Temple Endowments

Guest Jewel Stone

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Guest Jewel Stone

I am going to the Louisville Temple for the first time tomorrow for my endowments and I am completely terrified and excited at the same time. I have been doing research and everything I find is not positive, and this is susposed to be a very spiritual time for me. I am devoted to the church, strong in my testimony, and very adiment about my calling in the church. This has been a very trying week for me. I know that the advesary is trying me and testing my faith. And it doesn't help that when I tried on my dress that it didn't fit and there is no time to have it exchanged. I honestly feel that I should not be going tomorrow. I'm starting to feel that I am not worthy to enter the sacred house of the Lord. I guess what I'm asking is has anyone else experienced anything like this?

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Dear Jewel Stone

I can hear yah, it took a long time for myself and my family to get to the temple so I had years of people talking about the Temple liked it was Disney Land.

I heard the negative stuff too.

First take a deep breath and relaxes, your dress well, call your RS president and tell here.

Ask if she can find a sister willing to lone you a dress.

We were so broke we barrowed cloths but the G’s.

If you are going to big Temple, they have cloths for you to rent for the price of washing them. Cheep.

I wish someone had told me this before I went so I will tell you know.

Your initiatory, is beautiful listen to what the Temple worker says each word.

You will never forget it, it made me feel so special and new in a way.

The endowment can seem odd for you the first time though but and I mean this, fallow the spirit, its more feeling and promptings then any thing else.

You need to focus on how all of this applies to you and you alone.

Have a good friend who is a regularly attends the Temple so you can whisper in her ear and ask the questions you might have. I asked our Home Teacher and his wife so we could go as couples.

I only had to ask her one question, it is all very self-explanatory.

The Temple workers are right there for you, people who go for the first time are well looked after. They will answer all your questions.

Have a Wonderful Day. Don’t be surprised what time it is when you come out.

You know the saying Time fly’s. You will love it.

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Dear Jewel Stone

I can hear yah, it took a long time for myself and my family to get to the temple so I had years of people talking about the Temple liked it was Disney Land.

I heard the negative stuff too.

First take a deep breath and relaxes, your dress well, call your RS president and tell here.

Ask if she can find a sister willing to lone you a dress.

We were so broke we barrowed cloths but the G’s.

If you are going to big Temple, they have cloths for you to rent for the price of washing them. Cheep.

I wish someone had told me this before I went so I will tell you know.

Your initiatory, is beautiful listen to what the Temple worker says each word.

You will never forget it, it made me feel so special and new in a way.

The endowment can seem odd for you the first time though but and I mean this, fallow the spirit, its more feeling and promptings then any thing else.

You need to focus on how all of this applies to you and you alone.

Have a good friend who is a regularly attends the Temple so you can whisper in her ear and ask the questions you might have. I asked our Home Teacher and his wife so we could go as couples.

I only had to ask her one question, it is all very self-explanatory.

The Temple workers are right there for you, people who go for the first time are well looked after. They will answer all your questions.

Have a Wonderful Day. Don’t be surprised what time it is when you come out.

You know the saying Time fly’s. You will love it.

i can tell you that it is very wonderful experience, and that the adversary will try to keep you from going. usually you have someone with you that you know well to help you your first time thru, as a guide, etc. She can help you with things, and answer questions. I havent been to that particular temple yet, but it is a great thing to go.

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Guest MrsS

Winnie is right, relax ~ listen to the messages.

I just want to add:

GET OFF and STEER CLEAR of the anti sites. Unless you have been on lds.org or mormon.org for your research on the temple ~ you have been to the wrong sites. That is satans handiwork there. I have been a member since I was 14 ~ I am now one month shy of 54 ~ and those anti sites bring me down. A newbie like you, they would drown you!

Do Not expect visions and miracles in the Temple. If it is possible, fast before you go. Pray privately before you leave your house. I did, it was a simple, short prayer. I asked Heavenly Father to banish the advasary from me. I was so sick ~ it had come on me just two days before I was to go to the Temple - and I knew it was satan doing it. I asked Our Father to banish this from me, to make me well during my time in the Temple. He did. The cold cleared up the moment I stepped into the Temple. It came back just as I was getting into the car in the parking lot. I didn't care :sparklygrin: Heavenly Father answered my prayer.

If you are meeting a group before you go ~ like at your meeting house ~ ask the Brethren to give you a blessing. Again, I did! My Home Teacher had a key to the meetinghouse and he let us in. I would have gladly knelt in the parking lot outside. It was 7AM and as peaceful as could be.

Take your scriptures and read them on the drive there. Leave them in the car ~ the Temple has plenty of scripture books there.

Remember, the Temple is the Home of our Lord and Saviour, only us humans can bring in the evil spirits, thus only us humans can banish those self same evil spirits.

Pray constantly for help and guidance. Remember Heavenly Father is at your elbow now. His Angels are there rejoicing with you. His Temple Workers are there to help and guide you.

Listen to what the Sisters say during Initatory. It is beautiful! Actually I think it is more beautiful than Baptism.

Don't be shy or afraid to hold the hand of your Escort ~ and don't be afraid to admit that you don't know what to do. To this day ~ I still need help.

Hint: when you buy your g's ~ tell the clerk your store sizes, and measure your waist so you know what it is ~ let her help you get the correct Church size. I didn't, and what I got was 4X too big!!! Your waist of 34" does NOT mean you will necessarily wear a 34.

I bought one pair for the ceremony ~ then afterward when I could think clearly and had all the time in the world ~ I bought the rest of them.

You are not going to remember everything that happens. Every time you go to the Temple, you will learn something new. I have lost track of how many times I have been through, and each time I learn something.

The only thing that is constant is the feeling I get. It is undescribable ~ so I won't even attempt to put it into words.

Remember, don't expect visions or miracles. Expect to be nervous, afraid of leading rather than following (like in dancing). Do pray and ask for the Spirit to be with you, to guide you and to help you to understand what Heavenly Father wants you to understand this day.

Most of all ~ enjoy the sensations that come to you. Here is when you will feel that Still Small Voice the most. Prepare yourself for it, and let it flow over and through you.

I am going to the Temple today to be Sealed to my Darling Husband ~ for Time and All Eternity! We have been married not quite two years. I wish we had enough time to go through a session too. I will be thinking of you and praying for you.

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Hello Jewel Stone.

It's very normal whenever you try and make a positive change in your life for "obstacles" to interfere. Call it the Devil, the Adversary, or what you will, it happens to everyone when they are trying to improve themselves.

I've met dozens of people who were fought against when they were going to be baptised (and Im not talking about just the LDS either). It's a natural law to have problems crop up. Don't be afraid. You will overcome.


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Hi Jewel Stone,

First of all, this advice is from a non-LDS person, so my thoughts are from what I’ve read from others’ experience and what I would be comfortable with, if it were me.

Try to have an escort that you trust completely, that will help you feel comfortable. You may already have expectations of what you think will happen – expect the unexpected. The session may seem confusing and so different than what you’re used to, so if you do feel confused, that’s perfectly normal.

Of course I’ve never been through an endowment session myself but I’ve read transcripts about the session and have a good idea about what happens. I admit I don’t know what the atmosphere would be like but I still feel I have a basic understanding of the goings on (and kudos to the Church for improving the Initiatory).

Good luck Jewel, I hope it’s a good experience for you.


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Hello Jewel Stone,

One thing I would add to all that have gone before me is to go more than just one endowment session, I have seen people do their own session and leave. Take time after the session to go over things in your own mind then go back and do another session and if you have the time and opportunity another. The Temple is a learning experience and when we are attentive we learn something more times then not.

Then I recommend going back as often as time and money permit, you will find great blessings await you there and your mind and spirit will be receptive to learning.

This is after the event for you now so I hope its been a choice experience for you, if you are challenged from what you found my recommendation is go again.

all the best


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Guest Jewel Stone

Hi everyone,

I just want you all to know that I am very grateful for all the great advice from everyone.

Saturday was a very spiritual day for me. Everything worked out the way it was susposed to. The day was truly a blessing. My favorite parts were my initiatory and the explaining of the symbols. About 30 people from our ward went to the temple and there were three of us that went for our own endowments. It was such a beautiful experience. I will never forget it. Again, thanks for all the great advice

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Oh Jewel Stone

I am so happy for you!

I kept checking back to see if you posted. I kept thinking of you and how things went.

I am with you the initiatory is so beautiful. Such a sense of peace fallows that incredible experience.

I did most of my family at a smaller temple and when I would go to do initiatorys for them, I would lesion to the worker when they spoke. At one visit one of the workers told me how much they appreciated that I would look at them when they spoke. Telling me a many people keep there head down. I was surprised that people would do that, I told them I was listening for those who went on before me and they deserved my attention.

Besides it reminds me of those blessing I received on the day I received my endowments.

I so glade you had so many of your ward family with you.

Ours had to be set back a day do to a snow and ice storm. We lived 45 minute away, but the Temple presidency called and said they would dig out the Temple the next day. They meant just that! There was enough space to park a few cars and a path up the Temple steps. The workers that made it were all standing at the doors in white watching for our arrival. We were the only family that day. A few members of our ward made it our home teacher and his wife, our escorts.

A few of the temple workers were members from our old ward including our old bishop. AND one of my old seminary students who I also taught Sunday school was there, he was ready to leave on his mission that week. It was like family so personal and cozy. The Temple president asked if we would mind if our old bishop did our sealing. MIND! Oh what a Day! It was so wonderful, our youngest son was sealed to us that day he was 12 and his old Sunday school teacher who was also now a Temple worker, she escorted him to the sealing room.

My hart still to this day is so full when I think about it.

I am so happy for you! :D

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Guest Jewel Stone

:P I know that when you go, that it will be one of the best days of your life. When you go in for your initiatory, make sure that you listen to the blessings that are given to you, it is just beyond words. You will definitately feel the love of Heavenly Father and the Holy Spirit. It is just amazing. Don't worry about anything. I know that everything will turn out the way that it is susposed to for you.

I fasted for two days before I went to the temple. I believe that it makes the experience even better. The voice of the Lord is stronger.

Im so glad you had a good experience. I am going for the first time in two weeks. I have been so nervous and now Im just anxious as all get out to do it! Thank you all for the wonderful posts, they have been comforting to me as well.

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