Infant Ear Piercing


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Now... I'm 54. I wish I'd never pierced my ears. I cannot wear anything with a back on it. If I do my ears become infected. Its easier to just not wear them. My holes have never closed and I haven't worn earrings for over a decade. You can see the hole in my ear lobe even though you can't see light through it. LOL

Applepansy, the same thing happened to my little sister, it was awful she got the worst infections from ones with backs on them, until a beautician told us it was the stems. The stems were too short for her and caused infections. We started looking for the ones with extra long stems (which you can buy if you look hard enough) and the problem was solved!

Bini, I debated on this issue too, as I had two girls. I finally was deciding to let them choose for themselves when they got older, simply because I didn't want them to resent me making that choice for them.

My hubby was all for that when we got married, he had seen several little children get theirs ripped out of their ears either on the playground or playing with another little child at home. He said it was super painful for them, and we shouldn't risk it just so they would look cute. Although mine weren't infants when he met them, they were 2 and 4.

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I had mine pierced as an infant and always hated it. Earrings always hurt my ears & I'd always get infections. I choose not to wear earrings.

One of my daughters has her ears done, only because her mother made the decision, not me. Personally, I feel that it's their body and they should have the right to decide on weither or not to put holes in it. It's not my body, not my choice.

When my other 3 daughters get old enough to make that decision, and are able to take care of them, then that's their decision to make.

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I've had my ears pierced 3x.

Once when I was 6 at the mall with my moms best friend. It was a birthday gift and a special treat for me :) They closed up after i didn't like wearin earings.

At age 8. When i was baptized I got them re pierced. Again, i let them heal up.

At age 12 I got them pierced at the mall with my mom.

I haven't worn earings in months....i stick an earning in every few weeks just to repoke the hole.

I'm not a jewlrey person though. Like, i have 0 pairs of earings right now. I wear a black braclet (like a livestrong bracelet) in memory of a friend that died and my young womens medallion all the time, every day. I haven't taken either off since the day I got them (April and August). And sometimes a copper ring to remind me of Portland and my grandparents.

Anyways....Let her decide. She might not like earrings.

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Applepansy, the same thing happened to my little sister, it was awful she got the worst infections from ones with backs on them, until a beautician told us it was the stems. The stems were too short for her and caused infections. We started looking for the ones with extra long stems (which you can buy if you look hard enough) and the problem was solved!

I've tried the longer stems. It didn't make a difference. I've even tried nickel free and other earrings advertised for sensitive ears. I wore my pearls a few months ago and within a few hours my ear lobes started to swell and feel uncomfortable. I took them out on the way home but it was too late, my ears hurt for days. My baby sister has the same issue so she just stays away from posts. My middle sister has never pierced her ears.

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  • 1 month later...

I had my daughter's pierced when she was 6 months old. I did it because I had so much trouble with them healing when I had mine done when I was around 5 or 6. I wouldn't leave them alone and they became very infected and I had to let them close and have them repierced when I was about 12.

I was able to take care of hers and they healed great. She loves them now and has me change them often.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm a huge fan of piercings. I have many of my own, but I would never pierce my infant's ears. Not that I think there's anything medically wrong with it. I don't see how the little ones don't yank them out, though.

I just see it as a matter of personal choice. I will let my daughter get her ears pierced (or my son getting one earring) when they're old enough to say, "Mom I want my ears pierced, please." And when I know they will keep clean and take care of the healing process. I thought to myself when my daughter was just a wee one, "What if she doesn't want her ears pierced?" And I just left it up to her.

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its her body.

I hear this phrase used a lot, not just on this issue but on many others. I'd like to point out that, from an LDS perspective, it is not true. Our bodies are gifts from God to us for which we act as stewards, not possessions that we own. We are not justified in using drugs or in getting tatted up or in piercing our ears or nose or genitals or navel or in doing anything else with or to our bodies merely because "it's our body". Justification for what we do to our bodies is that we are doing what God would have us do. We may have a legal right, but legal justification is not and never has been moral justification.

This is not to say that ear piercing, infant or otherwise, is tantamount to drug usage. It is just to note that saying "it's my body" is usually a specious justification for decorative body modification.

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