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Hello Everyone,

I'm Bill Sillyman, I've been a member of the church for over 30 years and a convert to the church. I'm married to my eternal companion for 36 years, we have 2 grown children, a son and a daughter, who have blessed us with 5 very handsome grandsons. Our oldest grandson, my wife and I have full custody of, as he is disabled. Not a physical disability you would notice, except that he is deaf. I am also hearing impaired, so he inherited it from his grandfather. I am a full-time college student and will have my bachelor degree in May. I will then start on a double Master degree in secondary special education for the deaf and a Master in Social Work.

I currently live in southern Missouri, however, as soon as I can get the house I inherited after the passing of my father, 2 years ago, sold, my family and I will be moving back to Utah for me to finish school at Weber State in Ogden. That's pretty much who I am, so I welcome any comments or hellos.

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It is an unusual last name, however it has a fascinating history. I've traced the name back to 1222 to Piza, Italy where they were court jesters to the emperor of the Holy Roman Empire. Then interesting to note there is a tie in with the royalty of Europe through marriage. It is interesting, however, I'm adopted and my direct heritage is Blackfoot/Cherokee, Dutch, Irish, Scottish and German ancestry.

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Dahlia, actually Silliman is the original spelling, after it was translated from Italian. The Silliman family were also court jesters to the lordships of Scotland and England. They immigrated to the United States in the 1600's from Bath, England and Edinburgh, Scotland. A David Silliman left NY in the mid-1800's, changed the i to a y and I am a decendant of him. So he/she would be a distant cousin, back through David. You are the first person to have ever mentioned knowing someone with my families original last name. That is so cool. Curious, what area of the country was this in?

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You are the first person to have ever mentioned knowing someone with my families original last name. That is so cool. Curious, what area of the country was this in?

Iowa. I know my student has been here a number of years (as opposed to others who just come here for school and leave), but I don't know if she is from here or not. I know she has children, but I'm not sure I've heard her talk about a husband, so maybe she's divorced (she's too old to be in the 'unwed mother as badge of honor' demographic). I don't know if Silliman is her name or her spouse's.

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