Can I still go to church?


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There will be VOID in your life if you continue in sin and knowingly violate the Law of Chastity. Believe me, I UNDERSTAND... I was disfellowshipped for a time because of my transgressions. The Lord loves you and wants you to follow him. He cannot override you free agency though. I promise that you will be so much happier if you stop what you are doing and repent. The Lord if willing to forgive all those who repent.

Word of advice: Marry the man or kick him to the curb. He is causing you to backslide in eternal progression.

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...when I am honest with myself I just don't want to live it right now. I will in the future but just not now.

Just hope and pray that you don't die in a car accident tomorrow. We never know when our future will end. I've been where you are and it now scares me to think what could have happened to me during that time (at age 28 I nearly died from pneumonia, so things like that can definitely happen to young, normally healthy people).

As far as going to church, reading your scriptures, etc. I would say you should definitely be doing those things. Anything that invites the spirit will only improve your life (and maybe make you want to stop living as you are even faster). However, I know from experience that your bishop would not want you taking the sacrament, offering prayers in church (ie in Sacrament Meeting, Relief Society, etc., though you should still DEFINITELY be performing personal prayers), and I'm not sure if you can hold a calling. When I was going through the repentance process for sexual immorality my bishop asked me to refrain from those things.

If your bishop is aware of your situation then I would talk to him about it. He will alert the Sunday School and RS presidencies to refrain from asking you to give prayers (though he will never tell them why). That will save you any awkwardness from having to decline if they ask. I would just be completely honest with your bishop: tell him you want to come to church but are not at a point that you feel ready to stop living as you are. He should be supportive and encourage you to attend church and social activities, while also making sure you don't engage in those activities that you are not currently worthy of doing.

Good luck! :)

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I have been where you are and I wasted 20 years of my life before I figured out that what I was doing wasn't making me happy. I read a scripture that scared the heck out of me ... did I want to be on the outside looking in forever? Thankfully I had enough intestinal fortitude (guts) to say no and did something about it.

Helaman 13:38

But behold, your days of probation are past; ye have procrastinated the day of your salvation until it is everlastingly too late, and your destruction is made sure; yea, for ye have sought all the days of your lives for that which ye could not obtain; and ye have sought for happiness in doing iniquity, which thing is contrary to the nature of that righteousness which is in our great and Eternal Head.

Dear sister .. please don't let 20 years get away from you ... such a waste.

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