Adam=michael The Archangel?

Dr T

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You won't find it in a doctrinal source, though I see it mentioned occasionally in discussion. And you are mistaken about Adam being God, as well. He was not. ;)

EDIT: Some consider Revelations to be talking about Adam and Michael as the same person, but I heard that in a Baptist church, not an LDS one.

I searched for it on

this is what I found:

Elder Mark E. Petersen

Of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles

"When Michael came into mortality he was known as Adam, the first man, but he was still his own self. Although he was given another name, that of Adam, he did not change his identity.

After his mortal death he resumed his position as an angel in the heavens, once again serving as the chief angel, or archangel, and took again his former name of Michael." - adam michael

Josh B)

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You won't find it in a doctrinal source, though I see it mentioned occasionally in discussion. And you are mistaken about Adam being God, as well. He was not. ;)

EDIT: Some consider Revelations to be talking about Adam and Michael as the same person, but I heard that in a Baptist church, not an LDS one.

I searched for it on

this is what I found:

Elder Mark E. Petersen

Of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles

"When Michael came into mortality he was known as Adam, the first man, but he was still his own self. Although he was given another name, that of Adam, he did not change his identity.

After his mortal death he resumed his position as an angel in the heavens, once again serving as the chief angel, or archangel, and took again his former name of Michael." - adam michael

Josh B)

Hello once again Joshua.....Yes Adam was Michael the archangel...he was preordained in Heaven to become the fist father of the human in a sense he is the Father of all humans that live or have lived as is Eve, our first Mother.

Other LDS can correct me if I'm wrong but in regards to an earlier question about Michael being an angel which is a resurrected being of flesh and bone....someone asked "resurrected from where?", now this is where it might be confusing to a non LDS. As was mentioned in another thread. God the father (Elohiem) was once as we are, he lived a mortal life, and when he died he was resurrected and judged worthy to enter the Celestial kingdom of his God and become a glorified being and receive his inheritance from his God....he became a God, he became our God...those who were righteous but not worthy enough to receive Celestial glory were judged to became our God's (Elohiem's) angels or servants of the first was Michael...he was Gods chief angel, he was the one whom led the forces of God (Elohiem) against Satan and his followers and cast them out of Heaven before the creation of the world. Satan and his followers were denied the privilege of coming to Earth to receive a body...they remain spirits...However, anyone who is born on this earth was a follower of God and fought with Michael to drive Satan from Heaven....they kept their right to receive a yes, you Joshua fought alongside Michael and the other 2/3rds of Heaven! Now, also you have to understand there are other angels who are resurrected beings from this Earthly life...they were so righteous that they didn't have to wait for the resurrection....Angels such as Moroni, Peter, James, John, John the Baptist, etc., so now they serve God until the final judgement when they will receive their glory....Michael however will always be God's archangel or master servant. Some will say...then if Michael already was a resurrected being, what happened to his body when he came to Earth to be Adam because we all know Adam was created from the dust of the Earth? This I can't'll have to ask God or someone more knowledgable than I!

This is pretty much what I have been taught about Michael and where he came from....and please don't ask me for scripture to support it as I am no scriptorian....this is just something I have pieced together from talks, speeches, and asking questions of the Bishopric, and General Authorities....I have no clue how much of this is doctrine or speculation but it sure makes sense to me!

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Hey Brother D.,

Which pres. was it that declared Adam God? Your view of this is interesting. The biblical characters (Peter, James, John, John the Baptist) you say are now angels. It seems like you don't see angels and humans as different creatures.


Dr. T

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