Hi Everyone, I'm New!

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Hi everyone, I'm new to the boards and thought that I would introduce myself. I'm from the UK and was/am a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. I became a member in 1986, but after a few years drifted away from the Church. Since then I've been on a bit of a spiritual rollercoaster ride, I joined the local Baptist Church in 1994 and then went to Bible college for three years. After getting my degree I went to work at another church but found that not many of the people were very Christian. I've been looking back at my life lately and have began to realise that maybe I made a few silly things in my life, one of them being my time away from the LDS Church. I believe that the first turning point for me was at Bible College when a couple of LDS Missionaries turned up and over a period of a few weeks developed a relationship with us at the college. While they only sought to have friendly discussions the other students at the college played upto them, while trying to put down their beliefs in private. This all came to a head when the two Missionaries were invited into a lecture to discuss their beliefs. What followed was more like throwing the Christians to the lions in Roman times. All the so called good relationship building went out of the window as my class mates ripped into the missionaries, leaving myself a a couple of other students with a bad taste in our mouths and feeling guilty over the treatment that these two individuals had suffered at the hands of our fellow classmates. Since that day I've tried to treat everyone with respect, and not mis-treating them because they may hold different beliefs to my own. I've gradually over the last few years realised that I am LDS and have always been LDS, even when I was worshiping at the Baptist Church. I am slowly moving back to my LDS beliefs but have not yet plucked up the courage to return to the local chapel. Hopefully with Heavenly Fathers help and much prayer and study I will return soon.

Anyway I hope we can have many discussions here on LDS Talk, and I look forward to talking to all of you in the future!

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GB-UK, Welcome to this site. Some of us have been here for many years and other just recently arrived. There are a wide range of ideas and personal opinions shared here. While we enjoy each others company, for the most part, many of us are of strong opinions as well. Take what good you can from here and enjoy yourself.

Ben Raines

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Since that day I've tried to treat everyone with respect, and not mis-treating them because they may hold different beliefs to my own.

I'll look forward to seeing how you will do that... respecting others who have beliefs which are wrong.

I know it can be done, and I've tried hard to do it, but I think I can relate to Rodney Dangerfield.

And yes I do know I'm not dead, yet. :)

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I second, third or fourth that welcome GB-UK :)

Funny how we think we know what is good for us, and a turn of events helps us understand a little better what is RIGHT for us :)

And you gotta love the missionaries.... Many do go thru a LOT.

Again... welcome to the board!

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I second, third or fourth that welcome GB-UK :)

Funny how we think we know what is good for us, and a turn of events helps us understand a little better what is RIGHT for us :)

And you gotta love the missionaries.... Many do go thru a LOT.

Again... welcome to the board!

Your are most definately right about the missionaries, they do go through a lot!

Thanks for all the warm welcomes, I look forward to getting to know more about you all here on the forums!

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Nice to meet you GB, your not the only one around here who has spent time away from the church to come back.

Meaning me of course, :D I was 18 when I joined and left because of someones chauvinistic remark.

Back then that was a fork in the eye for any liberated women, its was the 70’s what can I say.

Like you I realized I was LDS and have always been LDS so I needed to go back to were I felt most comfortable. :D

To my luck right at the time I was wrestling with this the Elders showed up at my door step. I lived in the Yukon so that in it self was a surprise that these elders doored in to me in -40 C

I did not make it easy for them still having that chauvinistic remark in the back of my head.

I was lucky and these two young men never gave up on me. :wub:

They finely said “Lets start from scratch” they taught me the discussion. Being older and filled with more questions then I ever had before I learned much more then I did when I was 18 of course.

I had to shed some bad habits again but it was the best thing I ever did just for myself.

Call the mission home and ask for the elders to come and teach you. Watch how fast your doorbell rings. :sparklygrin:

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