First Calling and Ordination


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Well, it's been over a week since I've been baptized and confirmed. Today at church, I met with the bishop (after watching One Good Man a few times in the past, it was fun to see how interacting with the bishop actually works, lol), and we discussed my calling and ordination to the Aaronic Priesthood.

I've been called to be the assistant to the Elders Quorum Presidency. Apparently this is a calling they like to extend to new converts (I was talking to the previous one who has been a member for 2 years and is in the EQ Presidency). This is a Young Single Adult (YSA) ward, so there aren't any other priesthood quorums either. I'll be helping out with preparing the Sacrament. So next week I'll be sustained and set apart for that, as well as being ordained a priest, which is exciting. Also, I will start being a home teacher, and my companion is actually the convert that I mentioned, and he's pretty cool. I assume that I have to be set apart for that as well?

Fun stuff, and like I told the ward clerk today, becoming LDS really is like a breath of fresh air for me. I've felt that way for years, but it's only been since I was baptized and confirmed that I really felt it.

I assume that after ordination I'll be able to get a limited use recommend to go to the temple for baptisms for the dead, right?

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Jason_J... is awesome to share in your journey even if it's only through the internet! I'm so happy for you and the new air that you breathe!

Administering the sacrament is one of the most profound spiritual experiences in a young man's life (or so my husband says). This is truly something that is another big step for you.

Being a home teacher is not really what we would call a calling where you would need to be set apart. It is part and parcel of fellowship in the ward family. It's a way to have every member of the Church always have somebody to turn to - or somebody to connect them within the ward family. It's a great way to establish friendships and exercise charity.

Yes, you can have a limited use recommend even before you get ordained, depending on the recommendation of your bishop. It's cool to experience temple work as well! Another big step!

After that, you can talk to your bishop about when you might be ready for a patriarchal blessing.

Lots of fun stuff ahead!!!

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I'm very excited for you. Receiving the priesthood of Aaron is an awesome thing.

We learn in D&C 13 that the Aaronic Priesthood has 3 main keys: Ministering of angels, gospel of repentance, and baptism by immersion for the remission of sins.

This is the preparatory priesthood. It gets us used to being in the presence of holy messengers (angels and men), so that we can later be prepared to receive the keys of the Melchizedek Priesthood: the fullness of the Gospel and the mystery of godliness (D&C 84:19). The Melch Priesthood prepares us to enter into the presence of the members of the Godhead - first the Holy Ghost when we are confirmed, then the Spirit prepares us to enter into the presence of Christ and God, which we practice doing in the temple (entering the celestial room).

When you administer the Sacrament, you will be administering salvation to the members. It is another opportunity to renew their covenants of baptism, priesthood, and the temple. When you hometeach, you will be giving support and strength to members, many of whom will be spiritually weak and will need someone like you to pray with them and encourage them.

As a priest, you can receive a recommend for baptisms in the temple. The Church encourages all new members to attend the temple for baptisms within the first three months of membership. So definitely get with your bishop and work on preparing for that wonderful experience. Which temple is nearest to you?

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what are the scriptures relevant to the Aaronic Priesthood?

D&C 13 and JSH talk about the restoration of the Aaronic Priesthood. There's a note there that includes Oliver Cowdery's account that's also worth reading (he was present when it was restored).

D&C 20 is the articles of the church drafted at the time of its formation and includes a section on the duties and offices of the Priesthood. It also contains some instruction on how to perform some of the ordinances.

D&C 107 establishes the organization of the Priesthood body into quorums with a president at the head of each. For what it's worth a quorum, as used in the Church, is a group of people selected from the same larger pool. Apparently it's an older political term, although I haven't heard it used in this sense much outside of church. There is another definition that you may be familiar with, which is the number of member who must be present for a body to function. This is the more common way the term is used outside church. Verse 28 actually uses it in this way, but otherwise it means select body :).

D&C 84 gives a history of the two priesthoods and contains the Oath and Covenant of the Priesthood.

Besides the highlighted verses, you should read the entire section. It contains more about the Aaronic Priesthood than what I've mentioned, and will also give you some ideas of what you are preparing for with the Melchizedek Priesthood.

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Congrats, Jason_J, on your first calling! I was a little afraid when I sat down with one of the leaders (it's gonna take some time to get the terminology right, I can see that now). and learned about my first calling. But, Heavenly Father looked out for me and I got a calling that I can do and that I love.

You can get a limited recommend at your first post-baptism meeting with the bishop. If you didn't get one when you met, you should ask for one now. It turns out my bishop was surprised that I wanted one so soon (for some reason, they thought I'd want to wait), but we were doing a ward trip to Nauvoo - why wouldn't I want one?

btw - did you end up getting something for your missionaries?

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Congrats, Jason_J, on your first calling! I was a little afraid when I sat down with one of the leaders (it's gonna take some time to get the terminology right, I can see that now). and learned about my first calling. But, Heavenly Father looked out for me and I got a calling that I can do and that I love.

You can get a limited recommend at your first post-baptism meeting with the bishop. If you didn't get one when you met, you should ask for one now. It turns out my bishop was surprised that I wanted one so soon (for some reason, they thought I'd want to wait), but we were doing a ward trip to Nauvoo - why wouldn't I want one?

btw - did you end up getting something for your missionaries?

Yeah, I need to meet again with the bishop since I forgot to ask him about the limited temple recommend and patriarchal blessing. But I think receiving the Priesthood of Aaron and being set apart in my calling will be more than enough for this Sunday :D.

I ended up printing out my blog entry about my baptism and confirmation, with a few more pictures (and a link to my blog that hopefully they will check out when they are released), and gave it to them. They loved it.

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Well, it's been over a week since I've been baptized and confirmed. Today at church, I met with the bishop (after watching One Good Man a few times in the past, it was fun to see how interacting with the bishop actually works, lol), and we discussed my calling and ordination to the Aaronic Priesthood.

I've been called to be the assistant to the Elders Quorum Presidency. Apparently this is a calling they like to extend to new converts (I was talking to the previous one who has been a member for 2 years and is in the EQ Presidency). This is a Young Single Adult (YSA) ward, so there aren't any other priesthood quorums either. I'll be helping out with preparing the Sacrament. So next week I'll be sustained and set apart for that, as well as being ordained a priest, which is exciting. Also, I will start being a home teacher, and my companion is actually the convert that I mentioned, and he's pretty cool. I assume that I have to be set apart for that as well?

Fun stuff, and like I told the ward clerk today, becoming LDS really is like a breath of fresh air for me. I've felt that way for years, but it's only been since I was baptized and confirmed that I really felt it.

I assume that after ordination I'll be able to get a limited use recommend to go to the temple for baptisms for the dead, right?

A post of pure awesomeness. Congratulations. :)

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So I received the Aaronic Priesthood this past Sunday. We did the ordination in Elder's Quorum (remember that this is a YSA ward so we only have an Elder's Quorum). One of my new friends was "voice", and the elder's quorum president, second counselor, bishop, second counselor in the bishopric, and of course my missionaries were in the circle.

Next week I'll be sustained and set apart as Assistant to the Elder's Quorum Presidency. Since I don't hold the Melchizedek Priesthood, I couldn't be called as the Elder's Quorum Secretary, so the ward created this position that they like to give to some new converts. My home teacher companion (who is also the second counselor in the EQ presidency) is a convert and also had this calling. So in addition to helping out with the Sacrament (I'll be bringing the bread each week and blessing the bread and/or water), I also assist the EQ Presidency by helping with attendance, going to certain meetings, helping with coordination of home teaching, etc. Sounds like fun!

Also, the EQ President told me that while it can take up to a year for a convert to receive the Melchizedek Priesthood, he sees me receiving it in perhaps 4-6 months (maybe less, maybe more of course) because of all that I know and my testimony of the restored gospel.

And speaking of my testimony, the first counselor in the bishopric asked me to give my testimony and perhaps a little of my conversion story at church this coming Sunday. Apparently someone from the stake will be there (can't remember), and he said that many people were moved by my testimony at my baptism, so they would like me to give it.

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