The Christian Case for Mormon Values.... interesting article


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I watch Glenn Beck all the time. Read the Twilight books and can attest to the values brought out in those (sexual purity is championed, pro-life as well; the Cullens refuse to be slaves of their innately evil/murderous/lustful nature). We stood shoulder to shoulder on Prop 8 in CA, and they took their lumps right along with us evangelicals (in fact, since they are a single, well defined organization, they were easier targets, and might have taken the brunt of the vitriol, I think). If a Mormon were in office I would have every reason to believe that he would be an honest and courageous man.

I've heard some say (use Glenn Beck's 'idiot friend' voice: "if you made a mormon the president he would bring in all his mormon buddies!" I say, "the more the merrier!" We would be better off.

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This article makes me think of how great a country we live in. Being the only country with religious freedom at the time, America gave Joseph Smith the opportunity to be visited by God the Father and His Son, Jesus Christ, and to restore the gospel with the fulness of truth and priesthood authority. (See Preach My Gospel, Lesson 1: The Restoration). Now, political candidates who are members of the church may be elected president of the country. How great that would be! To be able to trust a politician ^_^

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One of the reasons I started looking into Mormonism as a cultural/religious force (as opposed to personal religious reasons), is that it resonated with me as an American religion with a conservative view on most issues. I know that there are Democrat Mormons (while I have met Mormons who are less conservative than I am, I haven't met a Democrat yet), but an attraction of the Church for me is that it supports my conservative beliefs. I knew I could not go to a church or synagogue that would have liberal or social justice-type preaching. Go into many Catholic churches or reform Jewish congregations and that's what you hear.

That said, I don't know what Romney was thinking with the Mass. health care program.

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This is an outstanding and fair minded article who's author seems to share the exact same feelings I do on the LDS church; if I may post a few exerpts that got my attention:

Should Americans be concerned? Bluntly, no, though those of us who are not Mormon should be depressed that such a small group has outworked, out thought, and out hustled us. Mormon success should spur traditional Christians, who outnumber Mormons by tens of millions, to do better.

Studying Mormonism closely did not make me a Mormon, to the contrary, but it did give an abiding respect for certain things the LDS Church gets right.

Being right is powerful and most LDS are right on many of today's big issues: the nature of family, the protection of life, defense of religious liberty, and republican values.

It's the idiocracy of America that more people think of "magic underwear" when thinking of Mormons rather than the priceless contribution the church has made in defining and defending American family values. Even worse are many Evangelical Christians with an antagonistic bent who attack my faith as well as Mormons with a narrow point of view that anyone who doesn't subscribe to their specific beliefs must categorically believe in a different gospel and worship a different Jesus and/or endanger their souls by trusting a works based salvation. In a mawkish concern for the souls of errant Catholics and Mormons, they launch vicious attacks in hopes that we'll see the light and abandon our hellbound beliefs. The truth is, these attacks are fueled by a hateful, malignant mindset that deceives itself that it's acting in love.

And the LDS response is exactly right; they plod on, not deterred in the least in their effort to spread the gospel of Christ in a loving manner.

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I knew I could not go to a church or synagogue that would have liberal or social justice-type preaching. Go into many Catholic churches or reform Jewish congregations and that's what you hear.

Social Justice is a Catholic teaching, but unfortunately liberal Catholics have taken that ball to a completely left field and queered the Church's teaching on what social justice is. Mormons practice the true Catholic definition of social justice everyday, voluntarily, as it was meant to be practiced. Glenn Beck has gone on a crusade against the liberal definition of social justice in churches saying quite bluntly, "If you hear the words 'social justice' in your sermons, then run." I couldn't agree more and I wouldn't attend holy Mass in a parish where the priest has a liberal agenda he's pressing.

That said, I don't know what Romney was thinking with the Mass. health care program.

And Newt Gingrich's support of the global warming scam. Since Newt is a political creature completely motivated by self interest, I believe he'll run for president heedless of the damage he'll cause to the conservative movement. I hope that Romney has a conscience and decides not to run having his conservative card already revoked by Romneycare.

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