Hubby is gone and I'm going solo..


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Maybe have a back up support person that you can turn to for help when husband is not around. It's easy to get psychotic when baby is crying nonstop, especially if she is not easily soothed at this point. Have one or two friends on stand-by, so they can take over if needed. Isolation, crying babies, new mommyhood...very stressful combination. Keep your spirits up -- you're doing awesome! :angel:

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  • 3 weeks later...

I agree with iggy and a few others on the singing part. ;) my favorite is "I am a Child of God" Something about this song works wonders on babies. I used it in the nursery and with all of my Grandbabies. My son-n-law laugh the first few times I did this ...then my daughter called me and told me that she caught him singing on a "bad teething" night. ;)

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I've already started doing the singing but she's a really tough critic! Holy mad cow. I even sang the whole West Side Story soundtrack to her and she didn't even appreciate it! But things are getting a lot better, especially since we started giving her gas drops throughout the day to help relieve pressure. Still a very colicky baby but a day at a time. She's already 5 weeks and 1 day, today.

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I've already started doing the singing but she's a really tough critic! Holy mad cow. I even sang the whole West Side Story soundtrack to her and she didn't even appreciate it! But things are getting a lot better, especially since we started giving her gas drops throughout the day to help relieve pressure. Still a very colicky baby but a day at a time. She's already 5 weeks and 1 day, today.

oh, I had forgotten about the gas drops! Those were life savers :)

Congrats Mommy for staying sane in tough times!

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Remember, it's ok if the baby cries! That was my mantra for a while, to keep me sane with my first because he cried and cried and cried, then cried some more. He seemed to be mad at me when I wasn't feeding him. All was fine as long as I fed him, otherwise, he gave me a mean mad old man face. I loved him:)

A swing is a wonderful thing to have for babies. If they don't like it at first, try again, and again, almost all babies like swings at some point, and it's nice to be able to get some breathing room.

Do you have a sling? I used a long piece of fabric that wrapped around me a bunch of times then created a little pocket for the baby to be in. My second loved it and I was able to walk around with her in it. I didn't do it all the time (some moms have their babies practically live in there) because I do get a little claustrophobic sometimes. I love my kids, but sometimes I need my own personal bubble for a few minutes, then I'm back to having three kids climbing all over me. Here's the sling I used Moby Wrap Inc.

Do you use a pacifier? I didn't want to at first because I didn't want my baby sucking on a big piece of plastic. It really came down to I could use a pacifier and have a happy calm baby (some of the time), I could nurse 24/7 (there were days) or a crying all the time baby (occasionally). The pacifier did help with my first two, the third didn't care. This here is the most brilliant idea ever and I wish I thought of it. The paci is sewn to the stuffed animal, and the baby hugs the toy to them to keep the pacifier in place... it looks so soothing!!!

An other thing I do now with the kids is I wear essential oils and I dab the same oils on their pillows and favorite stuffed animals. This seems to help them to fall asleep and relax. My favorite is Balance and Lavender from doTERRA Essential Oils They are amazing oils. I use them for all sorts of things, and I'm on a tight budget but they are heavenly (seriously, I think heaven must have vibrant smells like these oils.)

Remember, it's ok to for her to cry! Sleep when she does. Give yourself a LOT of slack. This is an incredibly demanding time right now, and the only thing that's important is your family, especially baby. Cleaning, letters, phone calls, visitors, grocery shopping, all that can wait. I'm so happy for you!! :D

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Blocky, thank you!

Yes, I've put cleaning on the backburner. My only "must-do" list is dishes and laundry. Everything else can and will wait.. What I'm having a tough time with is warding off visitors! I know it's been over a month since I had my baby but the adjustment to everything has taken much longer than I had anticipated. I hardly have any time to shower, brush my teeth and get dressed!

I will be investing in a Moby sling or something similar. I've heard lots of good things about them. I want to give it a try. As for the pacifier, my baby won't take one :[ I totally wish she would but I think I introduced it too late.. I did not try a paci until a couple weeks after she was born, and even then, she spits it out or chokes on it. She just hates them, and we've tried every shape and brand. I do breastfeed her on demand, whenever she wants it but lately (and I'm going to the pedi today) she's been fussing and bawling even while feeding! Argh. I took her to visit my MIL yesterday and she suspects something else is going on with baby.. I figured as much but has postponed a pedi visit because I've been trying all the suggestions. Anyway, we're almost 6 weeks postpartum and she's just crying too long during the day and night. I'll see what the doc says and report back. Oh, but I wanted to say that I have tried the lavender. Only I use it in her bath. She seems to like that and the lettuce too!

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Have you tried "white noise" sitting her in her chair in front of the washer or dryer-when it's on.It can have an almost hypnotic effect on them.

My Mum fractured her leg when she was 5 & she says the only person who could lift her without hurting was her Daddy.Her Uncles were equally strong & tall so thinks it was she trusted him not to hurt her.Your dad has raised you,is experienced & babies can smell fear at fifty yards.

It does get easier but colic is hard.Lots of tummy time & have you thought of cranial osteothapy? It worked wonders for a couple of babies I know especially ones who had a long and or difficult delivery(Yep I was sceptical too but seeing is believing) They went from crying almost every waking moment to very little.Oh & baby massage-it helps to build the bonds too & I found it soothed & relaxed me not just the baby(who is now 20!).He was so colicky every piece of furniture was draped with sheets he threw up so much & I never left home without several changes for him & at ;least two for me.

Good luck it is the hardest but best thing you could ever do.

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