Thoughts about dreams.


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Yes usually they're random thoughts our mind generates from the day sorting out problems and desires. However obviously there are times where dreams have deep meanings. Some interesting things I have always wondered is, for example, when I have dreams about my ex, can she sense this connection? I wake up feeling connected to her in a spiritual way even though she's now married and I'm engaged to someone else and we're both perfectly happy now with who we're with. I believe it's known as telepathic dreaming. I know this can happen as I've talked with girlfriends or friends the next day and they had the same or similar dream... Also, I've had dreams where the next day what I saw in my dream actually came about... thoughts?

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No one has any thoughts about dreams even though the scriptures are full of accounts of visions huh? I'm not claiming to ever have had a vision, but I know that some dreams have put ideas and thoughts into my mind which have helped me in certain situations. over 30 views and no comments lol wow.

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I have dreams about people who have died in my life.They seem so real.Last night I dreamed about my grandmother and it was before she had died and I asked her if she would come visit me after she died and she said yes she would. My dad visits me ALL THE TIME!! There is never a message that they bring me its just like a visiting time.

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I think there is a perception that the brain is shut off during sleep and so the spirit can somehow reveal itself more readily during sleep, that is false. The brain uses as much energy at night as it does during the day. If anything, the random, imaginative, "what-if" parts of the brain are not kept in check by the logical parts of the brain and so what can be revealed is the random functions of the brain that are there even when a person is awake, we are just not aware of them. A dream, also, is only remembered if a person happens to wake up out of a dream and stay awake. If a person happens to wake up out of a dream and go back to sleep within seconds then memory is erased as to that dream. A person who dreams a lot or vivid dreams, therefore, often times has fragmented sleep or poor quality, "light" sleep.

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I think there is a perception that the brain is shut off during sleep and so the spirit can somehow reveal itself more readily during sleep, that is false. The brain uses as much energy at night as it does during the day. If anything, the random, imaginative, "what-if" parts of the brain are not kept in check by the logical parts of the brain and so what can be revealed is the random functions of the brain that are there even when a person is awake, we are just not aware of them. A dream, also, is only remembered if a person happens to wake up out of a dream and stay awake. If a person happens to wake up out of a dream and go back to sleep within seconds then memory is erased as to that dream. A person who dreams a lot or vivid dreams, therefore, often times has fragmented sleep or poor quality, "light" sleep.

Do you believe in visions?

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Some food for thought.

You conclude that because both you and another had a similar dream that you actually shared it. While I'm not saying this doesn't or cannot happen... I can come up with another explination.

You're watching TV and you see a commercial and you call your friend and what do you know! They saw the same commercial too! Woah! Telepathic commerical viewing! Who knew eh?

Basically, if you accept that both God and the Adversary are able to send dreams... and you're an individual who is suseptible to dreaming in that you remember dreams with greater ease than others... who is to say that you and the other person weren't 'sent' that dream simply to try and deceive you into making false assumptions?

After all... you say she's married and you're engaged. She should be cleaving to none other than her husband. I would question what right you would have to be in her dreams at all! Perhaps such a scenario is an attempt to get you thinkin about someone in a way you shouldn't be thinking about them by trying to 'convince' you that you have some 'special' connection with someone you have no right to have such a connection for.

As I said... this is simply food for thought.

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Some food for thought.

You conclude that because both you and another had a similar dream that you actually shared it. While I'm not saying this doesn't or cannot happen... I can come up with another explination.

You're watching TV and you see a commercial and you call your friend and what do you know! They saw the same commercial too! Woah! Telepathic commerical viewing! Who knew eh?

Basically, if you accept that both God and the Adversary are able to send dreams... and you're an individual who is suseptible to dreaming in that you remember dreams with greater ease than others... who is to say that you and the other person weren't 'sent' that dream simply to try and deceive you into making false assumptions?

After all... you say she's married and you're engaged. She should be cleaving to none other than her husband. I would question what right you would have to be in her dreams at all! Perhaps such a scenario is an attempt to get you thinkin about someone in a way you shouldn't be thinking about them by trying to 'convince' you that you have some 'special' connection with someone you have no right to have such a connection for.

As I said... this is simply food for thought.

You make an interesting point ;) I think the way in which you would know who it's from is how you always make the determination, what feelings did it give me? Well the fact of the matter is it disturbed me for about 4 days. I almost felt like I missed her or something. She left me and I was still in love with her. It's hard to explain how it made me feel. But maybe you're right, maybe it was from the devil.

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Do you believe in visions?

Yes, when there is some kind of transformation or being removed from our current state. 'Seeing' through physical eyes is limited, 'seeing' through spiritual eyes is what can be described as a vision. Dreaming is a 'physical' process and therefore seen through the physical body. Dreaming is not a vision. Although, one might be inspired by their dreams but that isn't necessarily a vision. We can be inspired by a dog walking down the street, that doesn't mean the dog was metaphysical in any way. This whole thing is confusing because in the scriptures the word 'dream' is used to mean a vision. The scriptures are not using the word that we commonly use to mean what happens in REM sleep.

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Yes, when there is some kind of transformation or being removed from our current state. 'Seeing' through physical eyes is limited, 'seeing' through spiritual eyes is what can be described as a vision. Dreaming is a 'physical' process and therefore seen through the physical body. Dreaming is not a vision. Although, one might be inspired by their dreams but that isn't necessarily a vision. We can be inspired by a dog walking down the street, that doesn't mean the dog was metaphysical in any way. This whole thing is confusing because in the scriptures the word 'dream' is used to mean a vision. The scriptures are not using the word that we commonly use to mean what happens in REM sleep.

I personally believe there are three types of visions:

The first being one that can take place in a dream. (from God/ possibly from the Devil)

The second being while awake such as Joseph in the Sacred Grove. (from God)

The third being an evil one where you have consumed a large amount of pschedelics and have one while awake. This third one is not something I only believe but have experienced in a mild version. (From the Devil)

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  • 2 weeks later...

In 415 A.D. St. Augustine wrote a letter to a priest by the name of Evodius, in which he described the dream experiences of Gennadius, a physician from Carthage. Gennadius, disturbed by doubts as to whether there was life after physical death, had two dreams. In the first he was visited by a youth "of remarkable appearance and commanding presence" who demanded that he follow him. Gennadius did so and was led to a city where he could hear singing "so exquisitely sweet" and unlike anything he had ever heard before. He asked his guide what the music was, and was told, "it is the hymn of the blessed and the holy." At this point Gennadius woke, believing the experience to be nothing more than just a dream.

However, the next night, as he dreamed again, his young guide of the previous night returned and asked Gennadius if he recognized him. Gennadius replied "Certainly!" Then the youth asked him where they had met, but Gennadius could not remember, though he did correctly recall and describe the event of their meeting and what had occurred.

The young guide then asked Gennadius if the events he just described took place in sleep or in wakefulness. Gennadius replied, "In sleep,” to which the youth responded with "You remember it well; it is true that you saw these things in sleep, but I would have you know that even now you are seeing in sleep." The youth continued, "Where is your body now?" Gennadius answered "in my bed." (Gennadius was then lucid; aware he was dreaming, while his body slept in his bed.)

The youth pressed on; "Do you know that the eyes in this body of yours are now bound and closed, and that with these eyes you are seeing nothing?" "I know it," answered Gennadius. The guide then asked, "What then are the eyes with which you see me?" To this, Gennadius could not respond, he did not know the answer. The young guide then provided him with answers he had been seeking in his waking life:

"As while you are asleep and lying on your bed these eyes of your body are now unemployed and doing nothing, and yet you have eyes with which you behold me, and enjoy this vision, so after your death, while your bodily eyes shall be wholly inactive, there shall be in you a life by which you shall live, and a faculty of perception by which you shall still perceive. Beware, therefore, after this of harboring doubts as to whether the life of man shall continue after death."

According to St. Augustine, “This believer says that by this means all doubts as to the matter were removed from him.” Gennadius had awakened, satisfied with his answer, and didn’t doubt the existence of life after death again.

“If we cannot remain present during sleep, if we lose ourselves every night, what chance do we have to be aware when death comes?. . . Look to your experience in dreams to know how you will fare in death. Look to your experience of sleep to discover whether or not you are truly awake.”

Tenzin Yangal Rinpoche

Interesting thread. Forgive me, I have forgotten about this site but received an email from telling me I had a message. I did not and the spam email scam thread is locked but I saw this so this topic and I thought I would post.

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I personally believe there are three types of visions:

The first being one that can take place in a dream. (from God/ possibly from the Devil)

Yep, I have had these since I was a child.

The second being while awake such as Joseph in the Sacred Grove. (from God)

These are not always from God, but there is a definite 'flavor' that attends the vision such that you can know.

The third being an evil one where you have consumed a large amount of pschedelics and have one while awake. This third one is not something I only believe but have experienced in a mild version. (From the Devil)

Most of these are 'evil' only because we are not ready for the exclusively 'good' spirits; the entheogens open us to the spirit influences around us. If we are not pure of mind & heart, that can be very scary, for they are more likely to be evil.


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I think visions and God-sent dreams can happen, but most often it's just our mind working while we're asleep. Perhaps the mind keeps mulling over things while we're asleep that we're concerned about when awake. So it may be worthwhile to write down dreams (if I don't write them down, I'll soon forget them) and ponder their meaning, to see what our mind may have come up with. Or, of course, if the dream came from God.

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i believe in visions. but i think they are quite rare and come from places of deep longing and with deep sincere questions that only can be answered with direct revelation. i don't think you will see any of them posted here.

i believe in dreams too - that were so instructive - not sure of the origin (head or spirit) but they have taught me some powerful stuff - . A sort of fun one (well fun now, traumatic at the time) happened while i was writing an intro to a speech on dream interpretation research - i was having so much trouble and voila! - my son had a nightmare where came running from his room yelling fire - and crying about losing his phone number in the piano and weeping over the fact that 'we were going to grow up just like NY'. and just like that, my intro was written, got an A. ;o) it was easy to interpret, believe it or not. i was a vocal performance major at the time, spent most of my time at the piano (so i was the piano) and the fire - (which was fire out of control) showed his loss of control - as did the phone number in the piano. I had been making the poor guy (he was about 10 yrs old) stay in the house because he was quite sick, and he loved to play out so much - he was basically going stir crazy. i asked if he remembered dreaming anything and he said the only thing he remembered was seeing parts of the movie 'soylent green' - the scenes where the the streets are so crowded you can't move. that answered that question. claustrophobic he was. (insert my guilt here) i let him play outside the next day as much as he wanted, sick or not. ;o) dreams can be useful.

not sure about the sharing thing - haven't had that experience.

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Just to inject a little bit of objective knowledge here ... The sleep circuitry of the brain is separate from the wakeful parts of the brain, this is what makes it possible to sleep-walk etc., both are "on" at the same time. If a person has their sleep circuits on they cannot form memory, sleep is an unconscious state. But, if a person is partially awake, i.e. - has a sleep disorder, or poor sleep quality for numerous reasons, it is statistically more likely to be in a state of half awake - half asleep. If one is half awake - half asleep during dreaming sleep, their dreams become vivid and one is more likely to remember them. If one wakes out of dreaming sleep and stays awake, one is more likely to remember the last few minutes of the dream. In other words, all memory of dreams requires at a minimum partial arousal. "Dreams" that are recalled to their fullest by definition, the person did not maintain a sleep state for very long.

Dreaming, in part, is like going to a row of library books and just reading the titles. Then, trying to string together all the titles into something that makes sense. The theory is that dreaming is helpful in sorting and filing memories. Like a pile of library books on the floor, one would have to run through the titles on the shelf to know where it should be filed. Running the "topics" on the shelf and the one in the hand all strung together makes a bizarre story line, - a dream. If one wakes out of dreaming, they will remember the last bit of it.

There was an experiment, can't remember where this was, sorry, where they sprayed a mist on people's faces when they were in dreaming (under polysomnogram they can tell that it is in dreaming - REM sleep) and if they woke them up within 2 minutes they would report that they were in a 'rain storm' or 'swimming' or 'taking a shower' etc. But if they sprayed the persons face while they were in dreaming and didn't wake them up for more than 2 minutes they did not report those types of dreams.

My feeling is that pondering topics when one is fully awake is always more effective than half asleep.

Edited by Seminarysnoozer
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I like fans idea :)

Personally I rarely ever dream. And, when I do i don't think it means anything. Like last night i dreamt about one of my friends and I getting married. I'm not going to marry him, that I'm 100% sure of. I saw a movie about weddings last night and went to bed thinking about him. It's all about your mind using whats happening in your mind and forming something.

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I like fans idea :)

Personally I rarely ever dream. And, when I do i don't think it means anything. Like last night i dreamt about one of my friends and I getting married. I'm not going to marry him, that I'm 100% sure of. I saw a movie about weddings last night and went to bed thinking about him. It's all about your mind using whats happening in your mind and forming something.

I agree with your idea more than fan's. In fact, I'm not really sure what fan's idea is. It seems to say in the opening post that dreams are random thoughts, which already is not completely true, sleep medicine tells us differently. You agree with the idea that they are partially related to things we did that day, that makes them not random. And the opening posts says that sometimes those 'random thoughts' become true ... well, of course, flip a coin several times and every once and a while a person will guess correctly.

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Yep, I have had these since I was a child.

These are not always from God, but there is a definite 'flavor' that attends the vision such that you can know.

Most of these are 'evil' only because we are not ready for the exclusively 'good' spirits; the entheogens open us to the spirit influences around us. If we are not pure of mind & heart, that can be very scary, for they are more likely to be evil.


I agree. The only way someone would be ready for a Godly vision would be someone who is definitely worthy and has unshaken faith (in my opinion). The 3rd one I spoke of I have encountered while under the influence of pscylocybin/pscylocin. I completely swore off ever doing those again as they can really be much like a nightmare coming to life or getting a taste of what hell might be like.

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I dream every night, its usually one of reasons I sleep in dreams are so much fun like being in your own movie.

My dream from last night was odd, we were traveling in a camper and were avoiding people driving like maniacs when we got to the road right near my old church building, the camper morphed into a horse drawn carriage but I didnt notice at the time.

As we were now moving in the carriage the horse started to get spooked by a lady riding another horse waving a jump rope around, I was trying to calm the horse down and the lady kept waving the jump rope near the horse like a snake scaring it.

We eventually veered into a room and were now on foot next to a closet inside the closet was a baby bear, I had my wife and daughters run away from the baby bear because if the mama bear was near it could be dangerous.

We ran towards the church parking lot, my wife and I got seperated from our 2 girls they were alredy on the church parking lot playing near 2 more baby bears imitating them. We yelled at them to run away and stay far from the baby bears so the mother bear wouldnt hurt them. There were baby bears and mother bears all around us.

I then ran to the fence seperating us from the church parking lot, and was helping my wife to climb over it when the dream ended due to the alarm clock going off.

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I think this topic is perfect to also put some of my own experiences in I hope you don't mind.

I once had a dream where I was on the internet chatting with a young man. I saw his photograph or it was a webcam image. Anyways I saw a real face.

I showed him to my sister and told her: "It may sound weird but he's my soulmate"

I never have forgotten this dream. So a few months later I started to play an MMORPG called Ragnarok Online a really cute game to play a bit every now and then. After playing for a while I found others to talk with. So well in this game you can get married and adopt another player as your child (this child will be a mini version of what it was before). So well I will have to make the long story short. Like said I found friends and one of my friends wanted a baby character too (because a friend and I both had one too). This friend asked me please be my mommy. So I said in front of some people there. "I'll be your mommy but who'll marry me then?" to wich the friend I hoped for replied "I will." I'm not sure why I wanted that friend to be my ingame hubby so much suddenly. I think I might have dreamed it the night before or my feeling told me oh he'll be fine.

So well we got married in that game. I also asked for his msn because I really enjoyed chatting with him. So ingame he also told me "I won't be online tomorrow (on sunday) because I'll be in church."

Some days later when I remembered I asked him "So what church do you go to?" To that he replied "Mormon church" With some sweat drop emoticons after it as if he was feeling awkward.

I was sitting here with a big smile just wanting to give that guy a big hug and say don't feel to awkward about that it's okay because I went too. I told him "Ah you don't need to sweatdrop about that. I'm going there too."

As told I did have his msn but I didn't see any pictures of that guy just one very unclear picture. So I couldn't tell much. Anyway I already had grown fond of him before we talked on msn. I always liked him ingame (even before I knew he was a member of the same church I already liked him a lot ~ so strange since I have that with no one believe me).

I don't know how or when it happened but we just suddenly loved eachother. Without really knowing eachother (also weird for me).

Anyway contact kind of watered. Because of different factors with the biggest one ~ my bad internet connection.

Later he wouldn't get on msn anymore. I found him on Facebook and added him. He didn't have much photographs of himself there but with time more and more came up. I already thought... Strange he looks so much like that guy in my dream... Today I saw even more pictures. He really looks like him. So by now I'm for a 100% sure it's the same guy.

Downside: Since overtime communication watered... Well he has a girlfriend now. One that lives nearby (since we are both on different continents).

Eventhough the comunication watered and I tried to move on because we are so far away from eachother. I tried to move on and love some one else but the more I tried the more I noticed he's the only one I actually really love (other guys are nice but they all miss something... and I mostly get just attracted to their... eh outside?). So confusing. Since like said he has a girlfriend. There is also a thought I got while playing that game together with him. But I'm keeping that for myself. Might tell but... I don't know if the future really will bring that.

Another thing.

for the full story I could give a link to my blog.

But I once knew a friend of mine would die before it happened. It was a lot of things actually. The first was a thought "one of you both won't be there next year" (or something along those lines).

Later I was hoping to see this friend for a last time again because... And I was awake but I thought "I want to see you because you will drown" and while thinking that I saw this little movie in my head of my mother on the phone getting the news of his death and my mother then telling me that this friend drowned.

I didn't like that so I kind of replied in my mind "I don't want that to happen" I was crying, praying and hoping to see him again. When I said that I didn't want that to happen something said to me "Sometimes things like that happen." Anyway after a few other weird things revolving around this the phone thing really happened. The talk on the phone was taking longer as what I had seen months before in my mind but the message was the same.

A few days after the funeral I also had a very realistic dream where I was drowning. Made me wonder if I saw his last moments and dispair. :s

I also notice how I have more often thoughts and things that later really happen for real. As a child I would sometimes kind of play with that. Out of boredom. I also notice I sometimes find out stuff without being told to me I'm not sure if I just get that for paying good attention or if it's something else...

My aunt who isn't Christian says I'm paranormal gifted... I don't think so I may be a bit sensitive to some things but I was really wondering what it is how the church looks at that kind of stuff. Also can't help it. Please tell me I'm not insane!!! Because sometimes I kind of have the feeling I'm weird compared to others because I actually do notice some more things as others do.

(sorry for that long post)

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I also notice how I have more often thoughts and things that later really happen for real. As a child I would sometimes kind of play with that. Out of boredom. I also notice I sometimes find out stuff without being told to me I'm not sure if I just get that for paying good attention or if it's something else...

My aunt who isn't Christian says I'm paranormal gifted... I don't think so I may be a bit sensitive to some things but I was really wondering what it is how the church looks at that kind of stuff. Also can't help it. Please tell me I'm not insane!!! Because sometimes I kind of have the feeling I'm weird compared to others because I actually do notice some more things as others do.

You're not crazy.

I had a similar experience happen to me when I was younger. (I hope it's okay to share it in this thread :confused:)

To explain:

I can't remember when it was exactly, but I had a. . . I don't know if it was a thought or a dream, but it involved my father being in an accident with a white truck. I don't remember any further details, but it scared me.

In either 2009 or 2010, my mom got a call and she told me "Kelly, your father's been in an accident. Elisabeth called and told me, 'he's in the hospital'."

:eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:

The Elisabeth mentioned is a dear friend of mine. My immediate reaction was total panic; I think I might have mentioned "Did a white truck hit him?!"

We got a card a few days later from the hospital. Dad told me he was going to be okay; they'd had to put a rod or something in his leg.

The truck hadn't hit him; he'd been in an accident with a parked truck (I don't know if he said he'd driven his motorcycle into the side of it or not) and yes, it had been a white truck.

Edited by KellyLC
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I believe that dreams are very symbolic in nature, but that the meaning of the symbols depends entirely on the individual having the dream. One may associate a lion with courage and bravery while another sees it as frightening and tyrannical. These different associations will alter the perception one has of a lion and its symbolic meaning. This is true for the simple dreams that are just the random connections we make about the events of our day and whatever we may have been thinking about before falling asleep, as well as for the more strange and complex dreams that at first seem to make absolutely no sense. Even "visions" are symbolic, as was Lehi's dream of the tree of life.

We are all bombarded by symbols everyday. Our very language is one of symbols. Each letter stands for a specific sound, and the combination of those sounds carries different meanings. We use these symbols to communicate with one another and convey meaning. However, misunderstandings can occur when people do not agree on the meaning of a word or have a very different impression concerning the context of the word. While we all have come to a general agreement on the meaning of most words and can reference a dictionary for exact definitions, people will still see things slightly differently, their own personal experiences skewing their perceptions one way or another.

Dreams are no different. Just like language, it is filled with symbols. Some may be fairly simple and convey clear meanings, while others can be extremely complex. When interpreting the symbols within our dreams there is no right or wrong answer, just as there is no right or wrong interpretation of heavily symbolic literature like poems or Shakespeare. You are the best interpreter of your own dreams, because the symbols within your dream are shaped by your own perceptions and the way you view the world.

When I was younger, I often had very short and fragmented dreams involving running away from something. As I would run and run faster and faster, there would seem to be no friction at all and it was as if I was moving in slow motion, trying to force my way through a physical fog. Often in these dreams, I would at some point become a bird, flapping my wings in a desperate effort to take off, unable to get off the ground.

In another dream I would have with a fairly similar theme, I was Spiderman- my favorite childhood superhero. I would be fighting one of the villains, be it lizardman, mysterio, the green goblin, etc. During the fight, I would become trapped and have to seek a quick escape by climbing a wall or slinging out a web. At that point my powers would fail me, and I would either start slippig off the wall or fall from the sky as no webbing came out.

I have also, quite regularly, had dreams about school every year around September- when the new school year begins. In these, I would be wandering around disjointed school buildings, mixtures of the different schools I have attended, meeting past teachers from these different schools and trying to find my classes with a schedule I had either lost or could not read clearly. These dreams clearly reflected my anxiety about the new year. Often these dreams would build on one another, one beginning where another "left off", as if I were reading a book. Interestingly enough, since I have started taking online classes these dreams have stopped entirely.

I do believe that every dream holds some kind of meaning, be it simple or complex, yet those meanings are tied into our personal lives and can be best interpreted only by ourselves. While dream dictionaries provide great insight on the general meaning of many possible symbols, seeking a dream dictionary to explain your dreams would be like reading the cliffnotes for Shakespeare. It takes time and careful study to pick apart ones dreams, and while one could ask an "expert" for an interpretation, it may not be entirely accurate. Only you can determine what your dream means for you.

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All memories are symbolic and related to something else. This is simply the anatomy of memory. We relate one thing to another and we associate emotional significance to the subject to help with where and how important that piece of information is. In other words, all memories of all kinds are symbolic. Memories are not a video tape recording, they are remembering the general significance and relevance of the subject. The association to any subject starts very young for any given person. This is why anyone who would "expertly" interpret dreams would have to have an understanding of that persons past memories and experiences and how their brain assigned significance to those events. This is why the interpretation of dreams done truthfully can only be done by divine means. There is no other method of understanding another persons subconscious wiring. Even our own understanding of our own subconscious is very limited, like me looking at this computer and "seeing" all the computations this computer is doing right now. Therefore, interpreting one owns dreams is also difficult without divine intervention. We can easily be satisfied with a comprehension of possible significance of certain symbols for any topic our own brain made but that is simply being satisfied with an interpretation that "sounds right" and may not be at all what the brain was going through at the time of the dream. Any more that when I step outside and a rain drop hits my head then I should interpret that as God forgiving me of my sins. We can make up symbols for just about anything.

Edited by Seminarysnoozer
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  • 2 weeks later...

I've had a hard time differentiating between if the dreams I'm dreaming are a warning from God, if they're from the devil, or if they're just thoughts running through my head.

I've had an interest in this guy for months, and about 6 months ago when we started dating I had bad dreams about him nearly every night (I hardly ever dream). The dreams weren't very clear- I'd just have a bad feeling when I woke up. I wasn't sure whether to take it as a warning or as the devil, and the feeling that I got inclined me to believe that it just wasn't the right time for either of us. So we went separate paths for a few months.

Just recently, we started spending more time together and the dreams started coming again. Lately, the dreams have been more vivid, and literally every dream is a bad one, leaving me more confused and frustrated.

1. Would the devil be involved in dreams of mine that would leave me feeling so negative about things? It makes me feel self-conscious about myself around him and not confident in myself, and usually I have a good amount of confidence!

2. ALSO, would the devil cloud my vision by giving me these dreams because being with him is actually a GOOD thing and the #1 goal of the devil is to tear apart the family? OR could it be a warning from God that this relationship with him isn't a good one?

Or is this all just nonsense?! This has been plaguing me for the LONGEST time and I can't figure it out. Nothing makes sense, and all of it is confusing.

3. P.s. My SISTER also had a dream about him and I last night. A very vivid one as well, and it was about me not worrying about what is going on with him. What's up with that?

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