My Daughter And Early Morning Seminary


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...but I believe there is also something learned and gained by doing it and acomplishing the task of getting up early working to learn the scriptures and learning the values we as her parents cherish.

Its interesting because she loves EFY and Super Saturday and Young Women on wednsday she is always ready and willing and happy on sunday for church, never a complaint there but so adament about not wanting the Seminary class kinda frustrating actually.

Some questions Royal:

Does your daughter feel that she might be missing out on other things, having to go to bed early, that might be making her dread Seminary?

Is it the "academic" part of Seminary that she might not be looking forward to? - since EFY, etc look more like social/activity based events.

Is she a morning person or a night owl?


This is the first year my daughter gets to stay up till 10 and no we leave it up to her if she wants to go to bed earlier then that. one plus with home school is if she gets all her work done she has free time in the afternoon and if she wanted could easily take a short nap.

I dont see her fearing the academics at all unless they are going over math then she might have a few problems lol.

as for the is she a day or night kinda person oh most assuradly shes a night owl. so am I but we all must learn our limits and face the dawn even if its noon when we do.

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Okay, here is how I see it. Your daughter loves YW, she loves Sundays, but she hates Seminary. Have you gone there with her? You don't have to actually go with her, show up later and if possible sneak in and see what the class is doing. Seems to me that it might be the teacher, or someone who goes to Seminary that normally doesn't go to Sunday services.

My bet is the seminary teacher. Either the teacher is embarassing her or ??? OR there could be a classmate who is tormenting/teasing her.

I refused to go to Seminary too because of one of the classmates. He behaved himself on Sundays because his father taught Sunday School. But in Seminary he was a terror. He singled me out because I wore hand-me-downs, my hair was braided like a Scandinavian peasant, I wore oxfords (ankle and foot problems) and I had a hearing disablility. I absolutely hated him, thus I stayed away from Seminary.

Stupid reason I agree - but there you go.

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I have a opposite problem with my boys, they love to go to early morning seminary but they don't like going to Church on sundays, weird Huh? I also have a problem with the new seminary teacher going over on time so that they miss their bus in the mornings. I will have to have a chat with her on that, i work early in the morning so i can't take them to school which is clear on the other side of town.

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Guest funkyfool

Im not a parent of a seminary student but i think that i can actually aid you in this little problem that you think you have. First off, I am a seminary aged kid, raised in the church. My parents want me to attend seminary as well and i dont. so i guess in that way i seem to have at least somewhat of a similar situation as your daughter. It's possible that your daughter is just in a defiant stage in her life...but if you say that she participates in seminary in your home with your wife, then i dont think that is the case. Maybe she has a problem with a person in the class with her or with the teacher. Maybe she has decided that church is dumb. Just tell her how you feel about the situation and ask her, not us why she doesnt want to attend seminary anymore. be open and honest with her. That's what my parents did. It didnt really work, but maybe your daughter will be different and actually listen to you. All you can do is try. honestly, yeah a 14 year old should be given space and be able to make some of her own decisions, but you are her parent and are responsible for raising her in the way that you deem to be the best for her. it all depends on how strongly you feel that she attend seminary. If she still refuses, lay down some laws. be mean and take somethin away from her if she doesnt go. but first, im tellin you. find out if she has a problem with people in that class or feels uncomfortable for some reason. if she is just doing it to be a brat, then just slap her or something.

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if she is just doing it to be a brat, then just slap her or something.


Aw don't worry about what FF said. :lol: Her comments did catch my attention too though. ;)

My daughter loved Seminary for her first two years. In her junior year she started sluffing it a lot. I was pretty tired of being called by her teachers telling me they missed her in class. :wacko: When I mentioned it to her she made the comment that she had gone to breakfast with her friends etc. I asked her if she liked the class, she especially liked her teacher. She said that as a teen it was just an easy class to sluff since she didn't need that credit to graduate from High School. After talking this over with my hubby we decided to let her have the choice and she chose to drop Seminary. Now we know that she can't easily sluff her other classes and this gives me a better piece of mind. Do I regret letting her choose? No I think that she had made the decision not to go before she actually dropped the class.

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There may be an issue with her about the Seminary being held at the public school, She just isnt letting us know about it.

as for talking to my daughter of course we do... I am using this thread more as a sounding board listning to what people have to say and seeing if there is more I can say or do to connect with my daughter trying to understand her isnt easy for sure and thats all I am trying to do.

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  • 4 months later...

I haven't had a chance to read all the posts, but CONGRATULATIONS ON CHOOSING HOME SCHOOL! :animatedthumbsup: I've raised 4 teenagers and lived to see the fruits of my labor. Home school was the best choice I made.

About seminary; somethings up. Trust her instincts, don't make her go, but make her do it at home. Those were the best hours of our schooling experience. I wouldn't trade them for the world.

I made our older son go to Mutual when he didn't want to go and it turned out there was stuff going on with the "active" kids that shouldn't have been. It was very bad and he wasn't anxious to talk about it.

Remember, Joseph Smith was 14 when he had the First Vision.

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My 15-yr-old seems to enjoy seminary. But she had real problems about a year ago. We didn't know immediately what was going on in her life - only that she was backing off from Church in a big way. Turns out she didn't feel worthy and was avoiding the guilt she felt in Church environments because she had made some stupid mistakes. It took a lot of prayer and patience to get her to open up, and she finally saw for herself what was needed. In hindsight, the whole experience turned out to strengthen her testimony, but it sure was painful for all of us at the time.

Seminary can be held wherever it's convenient. My Mother-in-law taught Seminary in our basement years ago because our house was close to the High School. In our previous Ward, the youth were split up geographically (it was a big ward and the kids were attending 5 or 6 different high schools) - the north part of the ward met at the Church building and the south end met in a classroom at one of the high schools - al grade levels were mixed, because there were only 8 or 10 kids in each seminary). Here, the youth from two stakes all go to the same high school, so they all meet together at a church building that is only about 1/2 mile from the school - the kids are divided by hs class (there's a freshman seminary, a soph sem, etc. and those are big classes!). In very densly LDS areas, some schools allow seminary to be held on campus during regular school hours - it's like an elective course.

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I did the New Testament course when I was studying for my Scripture O'Level at Secondary School..I used to attend Seminary at the local Ward on Saturday mornings...I swear it helped me get an 'A'! My friends and teachers at school were amazed, cos they thought I couldn't pass the exam as I was attending a 'non-Christian' (in their eyes) :)

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  • 6 months later...
Guest Yediyd

My daughter is 14...she was not given a choice....I'm not looking forward to 5am...but, I wish I had had a chance to go to Seminary!!! :(

...She is bummed about the early morning...but I think she is secretly looking forward to it...she LOVES young woman's!!!

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