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Do you feel any different when you give a blessing?

I ask because I participated in a blessing once for a sick lady in my ward. I was asked to put my hands on her head and Brother Hegewald gave her a blessing for her health. As the blessing started, I could feel "energy" running down my arms and into the sick woman.

I was amazed.

It felt like I was hooked up to an electrical current, and at first I was worried I had stepped on a power cable or something. It felt like power, and I don't know how to further describe the feeling. It was one of the most powerful and profound spiritual experiences I have ever felt in my life. I asked Brother Hegewald if he felt the same thing, and he said he did.

Has anyone else had a similar experience? :D

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Shouldn't that be a sacred thing to be kept to ones self?

:(. I thought because I was with fellow Mormons that I could ask without being unsacred. I can understand not sharing such things with non-members, but I was curious to know if what happened to me was an isolated incident or if it seems to happen to others too.

Heh. I'm just so amazed at what happened. It made me really happy and strengthened my testimony a lot. I can't help being eager to share. :D. I get your point though. I didn't mean to make you mad. Sorry.

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Make me mad? What? Look, here's my view. I looked at your profile and read what you have posted thus far and I see that you are a young'n who is in need of some seasoning and life experiences. There are things you will find out that are sacred gifts that are for your edification. Remember when Christ said to not cast your treasures to the swines? He was talking about putting forth sacred and spiritual things, such as experiences and throw them out into the world.

I can tell you that I've had amazing experiences when I was a member, and after being ex'd that I keep to myself, other than sharing them with a very, very close friend. A friend who has kept me as a close friend without judgment and conditions. A friend who has earned my explicit trust. I also sit down at my computer and type out what I experienced and felt. That way I can re-read them, remember and learn.

While I can understand the excitement, please understand that these are meant for you, for your edification and a teaching moment. It may be difficult to hold it in, but please find a trusted person to share these things with and treat them with reverence. There's nothing wrong with sharing, but share wisely.

Nothing to be mad about. Just trying to help.

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Make me mad? What? Look, here's my view. I looked at your profile and read what you have posted thus far and I see that you are a young'n who is in need of some seasoning and life experiences. There are things you will find out that are sacred gifts that are for your edification. Remember when Christ said to not cast your treasures to the swines? He was talking about putting forth sacred and spiritual things, such as experiences and throw them out into the world.

I can tell you that I've had amazing experiences when I was a member, and after being ex'd that I keep to myself, other than sharing them with a very, very close friend. A friend who has kept me as a close friend without judgment and conditions. A friend who has earned my explicit trust. I also sit down at my computer and type out what I experienced and felt. That way I can re-read them, remember and learn.

While I can understand the excitement, please understand that these are meant for you, for your edification and a teaching moment. It may be difficult to hold it in, but please find a trusted person to share these things with and treat them with reverence. There's nothing wrong with sharing, but share wisely.

Nothing to be mad about. Just trying to help.

Gotcha. Thank you.

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I don't think that this question is necessarily a specific spiritual experience that one needs to keep to him/herself. This is akin to feeling the Holy Spirit give an answer to prayer. Now, if he said that angelic choirs came down and sang, THEN that would be something to keep to himself.

I often feel such energy pass through me as I give blessings. I think it is akin to when the woman with a blood issue touched the hem of Jesus' garment, and he felt virtue go out of him as she was healed.

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Personally I don't think you should mention the other brother by name or anything that could cause a member of your Ward who was on this site to realize who was blessed as it can be private for the individual getting it.

Besides that I don't see that you said anything that I would consider sacred as you didn't talk about what was said only what you felt.

I have found the experience varies. At times I have assisted and felt nothing, at times I have given a blessing, knew it came from someone else, but didn't really "feel" anything much. A few times what I have said made no sense to me, even had nothing to do with the reason a person wanted a blessing, but it always had to who was recieving it. Other times I have finished with one and had tears streaming down my face because it was so powerful what was felt.

One time I was assisting and when the other person went to do the blessing all kinds of thoughts flowed into me but I said nothing. After a couple of minutes he stepped back and said he was a blank, nothing had come! We switched and the blessing poured forth. Why me and not him neither of us had a clue but that was how it was to be.

We have to be careful not to go into discussing sacred things.

However if we don't talk about our experiences how can new members or non members have a hope of understanding about things they have not experienced?

When I was a WML I used to sit with new members and get a feel for where they really were at in the gospel. It is amazing how many of them have no idea what a blessing is or what the power of the Priesthood is for.

May you get many more "feelings" as you go about the Lords business.

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I agree it may not be the best idea to post peoples names who requested the blessing and also who might have taken part unless you ask first but sharing with us and the whole world how it fills when the Holy Spirit comes in and uses you as a vessel is totally awesome. Not only do I feel there is no harm telling but I feel it inspires others to do everything they can to get closer to Heavenly Father and the Holy Spirit themselves. You Elders are so awesome in my eyes. Just being around you is a blessing. Keep up the good work sharing the love and the light of Jesus everywhere you go. That's your job, sharing the Gospel, Plan of Savation, getting them to church and then Baptised. Elders have a serious and MUCH needed job and I can never thank you enough for the sacafice and committment you have shown during your 2yr mission. Thank you again Elder Kurt and ALL elders, male and female across the globe.

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