Scholarship interview?


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I'm going against 10 classmates for a $4,000 dollar scholarship.

The scholarship is for students in my high school majoring in education. The interview focuses on "your experiences working with children and your abilities to pay for college during the interview." and "Why you want to be a teacher"

I babysit a lot. I've watched 5 kids for a week straight while their parents went on vacation. However, I will be majoring in English Education on a secondary level. I'll be teaching middle school or high school.

Both of my parents are currently attending the local community college. They are finishing their pre-reqs. They have both been accepted and will attend RN school this fall. Therefore, neither of my parents are working and my family survives on financial aid, scholarship money and money from two houses we rent. I have a 0 EFC (Expected family contribution) on my FAFSA.

Also, the teacher doing the interview absolutely adores me. He was my advisor for yearbook and my teacher freshman year. I still go in to talk sometimes :) I obviously plan on dressing interview appropriate.

My interview is Wednesday any advice?

Also, My good friend died in a fire two Saturdays ago. As a memory to him we all got a red streak in our hair (he had a red streak in his hair for winter spirit week). My hair is brown. Everyone at school knows why my hair is red (along with 30 other students). Should I dye it out? Or, I could just layer brown on top of the red. I can make it really unnoticeable if I try.

Edited by lizzy16
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Yes, get rid of the red in your hair.

If you want to really get their attention, mention any true experiences with working with children with special needs!

Supervising kids to make sure they don't die isn't teaching them. Think about teaching moments and how you worked with them to help them learn something.

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Yes, get rid of the red in your hair.

If you want to really get their attention, mention any true experiences with working with children with special needs!

Supervising kids to make sure they don't die isn't teaching them. Think about teaching moments and how you worked with them to help them learn something.

A lady in my ward has a 19 yr old daugher, and while shes not a kid she does have special needs. I spent a few days with her when her mom was really sick and dad out of town. She's truly amazing. Would it be okay to mention that and my experiences in getting to know her? If BYU Idaho had a special needs minor I would deff be doing that.

My minor is teaching english to students as a second lanaguage.

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I would see no problem with that. Just make sure you can demonstrate how these experiences relate to your growth and experiences in teaching.

Outline the situation, your objective in the situation, any obstacles, how you handled it, and then the ultimate results. Of course, mention any awards or gratitude you received too.

These skills aren't too far off from interviewing for a job. You might find it useful to go to an LDS employment interview workshop to help improve your chances.

Good luck!

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm going against 10 classmates for a $4,000 dollar scholarship.

The scholarship is for students in my high school majoring in education. The interview focuses on "your experiences working with children and your abilities to pay for college during the interview." and "Why you want to be a teacher"

I babysit a lot. I've watched 5 kids for a week straight while their parents went on vacation. However, I will be majoring in English Education on a secondary level. I'll be teaching middle school or high school.

Both of my parents are currently attending the local community college. They are finishing their pre-reqs. They have both been accepted and will attend RN school this fall. Therefore, neither of my parents are working and my family survives on financial aid, scholarship money and money from two houses we rent. I have a 0 EFC (Expected family contribution) on my FAFSA.

Also, the teacher doing the interview absolutely adores me. He was my advisor for yearbook and my teacher freshman year. I still go in to talk sometimes :) I obviously plan on dressing interview appropriate.

My interview is Wednesday any advice?

Also, My good friend died in a fire two Saturdays ago. As a memory to him we all got a red streak in our hair (he had a red streak in his hair for winter spirit week). My hair is brown. Everyone at school knows why my hair is red (along with 30 other students). Should I dye it out? Or, I could just layer brown on top of the red. I can make it really unnoticeable if I try.

First off, congratulations! To get scholarships like those is not easy. My family is in the same bucket yours is; my dad got fired, and now we have no income. That means I get Pell grants at the max, and most of the scholarships I have applied to, I have received! You sound pretty darn adequate for this one.

Now my favorite part...Fashion! If you school in not uniformed, than you should wear business like attire that says you are serious and passionate. Don't got out of your personal element though where a person will look at you and say "Is that Lizzy?" It may be weird to some people if I don't normally wear hooker heels and then I randomly wear them one day, get it? LOL sorry for the analogy but it's the best I got. For your hair, SIMPLE! I just had experience with bad highlights, and I learned to hide them with a braid. Side braid are very trendy now a day... Just google pictures, and believe me they are very easy to make.

Always practice your outfit, hair and make up before you embark on it! Ugh, I can't tell you have many what no to wear's I have seen lurking about -___-

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