Prayer-what's Its Use?

Dr T

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Hello all,

New topic about prayer. What do you all see it as? Is God a magic genie who pops up and gives you your three wishes? Does He listen? Does He answer? etc. I look forward to your thoughts.

Dr. T

I'll just copy my post on the other thread...

Well, lets see.

Keep in mind this is only my opinion, and I haven't studied it as much as l'd like to yet..

But, I don't think God is sitting in heaven saying...Ok...I'll answer his prayer, but not this guy's...

The Bible says God is no respecter of persons. And I cannot believe he chooses to only answer some prayers.

Right now I'm going to pray for $25,000 dollars. Did I get it? (I'll let you know if I get if before I finish this post ;) )

I believe that your prayers being answered is some how dependent on your your belief that God will answer your prayer.

Think back to When Jesus healed people in the Bible, Did He say "My great power to intervene has made you whole" no, He always said "your faith has made you whole" your faith in Jesus.

I won't pretend that I can really explain this. But I feel it is imposlsible that God is picking and choosing which prayers to answer.

Jesus said: "I tell you the truth, if you have faith and do not doubt, not only can you do what was done to the fig tree, but also you can say to this mountain, 'Go throw yourself into the sea,' and it will be done.

And all things you ask in prayer believing, you shall receive"

I think it is clear that God does not Choose which prayers to answer. It is somehow dependent on us...

Just my opinion.

Josh B)

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For me prayer is communication with my Father in Heaven.

We should be able to talk to him much the way we do our own fathers here on earth. We should call on him in good times and in times of trials.

I believe that prayers are answered in Gods time and according to His Will.

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Wow, this would be really rough for someone to hear who has lost a child after praying for God to spare the child's life... that they didn't have enough faith. :(


You you suggest that we should not pray for things we desire at all?

SF, you weren't supposed to be here today... I was hoping you wouldn't read all this again. :unsure:;)

Just my VERY humble opinion bc I'm trying to make sense of it as well... I personally don't pray for things or circumstances I desire on a regular basis. I'm not saying it's wrong, but it's not something I do. I do pray, but I tend to thank God for my circumstances. I do sometimes pray for health for me and my family, but I think I just do it to make myself feel better, as I don't think God chooses who to make healthy and who should have an illness. I pray for comfort during bad times, and for those around me who need it. I would never pray for material things, except if I couldn't put food on the table... but even then I'm not sure God would answer.

It's just really sad to me that someone would think they aren't helped by God bc they don't have enough faith. And what about a child who is harmed? Did they not have enough faith?

I think prayer is more for us humans than it is to God.

But all of this is very hard to put into words, so I don't expect it to make sense to anyone but me! :)

I know you struggle with this as I am on the other end of the spectrum. I love you and appreciate your struggles.

You said:

I think prayer is more for us humans than it is to God.

I would agree with you at some level here. I don't believe that we have the power to change the Will of the Lord but He has the power to comfort us and send blessings.

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Wow, this would be really rough for someone to hear who has lost a child after praying for God to spare the child's life... that they didn't have enough faith. :(


You you suggest that we should not pray for things we desire at all?

SF, you weren't supposed to be here today... I was hoping you wouldn't read all this again. :unsure:;)

Just my VERY humble opinion bc I'm trying to make sense of it as well... I personally don't pray for things or circumstances I desire on a regular basis. I'm not saying it's wrong, but it's not something I do. I do pray, but I tend to thank God for my circumstances. I do sometimes pray for health for me and my family, but I think I just do it to make myself feel better, as I don't think God chooses who to make healthy and who should have an illness. I pray for comfort during bad times, and for those around me who need it. I would never pray for material things, except if I couldn't put food on the table... but even then I'm not sure God would answer.

It's just really sad to me that someone would think they aren't helped by God bc they don't have enough faith. And what about a child who is harmed? Did they not have enough faith?

I think prayer is more for us humans than it is to God.

But all of this is very hard to put into words, so I don't expect it to make sense to anyone but me! :)

I know you struggle with this as I am on the other end of the spectrum. I love you and appreciate your struggles.

You said:

I think prayer is more for us humans than it is to God.

I would agree with you at some level here. I don't believe that we have the power to change the Will of the Lord but He has the power to comfort us and send blessings.

You are the sweetest, SF! And I love you too... which is why I hate to even post on this subject bc I know I've upset you with some of the things I've said in the past about prayer.

Dr T, I don't mean this in an offensive way at all, but you are mostly a 'questioner' as opposed to a 'sharer'.... which is great, as we need all kinds.

I sometimes like to hear your opinions on these things as well. What do you believe about prayer?

And what religion are you, if you don't mind my asking?

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This is a very good thread... I think... and I like many thoughts already expressed.

To add to this discussion, I'll add a simple question:

What would God NOT do for us?

I think most of us are familiar with a verse in the Bible saying: "For God so loved the world... "

So what would God NOT do for us in this world? Is there anything God would not do?

If we asked God for something while EXPECTING God to do it, would God NOT do that for us?

I, personally, think it's better for me to just ask God if God will help me do His will.

I take total responsibiiity for the things that I do and the things I ask others to do for me.

If I ask God to do something and God does it for me, what God does will then be my own doing.

And btw, Yes, I would still give the credit to the person(s) who I knew had done some thing(s) for me.

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I have had so many prayers anwsered.

I shouldn't have a place to live, or food, or clothing..

and here I have a new flute, internet, and a way to get to seminary every morning.

And, if you ever need faith, the little prayers get anwsered too!

(well, that last comment was more specific to an experiance I had. I'll probably share one day! :D.. bottom line, he anwsers all prayers... it just depends on whether the anwser is a yes or a no).

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Hey Shan,

I am a questioner. That's why I am a "truth seeker." I've looked into a lot of different religous groups to see if their beliefs are cogent enough for my liking. Sorry if I ask too many questions.


Good post Ray,

There are things that God will not give me like infinite knowledge. Or the ability to grow back a severed appendage. It's never been done regardless of "faith" that it will be done (as far as I know). I think I'm with you Ray when you said,

I, personally, think it's better for me to just ask God if God will help me do His will.

That is what I've come down to too. That leads to another thread though. May if I have time we can explore that issue. Thanks for your input Ray. :)

Dr. T

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Good post Ray,

There are things that God will not give me like...

I believe what you just said, and what you're about to say, is simply your opinion.

I'll elaborate...

...infinite knowledge.

I, personally, believe God will give us that... although we may have to wait until after our resurrection.

...Or the ability to grow back a severed appendage.

I, personally, believe God will give us that... although we may have to wait until after our resurrection.

It's never been done regardless of "faith" that it will be done (as far as I know).

I, personally, believe God will give us that... and that he's already given those things to some others.

And I believe it is ALWAYS a matter of faith to know what God will and won't do.

I think I'm with you Ray when you said, <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE
I, personally, think it's better for me to just ask God if God will help me do His will.
That is what I've come down to too. That leads to another thread though. May if I have time we can explore that issue. Thanks for your input Ray. :)

Dr. T

I thought this thread was asking what God will do for us if we ask God to do some thing(s) for us, and if we ask God to help us both know and do his will, I, personally believe God will help us.

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What would God NOT do for us?

Stop extreme cruelty from happening to innocent little children.

I agree that God has not stopped some people from doing some very evil things to some other people.

But are you saying you think God WON'T EVER stop that???

... that there's NO way God has helped some other people in the past???

... and there's NO way God would EVER help others???

Maybe we just need to learn how to get God involved when we want God to do some thing(s) for us?

I'm willing to help you when I know you need help, but I don't always know you need help.

And sometimes when you need help and I know I can help you, you don't want to ask me for my help.

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Thanks Ray,

So you are saying, "It will be done. Just wait." Do you believe that if we have enough faith we can have all those things now? If I had enough faith, I could have an arm grown back?


Dr. T


Instead of me taking my time to go back through what I said while comparing what I said to what you said and then trying to explain what I meant, would you please clarify your questions to incorporate what I have already told you and then ask me to if you correctly understand me?

Thank you.

You're a pal.

And I know you can do it, if you try. ;)

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Thanks Ray,

So you are saying, "It will be done. Just wait." Do you believe that if we have enough faith we can have all those things now? If I had enough faith, I could have an arm grown back?


Dr. T

I would say yes.

I mean, you can move mountains...but you can grow an arm back?

If you're going to take the Bible literally, I would say yes.

Just my opinion,

Josh B)

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Does anyone know of someone that is missing a limb? If so, lets do an experiment. Someone faithfully pray for that limb to return (here on Earth in the "here and now") and we can see if it returns. That seems like objective evidence. Do you really believe it will happen?

Dr. T

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Does anyone know of someone that is missing a limb? If so, lets do an experiment. Someone faithfully pray for that limb to return (here on Earth in the "here and now") and we can see if it returns. That seems like objective evidence. Do you really believe it will happen?

Dr. T

Nope. :) But then...I don't I have the faith to move a mountian either,

Josh B)

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Does anyone know of someone that is missing a limb? If so, lets do an experiment. Someone faithfully pray for that limb to return (here on Earth in the "here and now") and we can see if it returns. That seems like objective evidence. Do you really believe it will happen?

Dr. T

If it doesn't return does that mean God cannot do it?

Are you going to put God to your test?

I believe it will happen when we know it's God's will.

Sometimes God's best answer is: No

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I am really enjoying your contributions. :) Thank you for the lessons.



Good point. I thought the requirement was to show enough faith and God will answer your prayers (from what was said in this thread) and it didn't quite seem right. If you did actually have faith to move a mt. do you literally think it could happen?

Thank you

Dr. t

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