Dr T Posted September 19, 2006 Report Share Posted September 19, 2006 Hi AK/all,On another thread, you (AK) said, The scriptures--I'm talking canonized revelations, not journal of discourses--identify Adam as Michael the Archangel. can you talk more about that idea? Where is is found? What does it mean?Thanks,Dr. T Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Traveler Posted September 19, 2006 Report Share Posted September 19, 2006 Hi AK/all,On another thread, you (AK) said, The scriptures--I'm talking canonized revelations, not journal of discourses--identify Adam as Michael the Archangel. can you talk more about that idea? Where is is found? What does it mean?Thanks,Dr. TThis is in the "Standard Works" of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints - which are not exactly canon in that one could argue meet some of the definition of canon but not all.Doctrine And Covenants:27:11107:54128:21The Traveler Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dr T Posted September 19, 2006 Author Report Share Posted September 19, 2006 Thank for the verses. I looked at them-it doesn't explain where they get that idea. Can you point me in the right direction? Thanks, Dr. T Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Maureen Posted September 19, 2006 Report Share Posted September 19, 2006 Here's an article from lds.org:Mark E. Petersen, “Adam, the Archangel,” Ensign, Nov. 1980, 16…Who was Adam that he was privileged to begin the human race here on earth? Had he been some very special personage in the premortal world?Indeed, Adam was very special and very important. Before coming into mortality, he was known as Michael. The Prophet Joseph Smith clearly identifies both Adam and Michael as one and the same person, an angel, the chief angel, or archangel, of heaven, the special servant of God and Christ.When Michael came into mortality he was known as Adam, the first man, but he was still his own self. Although he was given another name, that of Adam, he did not change his identity.After his mortal death he resumed his position as an angel in the heavens, once again serving as the chief angel, or archangel, and took again his former name of Michael.In his capacity as archangel, Adam, or Michael, will yet perform a mighty mission in the coming years, both before and after the Millennium. This is startling, but the scriptures declare it.One important assignment that awaits him is to be the angel to sound the trumpet heralding the resurrection of the dead. The scripture reads, “Behold, verily I say unto you, before the earth shall pass away, Michael, mine archangel, shall sound his trump, and then shall all the dead awake, for their graves shall be opened, and they shall come forth” (D&C 29:26).What a marvelous calling for Adam, or Michael. But note that even in this assignment, which is yet future, he still will be an angel—the archangel, but an angel nevertheless.Section 107 of the Doctrine and Covenants, dated March 28, 1835, identifies him as an angel as of that date—little more than a hundred years ago—and calls him “Michael, the prince, the archangel” (D&C 107:54).During the Millennium the devil will be bound, but afterward will be freed for a short time, during which he will rally his evil forces to make one final assault upon God.Who will lead the defending armies of the Lord? None other than Michael himself, whose position as archangel qualifies him to be the captain of the Lord’s host. Is he not the chief of the angels? Then should he not lead them into battle against Lucifer?As the archangel he continues to serve the interests of the Lord with respect to this earth. His ultimate exaltation, of course, is fully assured, but it must await the completion of his work here.Seven angels are to sound trumpets to announce a series of events to precede the second coming of the Savior. Michael will be the seventh of those angels.Says the scripture:“And Michael, the seventh angel, even the archangel”—and please note here how the Lord still identifies him strictly as an angel, for that is his status—and now I repeat this scripture:“And Michael, the seventh angel, even the archangel, shall gather together his armies, even the hosts of heaven. … And then cometh the battle of the great God; and the devil and his armies shall be cast away into their own place.” (D&C 88:112, 114; emphasis added.)Then can anyone honestly mistake the identity of Adam, or Michael? Even after the thousand years of the Millennium are over he will still retain his status as an angel—the archangel—and a resurrected man.In the year 1842 the Prophet Joseph Smith spoke of Michael, or Adam, who visited him. Joseph identified him as an angel even then—the archangel—and said, “The voice of Michael, the archangel; … and of diverse [other] angels, from Michael or Adam down to the present time” (D&C 128:21). He thus listed Michael, or Adam, with the other angels.So, in 1842 Michael, or Adam, was still an angel and will continue to be so through the final winding up scene of this earth.Adam was not our God, nor was he our Savior. But he was the humble servant of both in his status as an angel……Then was Adam our God, or did God become Adam? Ridiculous!Adam was neither God nor the Only Begotten Son of God. He was a child of God in the spirit as we all are (see Acts 17:29). Jesus was the firstborn in the spirit, and the only one born to God in the flesh.The Almighty himself repeatedly called Jesus both his firstborn and his Only Begotten.Then who is Adam? He is Michael the archangel, appointed by God and Christ to be the mortal progenitor of the race. At this very moment, in the year 1980, he is still in his position as the archangel whose trumpet in the final days will herald the resurrection and who will be the captain of the Lord’s hosts in the final defeat of Lucifer.He is the “Ancient of Days” spoken of by Daniel the prophet and as such will meet the faithful in that same valley of Adam-ondi-Ahman, which is named after him (see Dan. 7:9–22; D&C 116)…M. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ray Posted September 19, 2006 Report Share Posted September 19, 2006 Thank for the verses. I looked at them-it doesn't explain where they get that idea. Can you point me in the right direction?Thanks,Dr. TI think most people usually point up. :) Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Princess3dward Posted September 19, 2006 Report Share Posted September 19, 2006 <div class='quotemain'>Thank for the verses. I looked at them-it doesn't explain where they get that idea. Can you point me in the right direction?Thanks,Dr. TI think most people usually point up. :)Hey... that almost sounded fresh. lol.Documentation on where we got the ideas of what we believe help people who don't know understand better, so they can more clearly define what they are asking God. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ray Posted September 19, 2006 Report Share Posted September 19, 2006 Uhh... what??? Would you clarify your comments for me, please? Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Serg Posted September 19, 2006 Report Share Posted September 19, 2006 The tradition of Adam as an elevated spiitual being(both saved and powerful in Heaven-although not commonly-but indeed-recognized as Michael specifically) is found in apocaliptic jewish writtings and those of New testament apocrypha. Also, the Talmud makes interesting remarks concerning Adam. This tradition(that of the Patriarchs)also includes the notion of the garments and the secret codes in the priesthood. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Princess3dward Posted September 20, 2006 Report Share Posted September 20, 2006 Uhh... what???Would you clarify your comments for me, please?hmm.. people seem to understand me when I explain less....Okay. I will try.They want physical proof. ( under five words. ) Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
JoshuaFKon Posted September 20, 2006 Report Share Posted September 20, 2006 Uhh... what???Would you clarify your comments for me, please?I think I am starting to understand her! (scary I know) Documentation on where we got the ideas of what we believe help people who don't know understand better, so they can more clearly define what they are asking God.Translates as:"Having Documentation for the origin of our beliefs helps people who don't know about our beliefs understand our reasoning better, so when they ask God to confirm our beliefs, they know what they are really asking."I could be wrong. Josh B) Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dr T Posted September 20, 2006 Author Report Share Posted September 20, 2006 It looks like all this "support" is coming from D&C. The Bible does talk about Adam and Michael the Archangel. I see no connection beyond someone saying that they were one in the same being. My question would have to be aren't angels and humans very different creatures? If so, how? Do angels have a body like we do? If not, then how did it make other humans? I'm having a really hard time with this one. Thanks, Dr. T Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest ApostleKnight Posted September 20, 2006 Report Share Posted September 20, 2006 Dr. T, I was saying the LDS teaching is that Adam is Michael. As for angels, here's one explanation from LDS scripture: "There are two kinds of beings in heaven, namely: Angels, who are resurrected personages, having bodies of flesh and bones— "For instance, Jesus said: Handle me and see, for a spirit hath not flesh and bones, as ye see me have. "Secondly: the spirits of just men made perfect, they who are not resurrected, but inherit the same glory." (D&C 129:1-3) Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Princess3dward Posted September 20, 2006 Report Share Posted September 20, 2006 Translates as:"Having Documentation for the origin of our beliefs helps people who don't know about our beliefs understand our reasoning better, so when they ask God to confirm our beliefs, they know what they are really asking."HAHA! Thanx Josh!Now you have to go through and translate everything for me!! I think I am starting to understand her! (scary I know) My sister can understand me, so maybe it comes with time. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
JoshuaFKon Posted September 20, 2006 Report Share Posted September 20, 2006 <div class='quotemain'>Translates as:"Having Documentation for the origin of our beliefs helps people who don't know about our beliefs understand our reasoning better, so when they ask God to confirm our beliefs, they know what they are really asking."HAHA! Thanx Josh!Now you have to go through and translate everything for me!! I think I have a new full time job on my hands... Josh B) Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dr T Posted September 20, 2006 Author Report Share Posted September 20, 2006 Thanks A.K., I understood that you were saying that Adam and Michael were/are the same being. That is my difficulty. Your quote says that angels are resurrected beings. Resurrected from where? When? We read that Satan was an angel does that mean he was resurrected? I'm also not connecting "angel/spirit/bodies" in your last post. Thanks, Dr. T Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
JoshuaFKon Posted September 20, 2006 Report Share Posted September 20, 2006 We read that Satan was an angel does that mean he was resurrected? I was under the impression mormons considered satan a "spirit brother" Josh B) Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
mdb Posted September 20, 2006 Report Share Posted September 20, 2006 Here's an article from lds.org:Mark E. Petersen, “Adam, the Archangel,” Ensign, Nov. 1980, 16…Who was Adam that he was privileged to begin the human race here on earth? Had he been some very special personage in the premortal world?Indeed, Adam was very special and very important. Before coming into mortality, he was known as Michael. The Prophet Joseph Smith clearly identifies both Adam and Michael as one and the same person, an angel, the chief angel {emphasis mine: mdb}, or archangel, of heaven, the special servant of God and Christ.M.Daniel 10:13 says Michael is “one of” the chief princes, not “the” chief prince. He is one among equals and therefore not unique.But the prince of the kingdom of Persia withstood me twenty-one days; and behold, Michael, one of the chief princes, came to help me, for I had been left alone there with the kings of Persia. (Dan 10:13)This is not to say Michael is not an important angel. He is, but he's not unique and certainly not "the chief" angel over all angels. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dr T Posted September 20, 2006 Author Report Share Posted September 20, 2006 I was under the impression mormons considered satan a "spirit brother"That is why things are not making sense to me (from my very limited knowledge)Thanks,Dr. T Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ray Posted September 20, 2006 Report Share Posted September 20, 2006 Fairwiki also has some good information on the Adam-God issue, which you can see by clicking on this, and while I agree with some of what are called “Apologetic approaches”, you can think how and what you want to think. :) Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Princess3dward Posted September 20, 2006 Report Share Posted September 20, 2006 We are all unique... and if you are "one of", don't you still have something special going for you? Something that is all you? Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest ApostleKnight Posted September 20, 2006 Report Share Posted September 20, 2006 There is alot of good info on lds.org about this. I'm kinda tired today, don't want to hunt down quotes and scriptures about this. Just go check it out, I'm sure you'll find the whole LDS viewpoint (not that you have to agree with it). Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
JoshuaFKon Posted September 22, 2006 Report Share Posted September 22, 2006 There is alot of good info on lds.org about this. I'm kinda tired today, don't want to hunt down quotes and scriptures about this. Just go check it out, I'm sure you'll find the whole LDS viewpoint (not that you have to agree with it).Maybe Adam is Michael and God....Eliza R. Snow (one of Joseph Smith's wives)"Adam is the great Archangel of this creation. He is Michael. He is the Ancient of Days. He is the father of our elder brother, Jesus Christ--the father of him who shall also come as Messiah to reign. He is the father of the spirits as well as the tabernacles of the sons and daughters of man--Adam!"Consider also an old Mormon hymn:There was also a Mormon hymn published in 1856 entitled "We Believe in Our God", that stated: We believe in our God the great Prince of His race, The Archangel Michael, the Ancient of Days, Our own Father Adam, earth's Lord, as is plain, Who'll counsel and fight for his children again. We believe in His Son, Jesus Christ..." (Sacred Hymns and Spiritual Songs for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints p. 375) (Liverpool, 1856). From WikipediaJosh Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Serg Posted September 22, 2006 Report Share Posted September 22, 2006 <div class='quotemain'>There is alot of good info on lds.org about this. I'm kinda tired today, don't want to hunt down quotes and scriptures about this. Just go check it out, I'm sure you'll find the whole LDS viewpoint (not that you have to agree with it).Maybe Adam is Michael and God....Eliza R. Snow (one of Joseph Smith's wives)"Adam is the great Archangel of this creation. He is Michael. He is the Ancient of Days. He is the father of our elder brother, Jesus Christ--the father of him who shall also come as Messiah to reign. He is the father of the spirits as well as the tabernacles of the sons and daughters of man--Adam!"Consider also an old Mormon hymn:There was also a Mormon hymn published in 1856 entitled "We Believe in Our God", that stated: We believe in our God the great Prince of His race, The Archangel Michael, the Ancient of Days, Our own Father Adam, earth's Lord, as is plain, Who'll counsel and fight for his children again. We believe in His Son, Jesus Christ..." (Sacred Hymns and Spiritual Songs for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints p. 375) (Liverpool, 1856). From WikipediaJosh Eliza Snow's statement, thoughj very important cannot be equated to this Work's author, Joseph Smith, who made the plainest assertions differentiating Adam from Elohim and Jesus, in fact, in one of his discourses he said: It is true that the earth was organized by three distinct characters, namely, Eloheim, Yahovah, and Michael, these three forming a quorum, as in all heavenly bodies, and in organizing element, perfectly represented in the Deity, as Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. (JD 1:51; see also Heber C. Kimball in JD 10:235.) The dust from which Adam was made was this one Therefore I, the Lord God, will send him [Adam] forth from the Garden of Eden, to till the ground from when he was taken. (Moses 4:29. See also Alma 42:2.) Also "for, behold, the devil was before Adam,"(D&C29:35-37) How can Adam be teh Father of Jesus if teh Father of Jesus spoke to him? : And he heard a voice out of heaven, saying: Thou art baptized with fire, and with the Holy Ghost. This is the record of the Father, and the Son, from henceforth and forever; (Moses 6:64-66.) So Joseph never taught that, Eliza knew that, but as she became wife of Young, and he(under his totalitarian will) promoted(out of nothing) such "revelation"or new "knowledge" she just accepted it as a supplement to what Joseph had taught her(instead of taking it as contrary to it).For more check this out http://www.mormonfundamentalism.com/OldAdamGod.htm Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
JoshuaFKon Posted September 22, 2006 Report Share Posted September 22, 2006 Eliza Snow's statement, thoughj very important cannot be equated to this Work's author, Joseph Smith, who made the plainest assertions differentiating Adam from Elohim and Jesus, in fact, in one of his discourses he said: It is true that the earth was organized by three distinct characters, namely, Eloheim, Yahovah, and Michael, these three forming a quorum, as in all heavenly bodies, and in organizing element, perfectly represented in the Deity, as Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. (JD 1:51; see also Heber C. Kimball in JD 10:235.) Sounds fair enough....So Joseph never taught that, Eliza knew that, but as she became wife of Young, and he(under his totalitarian will) promoted(out of nothing) such "revelation"or new "knowledge" she just accepted it as a supplement to what Joseph had taught her(instead of taking it as contrary to it).What about this quote:Vol. I, p. 113, Joseph Smith, July 1839. See also HC 3:385-391.The Priesthood was first given to Adam; he obtained the First Presidency, and held the keys of it from generation to generation. He obtained it in the Creation, before the world was formed, as in Gen. i:26, 27, 28. He had dominion given him over every living creature. He is Michael the Archangel, spoken of in the Scriptures. Then to Noah, who is Gabriel; he stands next in authority to Adam in the Priesthood; he was called of God to this office, and was the father of all living in his day, and to him was given the dominion. These men held keys first on earth, and then in heaven.The Priesthood is an everlasting principle, and existed with God from eternity, and will to eternity, without beginning of days or end of years. The keys have to be brought from heaven whenever the Gospel is sent. When they are revealed from heaven, it is by Adam's authority.Daniel in his seventh chapter speaks of the Ancient of Days; he means the oldest man, our Father Adam, Michael,My understanding is that "Ancient of Days" refers to God...what is your understanding?Also, are you LDS? or RLDS? Something else?Josh B) Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Princess3dward Posted September 22, 2006 Report Share Posted September 22, 2006 He is out father on earth.... well... great great great great...ect granfather.... Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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