Dr T Posted September 23, 2006 Author Report Posted September 23, 2006 Des,Your opinion is Because they are either coming, or came to earth. the good ones had bodies? You said they were spirits that are not here. If they are in the pre-existence would they have bodies in your opinion?ThanksDr. T Quote
Princess3dward Posted September 23, 2006 Report Posted September 23, 2006 HAVE HAVE HAVE! Stop it with the HAD! And yes.. I believe God has the bodies ready for them! Quote
Dr T Posted September 23, 2006 Author Report Posted September 23, 2006 We are talking about the battle before the plan went into effect? That would be "had"? Past tense. Did they have them back then? Thanks Quote
Princess3dward Posted September 24, 2006 Report Posted September 24, 2006 No. Infact.. I don't recall and "battle"... I recall an arguement. Quote
Dr T Posted September 24, 2006 Author Report Posted September 24, 2006 "It was an argument." OK. The "angels"/spirit children, God, Jesus and Satan had an argument about a plan for salvation. Is that it? Thanks Quote
Princess3dward Posted September 24, 2006 Report Posted September 24, 2006 "It was an argument." OK. The "angels"/spirit children, God, Jesus and Satan had an argument about a plan for salvation. Is that it?ThanksJesus wasn't arguing... He was agreeing with His father.I am sure God doesn't argue.Maybe some of the spirit children.. I really don't know. Quote
Dr T Posted September 24, 2006 Author Report Posted September 24, 2006 Agreeing with teh Father? Did the Father propose it or was it Jesus? Quote
Princess3dward Posted September 24, 2006 Report Posted September 24, 2006 The father. Jesus said he would be the one to die for out sins.... Wait a second.... It was more joint... Quote
Dr T Posted September 24, 2006 Author Report Posted September 24, 2006 Des, It was joint. Satan offered a plan and Jesus offered a plan. Where they both joint? How long have you been LDS? Just curious. Thanks Quote
Guest MrsS Posted September 24, 2006 Report Posted September 24, 2006 Des, It was joint. Satan offered a plan and Jesus offered a plan. Where they both joint? How long have you been LDS? Just curious. Thanks http://www.ldstalk.com/forums/index.php?s=...ndpost&p=106594 This link takes you to where Dez first tells us how long she has been a member. 1. How/why did you become a believer of Mormonism? I was a devout chatholic, and as you might guess, some of their beliefs are different. I came across sister missionaries and talked to them.. just to know.. and I ended up feeling the spiirit soo strong I got baptised. That was lats year. I am 16 now.Dr T Don't you see that bombarding Dez with your breakdown of questions like you do - you are confusing a very young and new LDS member. On top of which she has ADD?? Go after Me ( I have less knowledge Doctrine wise then the others), AK, Snow or even Ray like that , but for heaven sakes knock it off with Dez. Makes me wonder if you even read all of the posts and the references that have been given on this entire Board? You mentioned on the public boards that I sound like I am taking a motherly defense of Dez - why do you bring that up? What kind of DR are you anyway? (I felt a little bit of motherlyness in your "defense" of her). Dr. T One of us older LDS and been in the Church longer LDS, needed to stand up and put a stop to you barraging Dez like you are. Motherlyness in defense of Dez ?- You Better Believe It Bucko! reread Outshined's post: http://www.ldstalk.com/forums/index.php?s=...ndpost&p=110749 This has been addressed in another thread - http://www.ldstalk.com/forums/index.php?s=...ndpost&p=108173 Two mighty spirits answered the call and volunteered their services. Christ said, in effect: Here am I send me; I will be thy Son; I will follow thy plan’ and “thy will be done, and the glory be thine forever. But Lucifer sought to amend the plan of the Father and to change the proffered terms of salvation. “Behold, here am I, send me,” he said, “I will be thy son, and I will redeem all mankind that one soul shall not be lost, and surely I will do it; wherefore give me thine honor.” (Moses 4:1-4) When the Father said, “I will send the first”, then Lucifer was angry and kept not his first estate, rebelled and he and one-third of the hosts of heaven were cast out down to earth to become the devil and his angels. (Abra. 3:25-28; D&C 29:36-40)Go to lds.org and look it up like us Staunch LDS members do. You know why we do? - so that non-LDS get the real skinny. It also helps us, the Staunch LDS, to keep it correct. Quote
Guest MrsS Posted September 24, 2006 Report Posted September 24, 2006 Hello MrsS., (I felt a little bit of motherlyness in your "defense" of her). Dr. T Do you now? I wish I could be Dez's mother. Foster, Adopted, Honorary Mother - how any woman who had given birth to a child, raised that child for 15 years, then turn their back and toss their own flesh and blood away is beyond me. That Adult will answer for that in the Eternities - in the meantime I really do hope that she is paying for it now. Not very Christian of me, and I readily admit it. I will willingly answer to that in the Eternities! Dez - I wish to God, that I lived in your Ward - and that you could accept me as a Mother figure. Someone you could come to when you need a stout shoulder to cry on, a firm hand to hold on to, a woman to laugh with you and share your joys with. To scold you if and when you needed it, but not pass judgement on you. Same goes for "Todayisagooddayihope". My heart breaks for you two, and my ire is up and I want to wring some selfish female necks! Quote
Princess3dward Posted September 24, 2006 Report Posted September 24, 2006 There is no emoicon for this.... Thank you so much Mrs. S! *hugz!!!!!!!!!!!!* That made me feel better. Love, Dez! Quote
Guest MrsS Posted September 24, 2006 Report Posted September 24, 2006 There is no emoicon for this....Thank you so much Mrs. S! *hugz!!!!!!!!!!!!*That made me feel better. Love,Dez! Here you go - it is the best I can do via cyberspace! Love you back, Girl Child! (p.s when my Mom was choked up with Motherly emotion, she would say to us girls [she had 5 of us] "Love you back Girl Child, then she would kiss our foreheads or the top of our heads) So, Dez, consider yourself Loved! Quote
JoshuaFKon Posted September 24, 2006 Report Posted September 24, 2006 Don't you see that bombarding Dez with your breakdown of questions like you do - you are confusing a very young and new LDS member. Go after Me ( I have less knowledge Doctrine wise then the others), AK, Snow or even Ray like that , but for heaven sakes knock it off with Dez. Mrs. S,Don't you think you are being a bit hard on Dr. T?He did nothing more than ask questions, he never made a judgment, he never even shared his opinion, he merely asked her to clarify her answers. You call this "bombarding" her with questions?Your concern for her is admirable, I can see you truly care for her, but I think saying that Dr. T was "barraging" her is going too far.One of us older LDS and been in the Church longer LDS, needed to stand up and put a stop to you barraging Dez like you are. Motherlyness in defense of Dez ?- You Better Believe It Bucko! May I point out that Dez was free to ignore his questions, and you (or any other "older LDS") were also free to step in with your own answers at any time.And of course the board does have moderators..... I would understand perhaps if you said I was out of line. But from what I have seen, Dr T has been exceptionally polite, respectful, and non-agressive in every post he has ever made. I frankly don't know how he mantains such composure.Just my opinion.Josh B) Quote
Dr T Posted September 24, 2006 Author Report Posted September 24, 2006 Thanks Josh. :) MrsS, I hear your defensiveness. She made some assertions and I was just questioning to make sure it followed in my mind. Since she seems to keen on holding to her beliefs, I was wondering if she understood what she was claiming-that's all. You take offense that I said you were being "motherly." I thought that would be a compliment. That is one of the most important jobs ever! I'm not rattling her cage just checking to see if what she is saying makes sense. Sorry if I upset you or anyone here. Dr. T Quote
Princess3dward Posted September 24, 2006 Report Posted September 24, 2006 Thanks Josh. :) MrsS,I hear your defensiveness. She made some assertions and I was just questioning to make sure it followed in my mind. Since she seems to keen on holding to her beliefs, I was wondering if she understood what she was claiming-that's all. You take offense that I said you were being "motherly." I thought that would be a compliment. That is one of the most important jobs ever! I'm not rattling her cage just checking to see if what she is saying makes sense. Sorry if I upset you or anyone here.Dr. TThe problem with me, is I understand a little more than people think I do, because I can't communicate it..I am not going to get into any details... but because I can not communicate my thoughts, my patriarticle blessing is.... odd... I look forward to seeing it be fulfilled, and I will do my part and continur to learn.Sorry I can't explain myself better Dr.T I am trying my best. Quote
Dr T Posted September 24, 2006 Author Report Posted September 24, 2006 No need to be sorry Des. :) Quote
Nicole Posted September 24, 2006 Report Posted September 24, 2006 ............................just testing i have found some good links but the links dont work on here so dont mind me am just testing lolhttp://library.lds.org/nxt/gateway.dll?f=t...;fn=default.htm............................just testing i have found some good links but the links dont work on here so dont mind me am just testing lolhttp://library.lds.org/nxt/gateway.dll?f=t...;fn=default.htmoh pooh!!!!!!!! they aint working that a shame Quote
Nicole Posted September 24, 2006 Report Posted September 24, 2006 ok i hope this works this time lolhttp://library.lds.org/nxt/gateway.dll/Mag...rchangel%20.htm http://library.lds.org/nxt/gateway.dll/Mag...%20satan%20.htmhere is a very good one i have tried to link it up for u but it aint doing it so please look it up on www.lds.org Old TestamentWhat Modern Revelation Teaches about AdamBy Arthur A. BaileyTruths restored through the Prophet Joseph Smith bring Adam and Eve out of obscurity and into marvelous light, revealing they were noble and great forebears who “fell that men might be” (2 Ne. 2:25).Arthur A. Bailey, “What Modern Revelation Teaches about Adam,” Ensign, Jan. 1998, 20 Quote
Dr T Posted September 25, 2006 Author Report Posted September 25, 2006 Thanks for the links Nicole. I haven't looked at it yet. I'll check it out later. Dr. T Quote
LionHeart Posted September 25, 2006 Report Posted September 25, 2006 You won't find it in a doctrinal source, though I see it mentioned occasionally in discussion. And you are mistaken about Adam being God, as well. He was not. EDIT: Some consider Revelations to be talking about Adam and Michael as the same person, but I heard that in a Baptist church, not an LDS one.D&C 27: 11 11 And also with Michael, or Adam, the father of all, the prince of all, the ancient of days;There are also a few more places in the D&C but let this suffice.L.H.Michael however will always be God's archangel or master servant. Some will say...then if Michael already was a resurrected being, what happened to his body when he came to Earth to be Adam because we all know Adam was created from the dust of the Earth? This I can't answer....you'll have to ask God or someone more knowledgable than I!This is pretty much what I have been taught about Michael and where he came from....and please don't ask me for scripture to support it as I am no scriptorian....this is just something I have pieced together from talks, speeches, and asking questions of the Bishopric, and General Authorities....I have no clue how much of this is doctrine or speculation but it sure makes sense to me!Adam was not created from the dust of the Earth, he was sustained by the dust of another Earth; where he earned His resurrection.I might also point out that the word "Eloheim" is commonly interpreted as the name of God the Father. However, a direct Hebrew translation renders it as God in a plural sense; or "The Gods."L.H. Quote
Guest ApostleKnight Posted September 25, 2006 Report Posted September 25, 2006 So couldn't Michael have been a god but still only have a spirit body? It seems that you link the idea of being a god with the idea of having a resurrected body. The Holy Ghost is a personage of spirit and a God. I'm not saying I believe Michael/Adam was a god before his mortal life on this earth, but why the emphasis on his having to have been resurrected to fulfill his role as the first man of all men on our planet? Quote
LionHeart Posted September 25, 2006 Report Posted September 25, 2006 So couldn't Michael have been a god but still only have a spirit body? It seems that you link the idea of being a god with the idea of having a resurrected body. The Holy Ghost is a personage of spirit and a God. I'm not saying I believe Michael/Adam was a god before his mortal life on this earth, but why the emphasis on his having to have been resurrected to fulfill his role as the first man of all men on our planet?Because of this quote: "Then, can you by process of reasoning or argument, tell whether it was an apple that bore the first seed of an apple, or an apple seed that made the first apple? Or, whether it was a seed of a squash that madethe first squash, or a squash that bore the first squash seed? Such abstruse questions belong to the philosophy of the world; in reality there never was and never will be a time when there was not both theapple and the apple seed."This principle was taught by both Joseph Smith and Brigham Young. This is partly what is meant by the saying "My course is one eternal round." To accept this, one must accept that Adam had a father in the flesh. True, our lives have a beginning here, but they also have an end here. They had a beginning, therefore they must have an end. When considering this principle on an eternal basis, if mankind as a whole had a beginning, it must have an end. If mankind in the flesh has been in existence from eternity to eternity, would it not be reasonable to conclude that it continues according to the laws set forth by the eternity of Gods for procreation? Where was there ever a son without there first being a father? Or where was there ever a father without there first being a son? One other thing I might throw into the equasion is the fact that the bible went through many languages before being translated to english. Even then it was selectively compiled to give the message intended by the compilers. As a result of this, many things were lost or mistranslated. But in the original hebrew text, according to a certain biblical scholar, the word Adam, is not a name. His name is Michael. The word Adam actually translates to "First man" And the word "Eve" translates to either "Many" or "Family"; depending on the context in which it is being used.I don't know if this helps you to understand my point of view better, as there are many things to be understood about it before one can grasp the whole picture of the concept.L.H. Quote
Guest ApostleKnight Posted September 25, 2006 Report Posted September 25, 2006 That doesn't answer my question. As I said, the Holy Ghost hasn't got a resurrected body of flesh and bone, yet is still a God. So why couldn't Michael/Adam have been a god while still a spirit just like Jesus was before his mortal birth? Quote
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