment; the world they live in. I am already positive it is vastly different than my own, but it would help immensely to get a new perspective.

Thank you for your time. Hopefully we can all gain a greater appreciation of our brief time on this earth through our discussions.

Brides of the Orient

I exist on this world to be tested in how i will be obedient to God, how I will treat my fellowbeing, how I live, and to also recieve this physical body that I have, that I might gain a greater joy and potential in the world to come.

This world has been created to that end, and we are put in a position to be both caretaker and user of this world.

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Guest Elder_Bevan

well as a missionary of the church, we see alot of people and talk religion all day. The one thing that I find re assuring to me and to all people I talk too is this. This world we live in, with all of its test and trials and heartaches and depressions, all of it will be for a small moment in the eternal perspective. We are all children of god, we have potential to become like him, we first have to face opposition. But you can be assured that our father in heaven is there, we are divine sons and daughters of the most high god. he loves and cares about us, he knows us each individually. We have great power if we could just realize it. with all that in mind, this life is not that bad. I would love to talk to you about this more. i am an official representative of the church. you can get all my info on my blog.

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To the OP:

Well if you mean how I see the world locally, I must admit that I have two main views. I see first of all a world in which most of the people here (Rexburg ID) are good people and do their best to live the gospel. I find that it is actually a beautiful place to live, contrary to my ideas a couple years ago. I also find a number of radical crackpots who basically dim the splendor of the area by doing one of two things. They either fight the system intensely and try to drag others down, or they spend all their time worrying about what others do and judge them for it.

If you mean the world as a whole, I think that it is largely a good place filled with a lot of good people trying to live how they think best.

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I'm a "traditional" Christian, not an LDS. The way I see my environment surrounding me:

Just like everyone else: trees are hard wth green leaves; water is wet, and can be dirty looking; trash tenbds to smell bad and flowers good; most people are clueless as to what "denying themselves" really means; most people end up doing a mixture of selfish and selfless things; animals seemingly respomnd simply by instinct; logic is unbreakable; happiness and sadness avalke; pain generally sucks; etc. etc. etc.

I think we see our environment around us as nearly the same. Now of course, people with serious mental illnesses, people on drug trips, mystics, and other types of people who live apart from our "normal" reality (whether willfully or not) will see the world differently. But the average humans see it usually the same.

Now if you want to get deep into philosophy and such, even then there's a general, overall "sameness" among them all, but of course the details will then vary widely and the means and ends will vary even more.

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