You know you have kids if...


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You find yourself having to announce that you have to use the bathroom. After all, while potty training you say to your kids 100 times a day; "Let me know if you have to go potty." It just kind of stays.

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You become depressed because your kid just did something bad, just like you did way back in time, and your feeling like a guilty hypocrite for correcting them.

You shouldn't feel that way though. None of as parents are perfect. We have and still are learning from our own mistakes. As parents we've been there and don't want our kids making the same mistakes.

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You have performed "surgery" to remove, paper, the end cap off a mechanical pencil, rock, erasers, toy accessories, etc. from some orifice of the human body. :o

By the way, I own almost every type of forceps used by any top surgeon. I practice on that surgery game that freaks out when you hit the edges to keep my skills sharp for when I have grand kids. ;)

My kids are getting old enough to get most things they shove in their body out by themselves now a days...I say most things. If I get called into remove it, well, let's just say we have to have a long talk after wards. :huh:

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