Mission Advice..


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Hello everyone. I need some advice, or something, about my mission. I believe that God helps us through other people, so here I am!

I left to the MTC on Dec. 8th 2010. I was there for 10 days, all the while dealing with severe depression and anxiety, as well as home-sickness. With the advice from the Pres. and other leaders at the MTC, I was released with a medical release.

Things didn't get better when I got home, and I started meeting with LDS mission dept counseling. Throughout that time I decided to start taking medicine for my depression. I had dealt with severe depression during my teen years and I am thinking I never got rid of it before, just sorta put it in the back of my head and was always just "blah" with life. The medication has helped me feel happy and normal and able to feel like living! I am positive it was chemicals inside my head making me like that.

Anyway, I have now been home since Dec 2010. I am 21 years old, and I am lost. I want to go back on my mission. But I have fears of those feelings returning that I had at the MTC and fear that I am too old. I know the old saying, "feel the fear and do it anyway" but somethings need to be pondered about and seriously thought over. I have a desire to serve the Lord. I am just trying to figure out what to do. If I should serve a mission or if I shouldn't.

Does anyone have advice or personal experiences they could share to help me? Thank you so much...

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What ever your fears you aren't too old, not by any mission rules standard, you can go out on a mission until you are in your mid twenties (I'm afraid I don't know the actual cut off age). I personally left at 22, and I knew missionaries who left at 24. One of the APs ended up going home at 27 which means he left at 25.

Edited by Dravin
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But I have fears of those feelings returning that I had at the MTC and fear that I am too old. I know the old saying, "feel the fear and do it anyway" but somethings need to be pondered about and seriously thought over.

I began my mission at age 21 and I knew that if I had left at age 19, I would not have fully appreciated the opportunity to serve.

However, we need to address those feelings. When completing the paperwork, you need to include your current medical information and current prescriptions. You probably won't be serving any foreign missions.

If those feelings return, even with medication... then you need to understand that missions aren't for everybody. You may be more of a drain on companions and hinder their work. There's nothing wrong with that... except that you won't be able to serve a mission.

Some hindering reasons for being unable to serve are physical... and some are mental. You may have a brain chemical reason... and the hardest part for you may be in accepting that.

Something else to consider.

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MBE1 it sounds like you have a good heart. I would echo what skippy says and step back in carefully. If you get a chance to serve I think most returned missionaries would agree that there was a pronounced difference between the Elders like myself that served their missions at 19 and those that were a little older. I always enjoyed the older missionaries perspective and maturityand .

Hope it works out for you.

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I'll echo what everyone else has said. You are not to old, if it is something that you want and feel you should do, and feel able to do. Missions can be vrey make or break. I have seen missions be wonderful things in the lives of some missionaries, and I have seen others struggle after having been on a mission. Know that it can be a very good thing, but also know it is OK if you don't go.


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In "Gods' Army" movie, there is an older missionary that does a GREAT job. Also there are ALL kinds of missions, some a lot less stressful than others. You are blessed to have medication that works for you!

--- You can also seek guidance for our Father in Heaven through the Holy Spirit about this.

Probably you know the drill, but for anyone reading who does not, I will rehearse it. First study about it, then write out a chart (divide a sheet of paper into four parts and lable the top half, "IF I GO", and the two squares in the top half, - one GOODs and the other Bads, then for the bottom, 1/2 of the paper "If I DON'T GO", with one square, GOODS and the other Bads. Now just start jotting down things that pop up, they do not need to be in any order, and they may balance each other out, but some are so much "heavier" (more intense in importance) than others, so underline those, this is brainstorming like. --- now look at your paper and see what you discovered. Maybe you need to get more info? --- So now you have maybe come to some conclusion from your paper, but you are not done yet. Now, state that answer and pray about it. See how you feel, peace or confusion? -- If you are still not clear in your feelings, state the opposite choice and pray about THAT, something like, God, so in my answer that I AM supposed to go? and see if you feel settled, peace or confusion etc? --- If you still do not feel settled, there may be more info you need or other options than just your go/not go. Another approach is like the "cast lots" you can find in the Bible. The form this works best for me (after I have done all the above-- and you can use the same affirmative type questions like "I should ___. If this is right please lead me to verses talking of this in positive ways, or if it is wrong, in negative ways), is to take a Bible, (remove all papers and bookmarks) hold it closed between your two hands, with its spine on a table or your lap, and pray with all your heart to God, asking him to answer you through the scriptures. Keep eyes closed and let the Bible fall open, eyes still closed lower your hand and let your fingers rest on the page before you open your eyes. Read the verse and see how it applies. Sometimes there is more info for you above or below your verse, and sometimes both above and below. === Do this whole pray, let Bible fall open three times for best confirmation. writing down the book, chap and verse (and page # if you want) for each verse you get, so you can re read them. NOW see how you feel about the conclusion.

This has helped me, my parents and family many times! It is amazing how precise God can answer this way! Once when My Mom didn't want to go to a gathering of my Dads family a few states away, and we all went in the car without her, but my Dad really wanted her to come, he asked her to "read the Bible" about it, but she was still hating to go (and HATED flying!) and she even asked in a negative way "Heavenly Father , you don't want me to go do you?"--- but one of the scriptures she got was "I was carried away as on the wings of a great bird" or something like that, with two other scrip. that absolutely couldn't be confused. She went, and ended being so glad she did, as she got family history info from a member who died shortly afterwards! God bless you! (and He is, and WILL!)

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Ask your bishop and stake president if you can serve a local mission. For those young men who are worthy, but have health or other issues that keep them from going on a regular mission, they often can serve locally in some capacity. We have a young man serving here, helping a local LDS artist create the door lintel for the Rome Temple. It is a beautiful piece of work, and a wonderful way to serve the Lord for this young man.

Your local leaders may have a bishop's storehouse, family history center, or other area in which you can serve.

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Older can be awesomer! I can't help grinning at the way you make 21 sound like a decrepit 80 yrs. :D

If you are stabilized, then I would say go ahead and put it in gear to start the mission process. If all that is holding you back is feeling too old and a fear about debilitating depression that may or may NOT recur...I say go for it! Good luck, and prayers for you.

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I have a desire to serve the Lord. I am just trying to figure out what to do. If I should serve a mission or if I shouldn't.

Does anyone have advice or personal experiences they could share to help me? Thank you so much...

Hi, first I want to apoligize my lack of lingual skills, english isn't my native language.

I'm not an mormon, I've considered myself as an atheist for years, but I'm not so sure anymore. But when all this happened, I was definitely an atheist. So, I'm not talking about mission, I'm talking about depression.

I was doing my military service (which is mandatory here), when I was diagnozed with depression second time in my life. Everything was too hard, even my girlfriend (we had been together nearly 4 years and lived together for two years) wanted to break up (which we did), so there was nothing in my life. My life was in situation where I hated to be in service, and weekends at home were boring and lonely. It would have been easy just to quit, but I didn't want to do that. So, I served whole 12 months last 7 months with strong antidepressants. I believe I can compare my situation to yours at least in some parts.

First, fix your head before going back (there might be better translation, but you'll get the point). If you can't go, don't go. You need to be sure, that you can do it.

Second, why you want to go? Motivation is a huge thing, when depressed person is trying to do something. Make a list, why you want to do it. If you decide to go, and you think it's too hard, you can always read that list.

Third, you need to trust. Trust yourself, because you can do anything you want to. Trust God, because He'll be there for you (I never had this option myself). Pray, when needed, and tell Him what you are feeling, and ask for help and guidance.

And, remember always, you are perfectly good person. Your depression is a disease, and you're suffering from it because chemistry in your brains isn't working in the way it's supposed to. That's not your fault.

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