What Is The Most Important Event, In History?


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Much like evolution, the Big Bang is the generally accepted theory. I will take what the vast majority of what is taught in the nations, Colleges and Universities over the handful of scientist gadflies, many with a religious bone to pick, any day. It is the biggest reason why I am currently reading Carl Sagan's "The Demon Haunted World" to my kid as part of her home schooling every lunch (I am about to start now)...... to lead her away from the psudeoscience, religious inspired gadflies (and probably any religion or religious beliefs altogether), who do damage to legitimate science education in this country, with significant potential economic consequences. It is the number one reason I consider religion as more harm than good.

PS - Thanks for getting me fired up about it though. I had been a bit lax in my lunchtime reading. I needed that fire lit under my butt. :D

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Heck no. Whatever floats their boat. Down the road when she is competing to get into the better scientific programs, and later when competing to get in some of the better jobs, it will be that much less competition for her. It's to her advantage if people want to harm their kids education...... though it does tend to hurt this countries educational economic advantage. But hey, those high tech jobs unfullfilled will get outsourced (like they are now), and the well education young adults will get the good ones that are left.

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You're right. It's widely accepted as a "theory." Just as a divine creator is a widely accepted theory. Neither are accepted as fact. The problem with the big bang theory, as in any theory, is it leaves a lot of questions unanswered. I have listed a few, and there are several more, but I have yet to see any evidence from you or any of my studies that come close to giving a satisfactory answer. Well known scientists have stated that there are holes in the theory. Just because they state there are holes in the theory, doesn't mean that they say that God is the only solution. There are several plausible solutions. I'm just at a loss for anyone who would pass the Big Bang Theory off as the be all and end all answer.

If you had merely stated the creation of the Universe, I would've agreed with you, knowing there are several models and theories surrounding the beginning. Anyone trying to achieve anything in a scientific field would be stunted if they didn't question something that has yet to be proven. Leading someone away from all possibilities is just as brainwashing as indoctrinating someone solely in religious propaganda.

I don't understand the connection of how your daughter willl have less competition when going for jobs later on down the line. Employers care about education yes, but they also care about how well an employee will get along with others and their social skills. I don’t think a scientist would go far if he/she wasn’t willing to adapt and accept new ideas and possibilities. Going to a public school didn’t hinder me in being able to pick any school in the nation to attend, so I fail to see how someone who was home schooled could have any advantage over me when going for the same job.

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Heather -

I am talking about your general ignorance (and I don't mean that to specifically insult you because you are in the vast majority) about accepted science, scientific method, and what is considered legitimate science..... versus psudeoscience. You, and the majority of others just like you, are why it is so important I educate my child - who is interested in science and wants to be a scientist of some sort - of what is proper science, versus the psudeoscience, and mythologies (of which there are thousands). I feed off of subjects and threads like this. It is what energizes me because I am so incredibly busy all of the time.

And yes, in a very competitive educational college market (of which I have worked in most of my professional life - including admissions to an upper tier college), as well as the very competitive high technology market, those kids who spend their limited amount of educational time on learning legitimate science education, versus the many mythologies and psudeosciences, will have a huge leg up on those kids, and young adults, with interests in those fields, who waste educational time and resources. I have personally made those decisions both in the collegiate venue as well as the professional high tech venue.

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My heart is heavy. Christian's should all have one answer.

But allmosthumble... you asked for opinions.... your first post mentioned that

For all other's, this is not a trap. Feel free to express your views
which should have applied to EVERYONE not just non Christians. I don't think that anyone thinks they are wrong with what they think.... cause it's what they think.

So what in your allmosthumble opinion should all Christian's agree upon?

Dancer Girl got it right. Nothing compare's to the Atonement.

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With that kind of logic, how can you argue anything?

Exactly. But I still people bring the statistical argument into things like the Big Bang/Creation/proof of God/existance of life, etc... debate all of the time. The statistical arguments are pretty easy to dispute just by using the logically fallacious rationale that everything is seemingly statistically impossible.

Does that mean that if all things are statistcally impossible, I'm not here typing on my computer? And if I'm not here, were am I? Oh no I'm lost.

Well, if I'm lost, I might as well get some rest. Don't nobody come lookin for me till breakfast. :blush:

Allmosthumble - oh and if I don't exist, I don't have a name. It's only logicall

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Sgallan -

If you really think your child will have a leg up on anyone because they're being taught by one person, with one set of methods, opinions, and biases? You really consider it ignorance for someone to ask the same questions that science has failed to answer? It's ignorant of you to ignore new research, and refuse to question, even when science openly admits the Big Bang leaves questions they can not answer. So if you're such a great teacher, why have you not addressed anything I’ve brought up? When your child comes to you and says there are numerous holes in the Big Bang Theory, and those holes are accepted by the scientific community as holes, what do you say? When she asks about the possibility of life springing from non-life, do you go on some random spiel about stepping on pebbles? I have never said that the Universe did not have a beginning. The Big Bang Theory explains many things when it comes to the beginning and expansion of the universe, but has never discovered a cause.

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<div class='quotemain'>

How about the day Harry Potter was invented........kidding!...

I don't think that's a kidding matter. The birth of Harry Potter has been immensely important - imagination, escapism, wonder and excitement is very important in this world. :)



So, just what might have possessed you to dredge up that evil little demon called Harry Potter? :o Could it have been . . . SSSSSaaaaaattttttaaaaaannnnnn!!!!!! :diablo:

See attached--somebody dedicated a whole video to exposing this evil. (Please do also note all the single-star ratings, and my own tongue sticking about 3-feet out my cheek)!


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<div class='quotemain'>

<div class='quotemain'>

How about the day Harry Potter was invented........kidding!...

I don't think that's a kidding matter. The birth of Harry Potter has been immensely important - imagination, escapism, wonder and excitement is very important in this world. :)



So, just what might have possessed you to dredge up that evil little demon called Harry Potter? :o Could it have been . . . SSSSSaaaaaattttttaaaaaannnnnn!!!!!! :diablo:

See attached--somebody dedicated a whole video to exposing this evil. (Please do also note all the single-star ratings, and my own tongue sticking about 3-feet out my cheek)!


I'm all for a bookburnng

But Witch book?

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THat has become one of my guilty pleasures. I read the first Harry Potter book because it was making such a fuss and many children were reading them. I became hooked! I started saying-forget the kids-I'm reading these books for my own fun. I've read them all and can't wait for the last one. I've also read Harry Potter and the Bible-a book by a Christian. It was awful! Low budget work with limited critical thinking.

Dr. T

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