What is your economic forecast for the US?


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Unless we have the stomach to face what's been done and enact changes to reverse the trends as quickly as possible, I predict than in 2-6 years, the fecal matter will collide with the orbitally-oriented air-transfer device in a horrendous display of how selfish and greedy we have become.

My only consolation with such a future is the realization that the Nephite, and indeed, the Israelite nations were given opportunity to recover from the consequences of their sins. God willing, we will have a chance to get it right before we're all done with this world.

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Always interesting what our so-called public servants consider to be a "good fight".

EDIT: Just came across these photos of the results of the "good fight". These people sure must love their state, public order and decency, etc . . .

Edited by Just_A_Guy
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Many of the people of Wisconsin are fighting the good fight - protesting against the anti-democratic proposals being pushed by their radical Governor Scott Walker.

Wisconsin Gov. Walker Ginned Up Budget Shortfall To Undercut Worker Rights | TPMDC

I think that the problems in Wisconsin are a bellwether of things to come to the other states. We are going to see a lot more unrest as pensions are cut and benefits are cut. We got to give all the money to the bankers as interest on all the debt. Austerity measures here we come!

If you don't like it. The army gets called out. Land of the free home of the brave!

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I think that the problems in Wisconsin are a bellwether of things to come to the other states. We are going to see a lot more unrest as pensions are cut and benefits are cut.

That's right. I heard someone interviewed about the Egypt uprising. He/she said it was the poor who moved up to the lower middle class that was behind this uprising, they tasted the good life of the middle class and did not want to go back down again. What makes America the country she is or was is the mighty middle class. And when the tipping point is reached, when the majoring of middle class make that slip to the poor class, that is when things will get bad.

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Wisconsin Dems Go Into Hiding to Prevent Union-Busting Vote

Thursday, 17 Feb 2011 02:39 PM

Senate Democrats in Wisconsin failed to show up Thursday for a vote on a "union-busting" bill that has prompted police officers to launch a dragnet for the missing lawmakers.

Republicans hold a 19-14 majority but a vote cannot be taken until at least one Democratic senator is present.

"It's kind of unbelievable that they're elected to do a job and they wouldn't show up to do it," Republican Assembly Speaker Jeff Fitzgerald told Fox News.

Fitzgerald said the apparent boycott may force the State Assembly to vote first on the bill. But he added that if police officers find the lawmakers, they will bring them back to the chamber for a vote.

Read more on Newsmax.com: Wisconsin Dems Go Into Hiding to Prevent Union-Busting Vote

Important: Do You Support Pres. Obama's Re-Election? Vote Here Now!..........................

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That's right. I heard someone interviewed about the Egypt uprising. He/she said it was the poor who moved up to the lower middle class that was behind this uprising, they tasted the good life of the middle class and did not want to go back down again. What makes America the country she is or was is the mighty middle class. And when the tipping point is reached, when the majoring of middle class make that slip to the poor class, that is when things will get bad.

The middle class that, oddly enough, began disappearing right around the time Wisconsin's public workers went union.

Correlation always equals causation, right?

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Wisconsin Dems Go Into Hiding to Prevent Union-Busting Vote

Thursday, 17 Feb 2011 02:39 PM

Senate Democrats in Wisconsin failed to show up Thursday for a vote on a "union-busting" bill that has prompted police officers to launch a dragnet for the missing lawmakers.

Republicans hold a 19-14 majority but a vote cannot be taken until at least one Democratic senator is present.

"It's kind of unbelievable that they're elected to do a job and they wouldn't show up to do it," Republican Assembly Speaker Jeff Fitzgerald told Fox News.

Fitzgerald said the apparent boycott may force the State Assembly to vote first on the bill. But he added that if police officers find the lawmakers, they will bring them back to the chamber for a vote.

Read more on Newsmax.com: Wisconsin Dems Go Into Hiding to Prevent Union-Busting Vote

Important: Do You Support Pres. Obama's Re-Election? Vote Here Now!..........................

I won't link to the story, but a number of legislators were apparently found holed up in a Hooters-type restaurant in Illinois.

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The economy is the major issue in politics at the moment. The official unemployment number given through the BLS is at 9%. However, many economists say this number is very skewed. I found this chart (Alternate Unemployment Charts) with figures from 15% to 20% unemployment if you factor in long term discouraged workers not being counted and those working part time but cannot find full time employment.

My forecast is a worsening recession with more industrial base being transferred to China. We also will continue to see food prices rise and the price of other commodities increase with the Federal Reserve's quantitative easing programs.

The growth we have seen recently in the economy is the growth of the investment class, not average individuals (in my opinion).

What do you think?

Contrary to popular belief money is not the fule of an economy. What makes an economy go is working people contributing. The more people that are working te better off the economy will be.

There are many "Things" in the econmy that add no value. Such as unions and various levels of management. The more people are investe and the more they are invested the better the economy will be. This has shown historicallly to narow the gap between the rich an the poor. What creates the gap - rich, poor or middle class is to think they are entitled to something without adding value - the old circle of life from the lion King.

The Traveler

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I'm new here and am a member of the Church. I think I joined to mainly talk about economics and to possibly try and help others. I have studied the economy vastly and consider myself an economist even though I lack the official diploma.

My economic forecast is that 100% we enter a hyperinflationary depression within the next few years. Maybe it will take some time for me to create some credibility here but I promise the forecast is bad. Even though we live in a promised land God will not allow it to be overrun with secret combinations and criminals and those who do not serve Him. Our United States government, believe it or not, is responsible for much of the wickedness that goes on. The secret combinations of old are the same today as they were. Our debt is unsustainable and currently the Federal Reserve is printing money to try and inflate the economy. This will end badly. You can protect yourself though with FOOD STORAGE. The Church has taught us to be self sustaining and only we are to blame for not being so. Also, during hyperinflation silver and gold will soar because people will flock to real assets and not stupid fiat currency. Paper money has never survived more than a hundred years. Don't be scared but prepare.

Google Peter Schiff, Gerald Celente and Ron Paul. Neither of them are Mormon but are all good men. The Lord has men doing His work who are not members. If you don't believe me I have quotes to prove it.

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Many of the people of Wisconsin are fighting the good fight - protesting against the anti-democratic proposals being pushed by their radical Governor Scott Walker.

Wisconsin Gov. Walker Ginned Up Budget Shortfall To Undercut Worker Rights | TPMDC

The good fight? These people make far more than private employees comparable to them and all on tax payers dime. It frustrates me to see so many members not understand that the government shouldn't be involved in about 99% of what they do. Their involvement is why we are headed towards a depression the world has never seen.

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In case you don't know, Amish are American citizens known for their excellent skills in carpentry and amazing work ethic... qualities that builders look for in their employees.

Also, college graduates make as much money as the job they are doing are worth. You forgot to mention that some college graduate made over a billion dollars on the first year out of college - like Eduardo Saverin, for example. Oh, and several college drop-outs made over a billion dollars too - Mark Zuckenberg is one of them. And there are THOUSANDS of other college grads out there making between $60K to $60M their first year out the gate. People are paid what they are worth, my man. College graduate or not.

These huge pay scale you speak of is for a very small minority and not for the majority of college grads.

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These huge pay scale you speak of is for a very small minority and not for the majority of college grads.

The 6+ figure payscale yes.. The 60K'ers are a bunch. But, that's not the point of the discussion. The point was - that Hoosierguy claimed we are headed for economic collapse because he saw college grads at the job fair being offered $11/hr to be telemarketers.

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