priesthood questions

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I read another thread which mentioned priesthood and tithing. Can someone tell me what are the requirements for attaining the priesthood? I thought it was something that came with age and maybe some lessons. Can you lose your priesthood if you don't tithe? Since the majority of members aren't full tithe payers, does this mean that many families/wards are doing without the blessings of the priesthood, that fewer men are available for callings, or, once a priest, always a priest?

Also, I got a blessing from my home teachers while we were at church. I didn't ask where they got the oil from, but now that I think about it, do priesthoodholders all have their own oil or do you have to get it from the bishop?

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Good questions, dahlia.

1) I'm gonna let one of the priesthood holders comment on the requirements to having the priesthood conferred on them. But, I can tell you that once they have the priesthood, if they are less than a full tithe payer, they do not automatically lose the priesthood. They cannot attend the temple if they declare themselves less than a full tithe payer. But, their priesthood is not revoked if they are not obeying the law of tithing.

2) The oil can be bought anywhere (grocery stores usually carry it). It has to be pure olive oil. Once it is purchased, the priesthood holder consecrates it (basically says a prayer or blessing) as oil to be used for anointing. Any oil that has not been consecrated it just ordinary oil to be used for whatever purpose. But, only the oil that is consecrated should be used for anointings done by the priesthood. I don't know this for certain, but I think most purchase the oil, then take out a smaller portion to actually consecrate. That way, the rest of the oil can be used for everyday things (to cook with or whatever) without the fear of it going rancid.

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I read another thread which mentioned priesthood and tithing. Can someone tell me what are the requirements for attaining the priesthood? I thought it was something that came with age and maybe some lessons. Can you lose your priesthood if you don't tithe? Since the majority of members aren't full tithe payers, does this mean that many families/wards are doing without the blessings of the priesthood, that fewer men are available for callings, or, once a priest, always a priest?

Dahlia, great questions.

The requirements for attaining the priesthood is one must be of the correct age to hold it. The person is interviewed for worthiness by the bishop in the case of the Aaronic Priesthood, and by both bishop and stake president for the Melchizedek Priesthood. The reason for this is that the bishop is the president of the Aaronic Priesthood in a ward. The stake president is the president of the Melchizedek Priesthood in a stake. Each stake only has one high priest quorum, with sub-groups meeting in each ward.

One cannot "lose" his priesthood. One can lose the right to use the priesthood. Bishops and stake presidents, among a few others, hold the keys to the priesthood and preside over the quorums under them. There are two parts to the priesthood: authority and power. The presiding priests determine who is worthy to use the priesthood and authorizes them to use it (bless the sacrament, baptize, etc).

The power of the priesthood comes through righteous living. A man who is not righteous, but uses the priesthood in unrighteous ways actually loses the power of priesthood, which operates "only upon the principles of righteousness" (see D&C 121). But for the righteous holder, the "doctrine of the priesthood" and its power distills upon them like the "dews of heaven" (ibid).

This is the power to perform miracles in God's name, and seal things up in His name.

Now, regarding tithing. A man who does not tithe is technically not worthy of his priesthood and the covenant attached to it. Tithing is a terrestrial law, and to not pay tithe means the person is living a telestial lifestyle. Baptism and priesthood is for those who are ready to live a terrestrial or celestial life. Brigham Young once noted that we do not excommunicate people for not paying tithes, but that technically we could. Instead, we limit the priesthood usage: can't hold a temple recommend, cannot hold a major church calling, may be limited by Church leaders in performing ordinances like baptism.

What it comes down to, is while they still have the priesthood, they lose the true power of the priesthood and many of its eternal blessings and benefits. A priesthood holder who does not pay tithes will likely not obtain the celestial kingdom.

Also, I got a blessing from my home teachers while we were at church. I didn't ask where they got the oil from, but now that I think about it, do priesthood holders all have their own oil or do you have to get it from the bishop?

Melchizedek Priesthood holders have the authority to consecrate oil. They are to use virgin Olive Oil. The oil is held in a container. The elder calls upon Heavenly Father and through the power of the priesthood consecrates and dedicates the oil for the healing of the sick and afflicted. Once consecrated, the oil should be set apart for use only in blessings, and not for cooking/etc.

It is recommended they all have their own, though I know many that do not. I do not carry any on me personally, as I work in a prison and they ask questions when I'm searched about that kind of stuff. I do keep a few vials around at home, in the car, and in my Church briefcase.

I recommend that single sisters ask their home teachers to consecrate a vial of oil for them to have in their own homes, as well. So if something happens in your home, you do not have to hope an elder shows up with oil, as you already have some ready for him to use.

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Dahlia, great questions.

I recommend that single sisters ask their home teachers to consecrate a vial of oil for them to have in their own homes, as well. So if something happens in your home, you do not have to hope an elder shows up with oil, as you already have some ready for him to use.

Thanks for all of the detailed information and especially this. I will have some oil ready the next time my home teachers come and ask one of them to consecrate it. I assume this blessing isn't something that's done all the time. Also, is the blessing specific or can I use my own words? I guess I can talk this over with my home teachers, but you guys know me, I like to know the answers before I ask the questions. :D

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Also, is the blessing specific or can I use my own words? I guess I can talk this over with my home teachers, but you guys know me, I like to know the answers before I ask the questions. :D

Do you mean that you will be using consecrated oil to bless with? Or am I misreading you?

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Thanks for all of the detailed information and especially this. I will have some oil ready the next time my home teachers come and ask one of them to consecrate it. I assume this blessing isn't something that's done all the time. Also, is the blessing specific or can I use my own words? I guess I can talk this over with my home teachers, but you guys know me, I like to know the answers before I ask the questions. :D

In my experience and to my knowledge consecrating oil takes place basically as Rameumpton described it. While there isn't exact wording for consecrating oil the only things that really need to happen is the priesthood holder holds the open container of oil, states the authority by which he is performing the consecration, states that he is consecrating the oil for the healing of the sick and afflicted and closes in the Jesus Christ. Anything else is sort of extraneous and not really needed. It isn't really a situation like a blessing of comfort or the blessing of a child where someone is receiving counsel or the promise of certain blessings. The purpose of consecrating oil is to consecrate the oil, so that is really all that should happen, the priesthood holder shouldn't really be adding other blessings or anything else like that in this situation.

So to answer your question, I'd say yes ask your home teachers to consecrate some oil for you but don't ask them to say certain things while consecrating it.

Once the oil is consecrated, then it can be used for the blessing of the sick and afflicted. Which consists of two parts:

1. A Melchezidek priesthood holder anoints or applies a drop of the consecrated oil to the person (generally their head) and then lays his hands on their head and states the priesthood authority and what he is doing (anointing the person with oil) and closes in the name of Jesus Christ. Again there is no exact wording but there really shouldn't be any extra stuff here.

2. The same Melchezidek priesthood holder or more commonly a second one again lays hands on the person's head generally with a another priesthood holder (commonly the one who anointed the person but it may be done be just a single priesthood holder) and again states the priesthood authority, then says he is sealing the anointing , and then pronounces whatever words of blessing or counsel as he feels moved upon by the Spirit. Again no exact wording but certain things need to be said/done but again the priesthood holder shouldn't really be asked to say certain things.

I've experienced situations where said blessings have led to dramatic improvements in health and others where it was tough to see any difference from the blessing, perhaps Heavenly Father is allowing the person to be sick or injured as part of something else we don't understand at the time. But that doesn't mean we shouldn't seek for his blessings because he wants to give us blessings. Hopefully, the priesthood holder will be in tune with the Spirit (even if they are totally worthy it can be tough) and be able to pronounce an appropriate blessing. And again faith plays a part in things.

Additionally: The only purpose for consecrated oil is for the blessing of sick and afflicted by a Melchezidek Priesthood holder. It has no purpose or value in any other use. It doesn't have any inherent healing properties by itself so it won't heal you if you swallowed some or applied to a wound or something like that. Hope this will answer any questions about it.

Edited by trubludru
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Can you lose your priesthood if you don't tithe?

Lose as in taken away? No that doesn't happen. Lose the power or right of using it. Yes that could happen.

Since the majority of members aren't full tithe payers

I must have missed that memo?

does this mean that many families/wards are doing without the blessings of the priesthood, that fewer men are available for callings

The priesthood, like pretty much anything in the church, is done through Revelation. Revelation is based off your righteousness and being in tune with the spirit. Much like not keeping you the commandments doesn't actually have you lose the Holy Ghost, its just not with you. The same could be said about the priesthood. Yes Members can have callings and run the church without being righteous, but nobody wants that.

only things that really need to happen is the priesthood holder holds the open container of oil,

If I'm not mistaken, doesn't TWO priestholders do this. One them acting as voice. I don't think I can just take oil and consecrate it myself (with no other priesthood around) right? I know most of the times I have seen it done was during Priesthood meetings. But I think I have heard of two Home Teachers consecrating the oil in a home.

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If I'm not mistaken, doesn't TWO priestholders do this. One them acting as voice. I don't think I can just take oil and consecrate it myself (with no other priesthood around) right?

I've always consecrated oil alone.

20.5 Consecrating Oil

One or more Melchizedek Priesthood holders must consecrate olive oil before it is used to anoint the sick or afflicted. No other oil may be used. To consecrate oil, a priesthood holder:

1. Holds an open container of olive oil.

2. Addresses Heavenly Father.

3. States that he is acting by the authority of the Melchizedek Priesthood.

4. Consecrates the oil (not the container) and sets it apart for anointing and blessing the sick and afflicted.

5. Closes in the name of Jesus Christ.

Members should not take consecrated oil internally or apply it on afflicted parts of the body.

Edited by Dravin
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If you'd like to read up on all the boring nitty gritty details of priesthood ordinances (something I think every woman should do), you can read it from the Church Handbook of Instructions.

Don't let all the technical and administrative mumbo jumbo scare you. This only sets the form and the order, but the ordinances are still a bit useless if not done in the proper Spirit.

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What I meant was I would ask my home teachers to bless some oil, then I would have some here with me. Maybe I should have asked 'can I bless myself?' If there is no priesthoodholder in the home, and I can't bless myself, then there's no reason to have the consecrated oil at home, or am I reading this wrong?

You guys forgot the most important thing - there's a whole bunch of cute little oil holders one can purchase! Mike's Oil Vials By Design

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You won't be able to perform a healing blessing on yourself . The point of having consecrated oil on hand would be so that if some priesthood holders were present you could ask them for a blessing and you'd have oil they could use if they didn't have any.

Edited by Dravin
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You won't be able to perform a healing blessing on yourself . The point of having consecrated oil on hand would be so that if some priesthood holders were present you could ask them for a blessing and you'd have oil they could use if they didn't have any.

And I'd recommend keeping a small bottle. I keep one of these in my refrigerator. But I don't carry any with me. If I were to show up to your house for a monthly discussion and you happened to ask me for a blessing while I was there, I'd need to use yours. (yup, I'm a bum)

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Guest gopecon

Dahlia, it wouldn't hurt to have some oil on hand. Unfortunately there are many priesthood holders who do not carry oil with them. If they were visiting you and you requested a blessing, then you would be sure to have it ready.

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But I don't carry any with me. If I were to show up to your house for a monthly discussion and you happened to ask me for a blessing while I was there, I'd need to use yours. (yup, I'm a bum)

Just curious MOE, why you don't carry one? (besides the fact that you're a bum).

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Just curious MOE, why you don't carry one? (besides the fact that you're a bum).

No reason...I'm just a bum.

Actually, I hate having bulk in my pockets. I'm always trying to cut down on the number of keys, etc. The oil vials are just so stinking bulky I refuse to carry it. I should put one in my bag, but I have my bag I take to work, my scout bag, and the computer bag that I sometimes carry in place of my work bag. Should I get three vials or try to remember to move the one? I just hate thinking about it; and since there's nothing the priesthood can't do without oil that it can do with oil in an emergency, I tend not to worry about it that much.

Also, perhaps it's a sign of weak faith, but in my opinion, if there's something that's so urgent that it requires me to have oil on my person, it probably needs to be addressed by medical care before thinking about a blessing. I kind of figure if it isn't that urgent, it can probably be planned at least enough in advance to grab the oil out of my fridge.

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  • 2 weeks later...

No reason...I'm just a bum.

Actually, I hate having bulk in my pockets. I'm always trying to cut down on the number of keys, etc. The oil vials are just so stinking bulky I refuse to carry it. I should put one in my bag, but I have my bag I take to work, my scout bag, and the computer bag that I sometimes carry in place of my work bag. Should I get three vials or try to remember to move the one? I just hate thinking about it; and since there's nothing the priesthood can't do without oil that it can do with oil in an emergency, I tend not to worry about it that much.

Also, perhaps it's a sign of weak faith, but in my opinion, if there's something that's so urgent that it requires me to have oil on my person, it probably needs to be addressed by medical care before thinking about a blessing. I kind of figure if it isn't that urgent, it can probably be planned at least enough in advance to grab the oil out of my fridge.

given the choice i'd take a blessing over a doctor any day. that said ya carrying a little vile around could be annoying and the fact they can leak and oil isnt neccessary exactly either. the priesthood wont not heal you because you lack oil. that said i do keep some in my car.

also it should be noted that while probably not widely known women can give blessings. and can stand in a circle of a blessing. and women do hold some form of the priesthood(see the temple stuff for details). granted if given the choice that there could be a priesthood holder to say bless a sick child then go that route unless hes not worthy or has been told he cant use his for the moment. but if a mother was by herself with a sick child a mother can give a blessing.

if i recall one primary example of this was a bunch of women were traveling and the oxens fell sick. so the women gave the animal a blessing and got them going on their way again.

my sister who married a non member has done this for her child and the child stopped puking.

there are a few other notable examples but i cant remeber them.

essentially women can do it based more strictly on faith the same as if you pray and ask for something based on faith determines its happening. also if a father is a worthy priesthood holder. say the mother or daughters or even sons if they arent old enough yet can by extension use the fathers priesthood in similar dire situations. because the father isnt around but his role as head of the house and head priesthood holder of the house doesnt magically vanish just because he isnt around right at that second hes needed.

also there have been cases of unworthy holders giving a blessing and it working not because of the holder but rather the person that asked and needed a blessing had faith on their end and didnt no any better that the person they asked wasnt worthy and then would lie to them about it. great for the sick person but the person doing the blessing does catch punishment for it later. so just because you are unworthy doesnt mean The Lord wont let you use it He will let you dig your own grave if you so desire.

now what exactly bars you from being able to use it? im not entirely sure probably case by case specific and i'd imagine as the priesthood is a faith based force the larger your faith regardless of the sin probably plays a greater role in the matter than actually sinning. as if your faith is great but you got into trouble miracles will still occur as your faith is still great. but if you are faithless but you sin less due to your lack of faith the miracle likely isnt going to happen. so i dont think just screwing up certain things will instantly bar use of the priesthood as its more based on faith itsself unless of course the bishop or stake president tells you no you cant use it then well you cant use it but until that happens i think as long you have greater faith than your sins then you can use it regardless.

and i may be wrong but i'd think getting excommunicated would strip you of your priesthood too just because thats the only way your ever forbidden to wear temple garments(which i find interesting that defellowshipped members can still wear them as that means they still have some access to temple covenants and still retain the benefits of garment wearing something i think defellowshipped members should consider in their grieving process, though it makes sense since you promise to wear them no use adding extra fuel to the fire). as excommunication is revoking all blessings and membership in the church.

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given the choice i'd take a blessing over a doctor any day. that said ya carrying a little vile around could be annoying and the fact they can leak and oil isnt neccessary exactly either. the priesthood wont not heal you because you lack oil. that said i do keep some in my car.

If I ever have a gushing head wound and you decide to give me a blessing before stopping the bleeding, I swear I will haunt you from the grave. :D

also there have been cases of unworthy holders giving a blessing and it working not because of the holder but rather the person that asked and needed a blessing had faith on their end and didnt no any better that the person they asked wasnt worthy and then would lie to them about it. great for the sick person but the person doing the blessing does catch punishment for it later. so just because you are unworthy doesnt mean The Lord wont let you use it He will let you dig your own grave if you so desire.

Worthiness is a tricky thing. Is it instantaneous, or more fluid than that? Can a priesthood holder who is not following the word of wisdom invoke the authority of the priesthood in a righteous judgment of need? The issue of worthiness to use the priesthood is much more complex than whether or not a person is worthy to enter the temple.

and i may be wrong but i'd think getting excommunicated would strip you of your priesthood too just because thats the only way your ever forbidden to wear temple garments(which i find interesting that defellowshipped members can still wear them as that means they still have some access to temple covenants and still retain the benefits of garment wearing something i think defellowshipped members should consider in their grieving process, though it makes sense since you promise to wear them no use adding extra fuel to the fire). as excommunication is revoking all blessings and membership in the church.

yes, excommunication results in the loss of priesthood authority, but it has nothing to do with temple garments. It has to do with the fact that in order to be under covenant of the priesthood, you have to be under covenant of baptism. Once you are excommunicated, you no longer are under that covenant.

Disfellowshipment, on the other hand, does not remove a person from any covenant they have made, but restricts the ways in which they may express that covenant publicly. They may and are encouraged to express those covenants individually.

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  • 3 weeks later...

If I ever have a gushing head wound and you decide to give me a blessing before stopping the bleeding, I swear I will haunt you from the grave. :D

Worthiness is a tricky thing. Is it instantaneous, or more fluid than that? Can a priesthood holder who is not following the word of wisdom invoke the authority of the priesthood in a righteous judgment of need? The issue of worthiness to use the priesthood is much more complex than whether or not a person is worthy to enter the temple.

yes, excommunication results in the loss of priesthood authority, but it has nothing to do with temple garments. It has to do with the fact that in order to be under covenant of the priesthood, you have to be under covenant of baptism. Once you are excommunicated, you no longer are under that covenant.

Disfellowshipment, on the other hand, does not remove a person from any covenant they have made, but restricts the ways in which they may express that covenant publicly. They may and are encouraged to express those covenants individually.

well there is a story somewhere i Jesus raising a man from the dead after he was dead for 4 days in the new testament so ill let that be my proof of the matter. though i would be LOL worthy if i did meet up with you and this did happen lol seriously i would LOL big especially if you were revived and couldnt haunt me lol.

well the temple questions are the same as the priesthood questions and pretty much any calling questions. so you are expected to uphold it regardless. that said i was merely pointing out The Lord will let you use the priesthood while being unworthy or in situations where you shouldnt be allowed too if as i said you lie about it and a sick person really needs the priesthood because The Lord is blessing the faithful sick but will punish you later for it. so it is weird you dont have to be worthy to use the priesthood.i am a bit curious to what the transition is how one goes from unworthy to worthy. though i suppose temple worthiness and priesthood worthiness arent the same but once you go through the temple they become the same. as if you ever lose your temple card your likely going to be barred from priesthood use and if you ever regain your temple card your going to be allowed priesthood use again as the interviews are the same unless you can point out where they are different?

honestly im not sure what i was ranting about or why i was ranting about that. i suppose i was just pointing out those that are disfellowshipped should know you still have the same blessings and conevants even if they arent as active and temple garments are a hefty reminder of those and those people because of that shouldnt feel totally out of touch. and considering they are the garments of the holy priesthood those people do still have the priesthood functioning in there daily lives to some extent.

i am curious what will happen with excommunicated members when they die if they never rejoin? are just royally screwed? dont know if anything has been said on the matter as just because your no longer under covenant your not off the hook to sin and likely a huge sin got you kicked out to begin with. just curious if there is really any hope people like that.

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well there is a story somewhere i Jesus raising a man from the dead after he was dead for 4 days in the new testament so ill let that be my proof of the matter. though i would be LOL worthy if i did meet up with you and this did happen lol seriously i would LOL big especially if you were revived and couldnt haunt me lol.

This story just goes to show that Christ knew not to invoke the priesthood before competent medical professionals had done everything they were able to do. If Christ isn't going to get in the way, why should we? ;)

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This story just goes to show that Christ knew not to invoke the priesthood before competent medical professionals had done everything they were able to do. If Christ isn't going to get in the way, why should we? ;)

actually the whole story goes like this. some woman begs him to come save his dieing husband. Christ says each day till the 4th day. the reason here is back then due to lack of knowledge it was assumed after 3 days you are dead for sure and you start to get dead body stink. so He waits till day 4 to prove He is master over even time. since as i recall it says something like He rolled back time for the dead persons body once again proving he is master over everything even time itsself bows to him.

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Guest gopecon

Worthiness to give blessings is a tricky thing. There are two issues. One is temple recommend type of worthiness - checking the boxes that a bishop can interview you about.

The other issue is can you feel the spirit at the time you are laying hands on someone's head to speak to them in the name of the Lord. If you have just been enjoying entertainment that offends the Spirit, you may not be worthy at that time to get the Spirit needed. If you have just been fighting with your spouse and have the spirit of contention, you are not worthy. If you have been doing things warned about in D&C 121 (unrighteous dominion, etc.), you will not have the spirit with you and are not worthy to give a blessing. This type of worthiness can come and go. While someone may not be worthy to give a blessing who was in the middle of an R rated movie, the next day they may be full of the Spirit after reading their scriptures and fervent morning prayers.

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