4 Americans Killed on hijacked yacht


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What does Pres. Obama have to do with the nation of Somalia?

I think it's a reference to Thomas Jefferson's involvement with the First Barbary War. The reference to Jimmy Carter is with 99.9% surety meant derogatory in reference to the Iranian Hostage situation and Carter's inability to get the hostages returned to suggest Obama is less effectual than Carter (I could be wrong and it may just be a general reference to Carter as a 'lame duck' president and not to that particular situation).

Not saying they are fair or applicable (nor saying they aren't either) references.

Edit: I really should refresh before I post. Thank explained his reference already. Oh well.

Edited by Dravin
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Hiking in Iran, sailing off east Africa...you gotta wonder what they were thinking. Killers are evil, of course, but I don't get it when people "wander" into these sorts of places.

Trouble is, if you're sailing, you have to follow the trade winds to a certain extent--and that's where they go. Pirates are ranging out 600 nautical miles from the coast or more.

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