Holiness And Judgment And Acountability


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We've all heard Matthew 7:1: Do not judge, or you too will be judged. (NIV) And yet, in Paul's letter we read: It is actually reported that there is sexual immorality among you, . . . hand this man over to Satan, so that the sinful nature may be destroyed and his spirit saved on the day of the Lord. (1 Corinthians 5:1, 5, NIV) It might be added that we have commands to protect our weaker brothers/sisters, to be our brother's keeper, that we are surely qualified to settle disputes within the church since the day is coming when we will judge angels, etc.

So, how does this work. In pentecostal churches, up through the mid-1970s at least, we did not:

1. Drink alcohol

2. Smoke

3. Gamble

4. Go to 'moving picture theaters'

5. Listen to 'secular music'

6. Little or no make up for the women

7. No ear rings, tattoos, long hair etc. for the men

Today, we're probably somewhat lax on #4-7, depending on what part of the country you're in (the South and midwest may be somewhat like your Utah).

LDS have your WoW, your 'clothing wars,' etc. Some things are settled nationally, through a word from the Prophet, or from other authorities. Others are left for wards and individuals to discern. So, how do you decide, in those individual or ward-level areas:

1. What is merely a personal conviction

2. When a brother/sister is wrong and needs to be corrected

3. When to go in love and compassion, and offer support

4. Vs. when to go with an authoritative warning that sinful behavior is displeasing to God, etc.

In the midst of all this, how to answer charges you are being judgmental. And, how to avoid gossip! For example, "Let's pray for Sis. Smith. She's really struggling with watching too many soap operas, and I just sense God wants to free her from those."

All right posters. Switch your selector switches from 'safe' to 'semi-automatic' and watch your targets! Fire at will!

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My feelings on that (within the LDS framwork) is what is your calling? As bishop, or rs pres, or el quarm pres you have a responsibility to look after the "flock". When i was rs pres, and was concerned about a sister i would first take it to the Lord, if very serious i would also counsel with the branch pres before ever saying anything to the sister. sometimes i would be told to say nothing that the branch pres would handle it, at that point i let it go. other times i was told to take care of it. my feelings have always been to speak truth with charity and kindness, let the Lord impress it upon the heart as correction. anyway, i then would research it among the words of the scriptures, prophets, and general authorities. when at all possible make correction come from them, if they want to be offended by it it's not you they are mad at, but the Lord or his servents. You would be amazed because of the ensign how many topics are covered. only once was i not able to find the answer from those sources, and that time the branch pres said let me handle this one (it was a legal issue). now that i am not rs pres. i try to see things as personal conviction. if i think there is something serious then i take it to the rs pres and turn it over to her. if not serious i let it go, hey, i'm not perfect either. if it is a close friend and i feel i must say something as a friend, then i pray and let the holy ghost guide me. again i try to approch everything from empathy and charity. If you always show love and charity you can't be accused of judging the person, but the action. my first thoughts on it anyway.

as far as the question of gossip. i know gossip goes on, but when i was rs pres i would just say sister smith is having a hard time and needs your prayrs, don't go into details, the lord knows what sis smith needs all one needs to do is ask that the lord's spirit be with her. now that i am not rs pres i have never questioned a request that came without details, i respect the privacy of others and their struggles. i think the respecting of privacy is well understood in the LDS comunity, here it is anyway. i had a family emergency that was private and i called a rs sister and said i need a babysitter and fast please no details, she responded that she would help and asked me not to tell her because she had enough problems of her own to be worring about me. lol i agree we must be very careful of gossip. but it is acceptable to ask for prayers without details and i never press when someone does so.

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Hi Tommy,

I think the "gist" of your message was to ask a question:

How do we really know what God wants?

The answer to that is really very simple.

We ask God to know what God thinks.

Any questions?


Hi Ray :)

It must be nice to always be able to know what God thinks :lol:

I don't seem to be able to "connect" with him like you can...

I do have a question....Would you mind asking Him to pick some good stocks for me? :lol:

(I'd settle for a winning lottery ticket #) :D

Josh B)

P.S. (I'm just teasing, no offense intended!)

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Once you get serious about really trying to know God I'm sure you will like how it feels. :)

What does this "really trying to know God" specificly entail? Or do you know you're really trying when you "feel" something? :hmmm:

Josh B)

I will help you, Josh...

In order for me, when I needed it most... to prove I wanted to know something...

after being a repeat offender (like you are in sturring up trouble)..

I cried, and said... I really want to know.. I need to know...

Sometimes you need to be a wreak to know, Josh...

To prove that you need to..


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In the midst of all this, how to answer charges you are being judgmental. And, how to avoid gossip! For example, "Let's pray for Sis. Smith. She's really struggling with watching too many soap operas, and I just sense God wants to free her from those."

I have a friend who says: if you're ever sitting in church listening to the speaker and thinking "man, brother/sister X really needs to be hearing this", that's a good sign that you needed to hear it... ;)

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In the midst of all this, how to answer charges you are being judgmental. And, how to avoid gossip! For example, "Let's pray for Sis. Smith. She's really struggling with watching too many soap operas, and I just sense God wants to free her from those."

I have a friend who says: if you're ever sitting in church listening to the speaker and thinking "man, brother/sister X really needs to be hearing this", that's a good sign that you needed to hear it... ;)

Wow.. I never thought of that before...

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