Scriptures bore me. Any other book recommendations?


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I have been in a psiritual rut for several months now, and what has helped me in the past has been reading books that althought they have not been directly approved by the church, are written by general authorities. The truth is, the scriptures bore me to tears. For the past 40 yrs of my life I have tried my hardest to pay attention as I read, but the style of writing cannot keep my interest. Can anyone suggest any newer books by general authorities that would help to jum start one's spirituality? I know that some might make the case for reading the scriptures as being the priority, but like I have said I have tried and this has not worked for me. Thanks a lot.

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I completely understand how you feel. I confessed the same feelings to my brother once and he suggested that I log onto and type in a topic. (Something I am interested in/dealing with), then search the scriptures and Ensigns in the search engine. This has been a huge help for me, because I've learned that when I find a way to connect myself to the scriptures, they no longer seem boring to me. In fact, even in you initially follow talks from the Ensign, you'll find that scriptures are quoted all the time.

It's also important to realize that we don't have to read the scriptures from cover to cover. Just open to any page, or search the index for something you are interested in. I'm sure you'll discover that the more you try to liken the scriptures to yourself, the less bored you will become. (I say this to both of us). Best of luck!

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After listening to Righteous Warriors by John Bytheway several years ago I re-read Alma. It helped me to stop and think about what I'm reading and find the pictures in the stories.

I especially enjoyed the visualization John gave of warriors going to war in a loin cloth against Nephites with leather armour.

Now... I slow down in my reading and try to "visualize" for myself. Its fun!

Another trick I use when I know I'll be bored while reading, is to read the New Testament or Helaman. Christ's words never bore me. Then I can move onto other chapters because I've got the spirit with me.

As far as reading other books by GAs ... anything! Pres. Hinckley's books are good. I particularly like those written by Elder Holland. I loved Elder Packers. I just finished reading the Biography of LeGrande Richards which inspired me to reread A Marvelous Work and a Wonder.

I also enjoy reading Robert Millet's books. He has a way of making gospel concepts very clear and applicable.

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He's not a general authority, but I really like how S. Michael Wilcox explains the scriptures. He was an Institute teacher at University of Utah, I believe. He now tours with Time Out for Women to promote his books, and he is one of my very favorites. In fact I would recommend any of the presenters from Time Out (even though there was a time that I was offended by the program for what I saw as shameless shilling of books and other products :) ).

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I recommend trying another version of the Bible, such as the New International Version. We officially use the KJV, but the more-current language in the NIV may make it more engaging for you to read. Of course, that still leaves the issue of the rest of the standard works.

I agree that the Institute manuals could be a good guide.

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I recently read Robert Millet's I Will Fear No Evil and can't wait to get ahold of more of his books. (Note: that's one not particularly scriptorial, but excellent.)

Are you perhaps needing the auditory scriptures?

Or... and I hope no one laughs because I mean this in all seriousness and all respect... kiddie Book of Mormon stories? Good ones will get you the stories and the lessons.

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If you're looking for a book that you can really chew on and has spiritual insights coming thick and fast at you, there's always James E. Talmage's classic "Jesus the Christ" In combination with the scriptures, this book has given me a spiritual boost like no book ever has. I'm serious. This book is free online in text/ebook and audio formats.

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I suggest maybe getting some of the Institute Manuals to help you study.

Institute Manuals

The scriptures aren't meant to be easy to read. They are meant to be studied.

With that said, I would suggest The New Witness for the Articles of Faith by Elder McConkie.

awesome comment, I love reading the scriptures with the institute manuals for cross reference, it really adds to the experience.

to the OP, I know this isn't the answer you want to hear but if the scriptures bore you, you should really try to focus on THAT instead of looking to other books just yet. My personal experience is that there is NOTHING more satisfying to read than the scriptures and it wasn't always that way.

The scriptures can be boring to us if we don't understand what we're reading so if you can start to take the time to ponder what you're reading and take the time to research unknown terms, your mind will change and you'll grow a love for the Standard Works. I promise.

I enjoy reading gospel literature all the time but nothing comes close to study the word of God as spoken to His prophets.

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Guest saintish

If you're looking for a book that you can really chew on and has spiritual insights coming thick and fast at you, there's always James E. Talmage's classic "Jesus the Christ" In combination with the scriptures, this book has given me a spiritual boost like no book ever has. I'm serious. This book is free online in text/ebook and audio formats.

I'll second that, Jesus the Christ really helped me understand the New Testament.

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If you're looking for a book that you can really chew on and has spiritual insights coming thick and fast at you, there's always James E. Talmage's classic "Jesus the Christ" In combination with the scriptures, this book has given me a spiritual boost like no book ever has. I'm serious. This book is free online in text/ebook and audio formats.

The audiobook is almost useless. The readers clearly don't understand much of what they are reading. It has many mistakes that were not edited out. Many times, the readers cannot even get through a long, convoluted sentence in an understandable manner. I appreciate the Church's effort in making it available, but it would be nice if they got readers who could do a comprehensible job of the task.

OP: There is no replacement for the scriptures. No other books or combinations of books will adequately replace them.

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I, myself, have picked apart the Book of Mormon repeatedly, jotting microscopic notes in the margins with needle thin mechanical pencils. I can appreciate that someone can become bored with the text. I think that is also because you have been looking at the same things over and over. Or at least I did. I studied Nephi at great length, for example and the kind of person he was, not only spiritually, but physically as well. He had many, many skills and talents that could only have come with certain backgrounds. And from studying the places and time he lived, I can almost visualize the settings, as well as the environments that influenced him.

Every time I have read the Book of Mormon the last couple decades, I try to read it with a different purpose each time, but always try to come away with what each prophet was trying to tell me. It's like an Atlas or a road map. It never changes but always, always points you in the direction you need to go, no matter where you are in life. And we are never always in the same place. Don't read the scriptures to be entertained by a story. Read them to nourish your soul. What is missing in your life right now? That will determine how you come away from reading and studying any scripture if done in the right spirit.

Edited by skalenfehl
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