Any Yerba Mate Drinkers?


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I dropped my favorite stainless steel/ceramic mate cup and it shattered. Now I'm left to find another one. I would also like to get me a spring bombilla. I heard they are pretty nice. Do you have an online store where you get your mate stuff? If so, please share with me.

And no, I'm not a fan of the gourds.

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Yea, I still have my bombilla from when I was a kid (there are pictures of me drinking mate at the age of two), but my wood gourd cracked long ago so I went with stainless steel. But it had a ceramic base that shattered. I went ahead and risked ordering another stainless steel cup and some Taragui yerba from I'll see how it goes.

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Ignoring Connie's totally ignorant comment on the world's most perfect drink next to water... :P ...I used Cruz de Malta as my favorite for years, but I decided I wanted to try others. Thus, the Taragui. I'm also aiming to give Rosamonte and Amanda a try. But as long as it has palos I'm game. I only wish I could remember the brand I had as a kid.

And then there's mate-cocido, mate with milk and honey... YUM!

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Well, it finally arrived:

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The mate cup and yerba I got from, the spring bombilla I got from Eco Teas. That bombilla is the best I've used thus far. The cup is double-walled stainless steel with an epoxy finish on the outside. Very, very nice. And the Taragui yerba is smooth. I'm going to give others a try but this one is the closest I've found to what I used to drink as a kid. The thermos I already had for a long while.

Now I don't know if it's the actual mate itself, or because I've been drinking it since very early childhood so it's "comfort food" but mate has always made me very relaxed and it help slow down my mind and anxieties. My former wife used to comment on how different I am when drinking it. So for those that like coffee or tea, give it a try. It is an acquired taste, but it may do you some good.

BTW, the stuff comes in tea bags also.

For grins:

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Me at 2 years old with my mate. I wasn't kidding when I said I've been drinking this stuff since before I could remember.

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