The receiving of the Gift of the Holy Ghost


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Hi all,

I've got a question that may seem obvious but maybe I'm just not putting 2 and 2 together.

Upon confirming a recently baptized member, the phrase "receive the Holy Ghost" is uttered.

This is a mandate to the member to procure the influence of the Holy Ghost through righteous living, etc.

The question is:

What exactly is the confirmation for? Is the priesthood holder authorizing the member to receive it?

In other words, what does the confirmation do or what does it contain that enables/authorizes the member to have the constant companionship of the Holy Ghost?

Hope the question is clear, thanks.

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Confirmation after baptism is so that the new member can receive the gift of the Holy Ghost. Not to be confused with the influence of the Holy Ghost. After receiving the gift the member has the right to have the Holy Ghost as a constant companion providing commandments are kept.

Someone can have the influence of the Holy Ghost when investigating the church that will affect or influence them in their testimony of the truthfullness. But until they are actually confirmed, they do not have that right to have Him as a constant companion.

I hope that helps and that I understood your question correctly.

Without confirmation and receiving the Gift of the Holy Ghost they do not have the right to the constant companionship.

Edited by pam
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Confirmation means that you are confirmed an official member of the LDS Church. The gift of the Holy Ghost is then bestowed upon you. As Pam said, the Gift of the Holy Ghost entitles you to the constant companionship of the Holy Ghost as long as you are worthy of it.

From the CHI Book 2:

20.3.9Confirmation and the Gift of the Holy Ghost

A person is confirmed a member of the Church and receives the gift of the Holy Ghost after being baptized (see D&C 20:41). A person becomes a member of the Church only after the ordinances of baptism and confirmation are both completed and properly recorded (see John 3:5; D&C 33:11).

The bishop holds the keys for confirming 8-year-old members of record. The mission president holds the keys for confirming converts. However, the bishop oversees the performance of this ordinance, whether it is for an 8-year-old member of record or a convert. The bishop ensures that it is performed soon after baptism.

Eight-year-old members of record may be confirmed at the baptismal service or in a sacrament meeting in the ward where they live, preferably a fast and testimony meeting.

Converts are confirmed in any sacrament meeting in the ward where they live, preferably on the Sunday following their baptism. Converts are not confirmed at the baptismal service.

At least one member of the bishopric participates in this ordinance. When missionary elders have taught a convert, the bishop should invite them to participate.

The bishop does not conduct a separate interview for this ordinance.

20.3.10Instructions for Performing a Confirmation

Under the direction of the bishopric, one or more Melchizedek Priesthood holders may participate in a confirmation. They place their hands lightly on the person’s head. Then the person who performs the ordinance:

  • 1. States the person’s full name.
  • 2. States that the ordinance is performed by the authority of the Melchizedek Priesthood.
  • 3. Confirms the person a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
  • 4. Uses the words “Receive the Holy Ghost” (not “receive the gift of the Holy Ghost”).
  • 5. Gives words of blessing as the Spirit directs.
  • 6. Closes in the name of Jesus Christ.
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Hi all,

I've got a question that may seem obvious but maybe I'm just not putting 2 and 2 together.

Upon confirming a recently baptized member, the phrase "receive the Holy Ghost" is uttered.

This is a mandate to the member to procure the influence of the Holy Ghost through righteous living, etc.

The question is:

What exactly is the confirmation for? Is the priesthood holder authorizing the member to receive it?

In other words, what does the confirmation do or what does it contain that enables/authorizes the member to have the constant companionship of the Holy Ghost?

Hope the question is clear, thanks.

Concerning the “Gift of the Holy Ghost”.

The Gift of the Holy Ghost is done by covenant through ordinance. The ordinance is performed by an authorized priesthood holder that acts as a proxy G-d in offering the Gift. This is why this ordinance is done by the Melchizedek Priesthood. Because this covenant relationship cannot be maintained by itself because it is necessary that a person repent (have a change of heart) and be baptized first (Born of the Spirit).

It is interesting to me to note that one must be born (baptized – both of the spirit and the water) again prior to this covenant being made. The Gift of the Holy Ghost is the means by which an individual is able to receive revelation as a promised relationship from G-d concerning all truths. It is the means by which revelation comes through prophets, apostles, seers and revelators. In essence only those that have received this gift by covenant may sustain prophets and other offices in the church and kingdom of G-d.

The distinction is important – all mankind may be inspired but only those that have received the Gift of the Holy Ghost may receive revelation. In essence the distinction is that inspiration comes through Jesus Christ and the “spirit” of Christ. Revelation transcends inspiration and is the key of “Knowledge” and “Power”. Thus only by the Power of the Holy Ghost – through the Gift of the Holy Ghost can one “Know” G-d and make witness concerning that which is of G-d (including interpretation of scripture). Any witness that is not given by someone with this covenant is not complete and is a witness of faith and inspiration rather than knowledge.

The Traveler

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Recieving the gift of the Holy Ghost is also part of the cleansing process, and is also referred to as 'baptism by fire'. A baptism is not truly complete without it.

Here is a really good example of what exactly happens when the words, "Recieve the Holy Ghost," are uttered. Fire and the Holy Ghost - Ensign June 1995 - ensign

In the following paragraph: Jesus Christ when teaching made it clear that while his authorized servants can confer the gift of the Holy Ghost, he is the one who actually bestows the Spirit: “Blessed are ye if ye shall give heed unto the words of these twelve whom I have chosen from among you to minister unto you, and to be your servants; and unto them I have given power that they may baptize you with water; and after that ye are baptized with water, behold, I will baptize you with fire and with the Holy Ghost” (3 Ne. 12:1).

My missionaries forgot to warn me about the fire part, and when the Elder said, "Receive the Holy Ghost," I recieved the Holy Ghost! I immediately started to get very hot from the top of my head and it quickly spread downward through my whole body. I actually thought I was having a heart attack. I'm afraid I did not hear the rest of the blessing that the Elder had probably been fasting about, because I was quietly checking my pulse :( I also thought maybe I was having a hot flash (I was 24). Later I spoke with the missionaries and the Mission Pres. was there. I told them about how I got so hot, and they explained about the baptism by fire.

As far as the procuring the influence of the Spirit through righteous living, I had already been doing the righteous living part before getting baptized. I received the Spirit at that very moment, and still work to maintain that level of closeness, and nurture my experiences with Him. He prompts me and I listen and I learn...some days better than others.

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Another interesting thing about it is that if you look in your topical guide, you will find that the Earth itself is also bapized with water (the great flood) and with fire before it can be fully cleansed.

Here is another talk, actually given to new Mission Presidents by Boyd K Packer titled: The Gift of the Holy Ghost: What Every Member Should Know - Liahona Aug. 2006 - liahona

Hope that helps, it is a really good question.

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Recieving the gift of the Holy Ghost is also part of the cleansing process, and is also referred to as 'baptism by fire'. A baptism is not truly complete without it.

Here is a really good example of what exactly happens when the words, "Recieve the Holy Ghost," are uttered. Fire and the Holy Ghost - Ensign June 1995 - ensign

In the following paragraph: Jesus Christ when teaching made it clear that while his authorized servants can confer the gift of the Holy Ghost, he is the one who actually bestows the Spirit: “Blessed are ye if ye shall give heed unto the words of these twelve whom I have chosen from among you to minister unto you, and to be your servants; and unto them I have given power that they may baptize you with water; and after that ye are baptized with water, behold, I will baptize you with fire and with the Holy Ghost” (3 Ne. 12:1).

My missionaries forgot to warn me about the fire part, and when the Elder said, "Receive the Holy Ghost," I recieved the Holy Ghost! I immediately started to get very hot from the top of my head and it quickly spread downward through my whole body. I actually thought I was having a heart attack. I'm afraid I did not hear the rest of the blessing that the Elder had probably been fasting about, because I was quietly checking my pulse :( I also thought maybe I was having a hot flash (I was 24). Later I spoke with the missionaries and the Mission Pres. was there. I told them about how I got so hot, and they explained about the baptism by fire.

As far as the procuring the influence of the Spirit through righteous living, I had already been doing the righteous living part before getting baptized. I received the Spirit at that very moment, and still work to maintain that level of closeness, and nurture my experiences with Him. He prompts me and I listen and I learn...some days better than others.

Me too. A living, tingling, burning fire. What a gift! And simultaneously, I *knew* the Church was true. :D


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I kinda missed out on enjoying my 'gift of the holy ghost' thing, because no one told me it was going to happen. I was just sitting in church one day and they called me up to the front out of the blue. They told me to pick someone, and they brought up a chair. A bunch of guys surrouned me and started reaching for my head. I ducked. They finally got me to sit up straight and they asked me my name. And then they did it, then they all went back to their seats leaving me sitting in a chair in front of everyone. I was really confused.

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