What is this feeling?


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One of the MiaMaids in my wards cousin passed away a few weeks ago. The cousin died all of a sudden. She was 16. I am so concerned for this young women. I love her but I’m not even very good friends. I’m not sure how to describe our relationship. We’re friends…but I see her and love her differently then my best friends. Even before the death of her cousin I've always felt this way.

I cry at night thinking about what she has to go through. I want to help her, but I’m not sure how. She misses her cousin so much, They were so close. I’m so worried for this young women.

What am I feeling? Is it empathy? i’ve never felt this way before.

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Guest tbaird22

I had a similar experience when my bishop's son comitted suicide. I love my bishop more than you could possibly understand. He has help me so much over the last year. But i didn't know what to do and i felt bad knowing i hadn't done anything. Like you, I was totally there for him. Still i felt like i should do more than just "be there" for him, but i didn't know what. Maybe thats what your feeling - yearning to help, but not sure how to.

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If you only know how jealous I am of you. Every time I hear, read, told that someone died, even family, all I felt was "meh."

I have a friend who has a gift of knowing and feeling what others are feeling themselves. It's a pain in the but sometimes, but he is the most empathetic and compassionate man I know. Although he had to learn to temper his empathy and compassion with pragmatism. Me, I get confused because I'm thinking "what's the big deal?" when I know I should be feeling something.

Use this as a way to be able to touch people. Sit there and listen to them. Send them a card. And help them feel not embarrassed to be emotional around you. I've got this "suck it up and deal with it" mentality and personality so I suck at giving comfort. You seem to have the beginnings of being able to give comfort. It is a gift. Pray about it and ask how Father in Heaven would like you to use it. This may be one way you are to be a tool in his hand for the betterment of others.

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Perhaps it's a growing maturity. You are starting to really understand the meaning of compassion. As a teenager I can remember feeling sad and sorry for something that has happened to someone I knew..but as I matured I learned real compassion.

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Perhaps it's a growing maturity. You are starting to really understand the meaning of compassion. As a teenager I can remember feeling sad and sorry for something that has happened to someone I knew..but as I matured I learned real compassion.

Maybe its compassion or charity?

I've been thinking..if I felt this way towards everyone I knew that would be amazing. Maybe I'll try to work on that..although I'm not sure how. The feelings just there..if that makes sense.

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