Changes to the Book of Mormon


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I have a new favorite document.

I'm sure it will be short-lived, until I find another one.

As many of you know, I have been speaking to a friend at work for the past year and a half about religion. He is Christian, and he thinks the Book of Mormon was written by Joesph Smith. He claims the many changes that have been made over the years are evidence it is a false book.

After listening to this line of talk several times, I decided to do some research on my own. I found many articles, but this is my favorite:

Changes in the Book of Mormon

I LOVE that article. I highly suggest you take the time to read it. It's dry, afterall he's a Skousen! But, seriously, take the time to read it. It will make you go hmmm over and over.

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With that logic, I'd hate to ask him about the Bible.

Textual criticism of the many books of the Bible is a reality. The article that Justice has supplied is very interesting - textual criticism of the Book of Mormon is a great idea.


Edited by Maureen
changed the link to a better one
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I'm less concerned about potential changes to the Book of Mormon and more concerned with trying to explain why certain phrases appear in it that are exactly the same as what's in the the Bible (and I'm not just talking about quotes from Isaiah). Friends have questioned me about it and I simply do not have an explanation - some of the phrasing is exactly as it appears in the New Testament, which it would seem to me the Mormon prophets didn't have in their possession. That being said, my faith is still solid - I go by the witness of the Holy Spirit in this case. I'd just like to be able to explain the phrasing thing. LOL!

Edited by LeKook
Sometimes I'm just not clear, LOL!!!
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I'll grab a few when I get a chance and post them. I don't want to mess with anyone's belief either, and won't post them here if I suspect it might do so. When I prayed about this to resolve it in my own heart, the response I got was that there are billions of people in the world, and why can't God say the same thing to more than one person, in the same way? In other words, what's it to me? God is God. He will convey truth however he likes, to whomever he likes.

That was enough for me not to make an issue of it. I can't speak for anyone else. :duh: I was humbled enough by that answer to leave it alone, LOL!!!

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I think that's a good answer.

I'll go a step further... if it really IS God speaking to 2 different people or 2 different nations, why WOULDN'T He say the same thing?

It's not what he said, but how he said it (verbatim quote) that throws people off. And I'm like, "He's God, isn't he? Wouldn't he actually know (verbatim!) what he said in the first place?" :eek:

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I'm less concerned about potential changes to the Book of Mormon and more concerned with trying to explain why certain phrases appear in it that are exactly the same as what's in the the Bible (and I'm not just talking about quotes from Isaiah). Friends have questioned me about it and I simply do not have an explanation - some of the phrasing is exactly as it appears in the New Testament, which it would seem to me the Mormon prophets didn't have in their possession. That being said, my faith is still solid - I go by the witness of the Holy Spirit in this case. I'd just like to be able to explain the phrasing thing. LOL!

one explanation is; that phraseology was what JS was familar with, having grown up around the bible, as an intrepreter if something made more sense to say it that way to make a concept more understandable, then he would.

Translating is not merely just moving word over to word, but a good translater is able to take the concepts, meanings, and ideas present in a phrase and then give an equivalent phrase, or one that is as close as possible in the language he is translating to.

Edited by Blackmarch
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