Gov't Drops Defense of Anti-gay Marriage Law


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Gov't Drops Defense of Anti-gay Marriage Law

Wednesday, 23 Feb 2011 12:40 PM

WASHINGTON (AP) — In a major policy reversal, the Obama administration said Wednesday it will no longer defend the constitutionality of a U.S. law banning recognition of same-sex marriage.

Attorney General Eric Holder said President Barack Obama has concluded that the administration cannot defend the federal law that defines marriage as only between a man and a woman. He noted that the congressional debate during passage of the Defense of Marriage Act "contains numerous expressions reflecting moral disapproval of gays and lesbians and their intimate and family relationships — precisely the kind of stereotype-based thinking and animus the (U.S. Constitution's)Equal Protection Clause is designed to guard against." . . . . . .

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I'm sorry.....WHAT "anti-gay marriage law"?

And WHAT law " banning recognition of same-sex marriage."

The intentional deceipt in these descriptors is so vile as to be reminiscent of Nuremberg in the 1930's.

DOMA is not "anti-gay", nor does it ban either gay marriage nor the recognition thereof.

It simply prevents activists from using the recognition of such in one state to FORCE recognition on other states using the "full faith and credit" clause of the Constitution.

As for Obama and Holder, having offended, insulted, and alienated nearly every normal, thinking citizen of the United States they're far more interested in pandering to fringe special interests in some slim, desperate hope of holding onto power in 2012.

Obama is simply announcing his deliberate and intentional dereliction of duty in a desperate effort to curry favor with the most radical elements of his base.

His "stance" is dereliction of duty...just like Arnie and Brown's abdication in California, and the cowardly retreat of the Wisconsin and Indiana state legislators.

The Democratic party's dedication to "democracy" can be summed up in two ways:

"Shut up and do as I say" and "If I don't get my way, I'll take my ball and go home!"

Neither is a reasoned mature position, and neither is reflective or WORTHY of those entrusted with public office.

Obama is a fraud and a demagogue, a pathological liar and a narcissist.

His grasp of Constitutional law lags far, far behind his political opportunism.

He is, therefore, the perfect reflection of his party.

Edited by selek
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The Democratic party's dedication to "democracy" can be summed up in two ways:

"Shut up and do as I say" and "If I don't get my way, I'll take my ball and go home!"

Neither is a reasoned mature position, and neither is reflective or WORTHY of those entrusted with public office.

Obama is a fraud and a demagogue, a pathological liar and a narcissist.

His grasp of Constitutional law lags far, far behind his political opportunism.

He is, therefore, the perfect reflection of his party.

*points to the sticky Terms and Conditions*

LDS.Net will allow political discussion, also(sic) long as all posts remain neutral with respect to partisan politics and candidate campaigns for public office.

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To be fair, the Department of Justice will still defend all parts of DOMA except for Section 3, which reads:

"in determining the meaning of any Act of Congress, or of any ruling, regulation, or interpretation of the various administrative bureaus and agencies of the United States, the word 'marriage' means only a legal union between one man and one woman as husband and wife, and the word 'spouse' refers only to a person of the opposite sex who is a husband or a wife."

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Excellent article in this month's Ensign by Sis Beck regarding our understanding the doctrine of the family.

This is just the latest in the US's 'ripening in iniquity'. Black is white and white is black, and if you disagree, you are considered a 'neanderthal' or a 'bigot'.

I sure hope you all have your food in store and your testimonies bright. We're in a for a long hard ride...

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I'm sure people said the same thing when polygamy was outlawed, but the past 130 years haven't been as bad as those doomsday sayers thought it would be. I highly doubt same sex marriage will single handedly usher in the apocalypse.

GASP!!!!!!! How can you say such a thing. Don't you know those gays are the cause of all the worlds problems and will destroy society? I mean haven't you heard that they are the biggest threat to the world. TSk TSK MOE for doubting just how much doom they can bring ;)

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GASP!!!!!!! How can you say such a thing. Don't you know those gays are the cause of all the worlds problems and will destroy society? I mean haven't you heard that they are the biggest threat to the world. TSk TSK MOE for doubting just how much doom they can bring ;)

Personally I blame you for global warming and the Christchurch earthquakes. Not gays in general, just you personally. So stop it!

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Personally I blame you for global warming and the Christchurch earthquakes. Not gays in general, just you personally. So stop it!

AWWWW but I enjoy causing destruction and fear on massive levels. Heck if I'm going to be accused any way why stop, lol why not pull out all the stops. lol sadly not the first time i've had this talk this exact talk this week, although in that conversation i laid out my full i'll just leave ya curious :P

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AWWWW but I enjoy causing destruction and fear on massive levels. Heck if I'm going to be accused any way why stop, lol why not pull out all the stops. lol sadly not the first time i've had this talk this exact talk this week, although in that conversation i laid out my full i'll just leave ya curious :P

For some reason I'm picturing you cackling with glee inside of your top secret tropical volcano lair.

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For some reason I'm picturing you cackling with glee inside of your top secret tropical volcano lair.

I'm not a tropical or heat loving type of guy. I'm more of an isolated castle in the highlands of scotland kinda guy, but i'm not sure i can deny the cackling part, though i'm not sure i will ever allow the word "glee" to be used in any connection with me.

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I'm not a tropical or heat loving type of guy. I'm more of an isolated castle in the highlands of scotland kinda guy, but i'm not sure i can deny the cackling part, though i'm not sure i will ever allow the word "glee" to be used in any connection with me.

Sorry. That should have been Glee. What more stereotypical henchmen could a gay evil mastermind have than the cast of Glee?

P.S. I approve of the Castle in the Highlands... looking for a geologist henchmen in the next few years? I could help with planning those earthquakes.

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Guest Godless

Obama is simply announcing his deliberate and intentional dereliction of duty in a desperate effort to curry favor with the most radical elements of his base.

Support for gay rights is fairly widespread. I'd hardly call it "radical".

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Sorry. That should have been Glee. What more stereotypical henchmen could a gay evil mastermind have than the cast of Glee?

P.S. I approve of the Castle in the Highlands... looking for a geologist henchmen in the next few years? I could help with planning those earthquakes.

After the Glee comment I`ve had to implement operation `where`s the beef`, i`m sorry, and you would have made such a wonderful henchman, but there are something i can`t forgive and being i have suffered massive trauma from Glee now must you suffer as well:satanflame:

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Hawaii Governor Neil Abercrombie Signs Same-Sex Civil Unions Into Law

HONOLULU — Hawaii Gov. Neil Abercrombie signed same-sex civil unions into law Wednesday, calling it "a triumph for everyone" that gay and lesbian couples will have the same state rights as married partners.

Civil unions in the Rainbow State would start Jan. 1, 2012, making Hawaii the seventh state to permit civil unions or similar legal recognitions for gay couples. Five other states and the District of Columbia allow same-sex marriage.

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I'm sure people said the same thing when polygamy was outlawed, but the past 130 years haven't been as bad as those doomsday sayers thought it would be. I highly doubt same sex marriage will single handedly usher in the apocalypse.

Never said it would be. I said that it was the latest in the line of ripening in iniquity. Satan's tactics are always slow and steady, with a fine thread until the chains are too hard to break. But he is starting to go for the throat because too many are indifferent to what is going on.

Perversion is perversion, no matter how you dress it up. Civil unions are just a ploy to make perversion acceptable. Just as when the Jews asked Christ about Moses allowing divorce, because we are refusing to live a higher law we're getting what we deserve.

But hey, you're probably right. Nothing to worry about, nothing to see here folks, move along.

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