Receiving Personal Revelation..


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So I have a question about receiving personal revelation and answers to prayers. I've discussed this with others before but I am still not sure on the answer. My question is, is someone who has broken commandments like the LoC and things of that nature still able to receive revelation for themselves? Or are they somewhat cut off from receiving answers and personal revelation because of their actions? From what i've been told yes they are still able too. I believe this is the right answer because wouldn't someone need direction from Heavenly Father to get them out the state they are in now? This is something that has just been on my mind and I would like to see what others have to say. (:

Edit: I'm sorry if I posted in the wrong subject thread haha.

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Arden, I believe that Heavenly Father, being the wonderful eternal father He is, sends us help in every situation as we ask in prayer. He knows we are in a human state and will make mistakes. If we go to him in true honest prayer and talk to Him about our needs and situations, He does hear and answer; He does provide us with direction. Check in and report to Him every evening in prayer, then don't get up when you are done praying: stay quiet and listen to His answers and helps and encouragement and great Love.

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Yes, it is still possible to receive personal revelation when we have sinned. However, it is harder to hear the promptings of the spirit. It is like we've put a filter between ourselves and the word of God. The more we fall away, the thicker that filter becomes, until it is almost impossible to hear/understand/interpret any personal revelation the Lord may be trying to send us. Sin decreases our sensitivity to the Spirit, and while some messages or revalations may not require any great sensitivity, this does prevent us from hearing His voice on more intimate matters.

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When we do not live by what we know to be true, we lose the guidance of the Spirit in terms of the Holy Ghost being an indwelling guide and comfort. We also lose the power of faith, for the most part.

That does not keep God from whacking us upside the head when it is needed. And God will use a rusty, dirty tool when no clean, shiny tool is available. Too bad the word 'tool' has a negative connotation, I didn't mean to be negative. I have, at times, been that "rusty, dirty tool".


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There is no personal revelation beyond that for which we are seeking, asking and knocking. (3Nephi 14:7, Luke 11:9, Matthew 7:7, D&C 88:63)

I believe it is also important to note that seldom is personal revelation ever meant for anyone else beyond the person receiving it - unless they are given a calling under the covenant of the priesthood to do so. (D&C 84)

The Traveler

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Guest gopecon

Our ability to receive revelation is conditioned on our personal worthiness of the Spirit. One of the consequences of sin is losing the companionship of the Holy Ghost. I don't think that feeling the need to repent is evidence of revelation - its the loss of the Spirit and the longing to have it return. Can someone with big sins still receive answers to prayers? Sure, but they may have a much harder time hearing and recognizing them than someone else.

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I believe we severely limit how the Spirit will work with us when we break major commandments of God. The Spirit would seek to work with us on obtaining repentance and forgiveness of our sins. But it may not be the constant companion that we seek to have guiding us in all the affairs of our lives.

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I agree with what others are saying. I add that you still have the Light of Christ. The point of having the Light of Christ is lead us to Good! (Good = Light). As people have said and to use the analogy you might not be in Tune with the spirit. But your conscience or the Light of Christ will lead you back to the Spirit of Truth.

Now the question is, does the Light of Christ give Revelation. Not really because the Light of Christ is part of who you are. The Light of Christ isn't a person like the spirit is. The Light of Christ is just stuff, to some extent its what you are created out of. Really you are just getting intune with who you are, or more Filling the Measure of your Creation.

This same process works for all, it worked for you before you had the Holy Ghost.

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Now the question is, does the Light of Christ give Revelation. Not really because the Light of Christ is part of who you are. The Light of Christ isn't a person like the spirit is. The Light of Christ is just stuff, to some extent its what you are created out of. Really you are just getting intune with who you are, or more Filling the Measure of your Creation.

I cannot tell you how much I disagree with you.

As one who used to have the Gift of the Holy Ghost and now "only" has the light of Christ, I've had some amazing experiences. Even when I was in the depth of my evilness I look back and can see where there has been both attempted and successful intersessions where it is hard to explain except that the Light of Christ is much, much more than a conscience. And now that I'm back on track, how much richness and tender mercies I've received even without having been re-baptized. I can't imagine how much better it will be and how much more is going to be expected out of me once I rejoin the fold.

To me, the Light of Christ is God's way of keeping the communication lines open to ALL his children. I'm not naive enough to not believe that there are those who have learned to ignore that light to the extent of loosing it. I've seen it. But the people that have been saved, changed or even those who have created and invented with the Light of Christ.

Don't short change it. It still is a very, very powerful force that we are blessed with.

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Reading what slamjet posted......I agree with you.......

God does indeed intercede, and most likely is answering heartrending prayers of loved ones.

I have a friend that was excommunicated, she said she felt a huge loss without the Holy Ghost.

Any GOOD we do/choose comes from God (see book of mormon). This goes for anyone in the entire world (conscience/the light of Christ). Thus, those choosing to live carnal/worldly lives can still choose good/decency. This is what I told my athiest son: "just because you don't believe in God, does not make you exempt from choosing decent things in life, and making the best of your life." He is responding well to that advice. Infact, from meeting some of his athiest friends, I can see how my son's background and how he was raised, makes a huge difference in how he is conducting his life 'without God'......he is a good young man, and I often compliment him on his gentle kindness, wisdom, and amazing talents.

Edited by shine7
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The common definition of Light of Christ is one's conscience. I think this short-changes what it really is. Think about all the things that were accomplished with the Light of Christ; the reformation, advances in science and medicine, technological leaps, the printing press, recovery from addictions, etc. I can only speak from my own personal experience and blessing I've received, but to me, the Light of Christ is a basic, continual open communications line between us and our Father in Heaven for so much more than knowing right and wrong. It's my opinion that our Father in Heaven is more involved in our lives than we will ever realize. And the Light of Christ is his way of staying involved with all his children.

I don't claim this to be doctrinal, just my experiences.

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