OT vs NT


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Okay, so I looked at how many views the Old Testament gospel doctrine lessons had here, versus the New Testament lessons. The OT lessons had about 60,000 views, while the New Testament had less than 25,000 views.

Why do you think there was more than twice the interest in the Old Testament versus the New Testament lessons? And now that I've started the Book of Mormon lessons, will they get more or less than the others?


See lessons here: Scripture Study Forum - LDS Social Network Forums

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The OT has been posted for 2 years the NT for one... So adjusting for time the numbers are closer 60,000 to 50,000 or 30,000 to 25,000.. depending on if you cut the OT in half or double the NT numbers to make up for it. Of course this assumes a steady rate of views

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As a Sunday School teacher, I found the OT lessons in the church manual a little...bland (I said it!) To be honest, just a few. Some of them seemed to not have a focal message but rather a plethora of scriptures of various topics. The NT and of course the BofM share a more linear approach, like a story.

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I agree that the CES manuals need to take a new approach. I'd like to see them focus on themes, and spend a month on one theme, like faith, atonement, forgiveness, or charity.

BTW, I tried explain the "different Jesus" on my posts. Obviously few bothered to read about him. ;)

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I believe that to many the Old Testament is an enigma because of the symbolism and requires more study including historical context helps to understand.

It is my understanding that the Old Testament is a lesson in covenants and how G-d uses covenants to change individuals, families and societies. Thus being more evolutionary covering all of history - it is harder to follow. For example: Isaiah foretells and outlines the entire fabric of conventional history and progression dealing with the purpose of a mortal (earth) conventional experience. (see Isaiah 16:10)

The Traveler

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Okay, so I looked at how many views the Old Testament gospel doctrine lessons had here, versus the New Testament lessons. The OT lessons had about 60,000 views, while the New Testament had less than 25,000 views.

Why do you think there was more than twice the interest in the Old Testament versus the New Testament lessons? And now that I've started the Book of Mormon lessons, will they get more or less than the others?


See lessons here: Scripture Study Forum - LDS Social Network Forums

The OT is inaccessible to a lot of people - too much trouble and not too relevant to people's daily lives.

But you question about the BoM is interesting... I noticed a distinct change in teaching Gospel Doctrine as we switched from the NT to the BoM... there is more participation. People who didn't contribute once during the past year, all the sudden had all sorts of knowledge and insight about 1 Nephi.

With the NT, I was fairly comfortable that I was about as knowledgeable or more so that many/most people in the class... not so with the BoM. They know a lot.

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