The LDS from a Muslim perspective.


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Hi! I'm new here too... it won't let me start any threads yet so I haven't posted an intro thread yet. But I was a Muslim revert too, but I keep running into missionaries so often that I decided to just take that as a sign and start looking into the LDS church :)

Welcom :)

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Hi! I'm new here too... it won't let me start any threads yet so I haven't posted an intro thread yet. But I was a Muslim revert too, but I keep running into missionaries so often that I decided to just take that as a sign and start looking into the LDS church :)

Nikki, also, you will find many who say things about the LDS that make me laugh. Please be careful to get answers for questions you have from LDS folk. Some of the things you will hear need to be taken in context.

Polygamy was one of the first things that people threw at me, but being Muslim, it was not an issue for me. In truth, about 3000 FLDS practice it, and compared to somewhere around 15 Million Salt Lake LDS, this is not significant. It is later that I find out, and no I can not remember the source, that some Muslim writing says that polygamy is no longer permissible. During the time I was Muslim, I only knew two women that were separately in a Polygamous marriage and neither were overjoyed about it.

Please proceed calmly and in prayer.


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One statistic I heard in the last few months on a talk radio program was about 75 percent of Christians had chastity behavior that was no different than non-believers.

I can see why some Christians drove you from your previous beliefs. There are far too many who consider themselves a follower of Christ but do it as merely a label only.

I know I still have work to do on loving my neighbor as myself. If we have no charity we truly are nothing.

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One statistic I heard in the last few months on a talk radio program was about 75 percent of Christians had chastity behavior that was no different than non-believers.

I can see why some Christians drove you from your previous beliefs. There are far too many who consider themselves a follower of Christ but do it as merely a label only.

I know I still have work to do on loving my neighbor as myself. If we have no charity we truly are nothing.

I'm going to use my very lame excuse, probably for the last time; I'm not an LDS member yet, so I do not have to behave yet.

So, before Islam, I was foursquare, AG, Baptist... I was just searching for something that didn't feel creepy, and correctly interpreted scripture. I wanted to be with people who read the Bible, prayed, and believed.

Let's start with Tongues. It is pretty easy to devine the real purpose of it from just reading the Bible, and the LDS got it. However, lots of the other folk felt that if you did not do goofy things with tongues then you were a second class citizen. I could write pages on the subject, but I think the LDS correctly devined the purpose and correct use.

Then when we look at what Jesus said; love God, love your neighbor. Pretty plain, I think. Then you have these guys going of on endless and very frightening to me rants about how "all Muslims are going to Hell", (TV Evangelist, John Hagee), who advocate the mistreatment of Gays and Lesbians, who parade around in big cars and rich clothing and all sorts of things. For me, the last straw was the Atonement, though I did not call it that at the time. I say that even the most serious and icky sin, if a person repents and seeks forgiveness from God through Jesus Christ, it is all over, your sins are far from you. My old church did not see it that way.

By the time they threw me out, I was already on the way to the door.

I have to say that the LDS have astonished me so much that sometimes I just sit and shake my head and wonder if I am still on Earth. I am not going into my failing, because I know of people with the same failing that are temple members of the church. I don't know if anyone can fully appreciate how grateful and touched I am about how mercifully I feel I am treated.

Please don't make assumptions about what my sin was, because in the years since, I found that the way I thought was just as distasteful to God as what got me thrown out. It has been a long healing road for me, and ONLY the LDS have seen fit to help me along that path both personally and materially.

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So are you in the process of getting baptized/converting? I am a new convert myself. I served in Afghanistan and find Islam, contrary to many peoples feelings, a beautiful thing with many tenet beliefs that I feel all people should follow.

Oh, I most certainly learned much about myself and God in Islam. I could just never resolve the Jesus Christ question in Islam to my satisfaction. And, for a white American woman who does not know Arabic, it is pretty hard for various reasons.

As I have said before, I first admired someone who obeyed the first commandment, and then found that the Prophet Muhammad PBUH and his revelation of the Qur'an seemed quite reasonable.

So, then when I encountered the LDS in Kirtland, and they were so absolutely, unreservedly, undeniably, loving, it sort of bowled me over. AND, unlike so many other faiths, they said that I could bring what I learned into the church! No one ever asked me to not wear my Hijab, and I mostly stilll dress like Muslim woman. They will not attack another religion. Wow, gag me with a spoon!

I'd still be Muslim if they accepted Jesus as the Christ...or maybe LDS/Muslim, um or something. :)



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  • 1 month later...

I am not sure how this thread popped up again. No one had replied to me. Hmmm perhaps I am supposed to say something, so I will sort of journal here for a minute.

There is no more doubt about converting to "Mormonisim", because I have, in separate study, now learned more and find that Heavenly Father has me exactly where he wants me to be, finally I listened! Wallah (I swear it in the name of God.)

There are far too many things happening right now to write them all down. It is too wonderful for me, and I know that I do not deserve to be treated so well...

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