Why No Coffee


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Why are mormons not alowd to drink coffee,

other than there told not to?

health...we are counseld against things that are addicting. and coffie is addicting

I would disagree with reasons of health, since there are some beneficial health reasons to drink coffee (possible prevention of colon cancer and type 2 diabetes).

I would say the main reason is more of a test of obedience.


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It gives you bad breath and stains your teeth. (reason enough for me)

There are many food items that do that, do you also avoid them for the same reason?


I can't really think of any other food I eat that stains my teeth... but you've got a point with the bad breath. That's not my primary reason for not drinking it, of course (that would be the Word of Wisdom, obviously). I was mainly just adding to the reasons already listed.

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One reason that I took due note of when I became pregnant: http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2002/01/31/...ain326816.shtml

Also, it appears that drinking coffee may interfere with your body's ability to keep homocysteine and cholesterol levels in check, most likely by inhibiting the action of the vitamins folate, B12 or B6. Coffee has been previously associated with increased risk of stroke and rheumatoid arthritis. Studies have also shown that caffeine in coffee can raise blood pressure and levels of stress hormones, and if consumed in large quantities it can lead to heart palpitations, jitters and nervousness.

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One reason that I took due note of when I became pregnant: http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2002/01/31/...ain326816.shtml

Also, it appears that drinking coffee may interfere with your body's ability to keep homocysteine and cholesterol levels in check, most likely by inhibiting the action of the vitamins folate, B12 or B6. Coffee has been previously associated with increased risk of stroke and rheumatoid arthritis. Studies have also shown that caffeine in coffee can raise blood pressure and levels of stress hormones, and if consumed in large quantities it can lead to heart palpitations, jitters and nervousness.

I agree, coffee does have its negatives, especially in large amounts; that's why moderation is key for anything. Also, if you're nursing, even second hand coffee, usually doesn't agree with a baby.


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Why are mormons not alowd to drink coffee,

other than there told not to?

health...we are counseld against things that are addicting. and coffie is addicting

I would disagree with reasons of health, since there are some beneficial health reasons to drink coffee (possible prevention of colon cancer and type 2 diabetes).

I would say the main reason is more of a test of obedience.


Actually maureen thats why my dad wouldnt quit, his Dr told him, its the oposite, Coffee was not the best thing for him to drink, and that he should quit...He's catholic......By the way all I'm proud of you dad............He finally quit drinking and smoking and is almost at the 1 yr mark WOOT WOOT !!!!!!

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Why are mormons not alowd to drink coffee,

other than there told not to?

health...we are counseld against things that are addicting. and coffie is addicting

I would disagree with reasons of health, since there are some beneficial health reasons to drink coffee (possible prevention of colon cancer and type 2 diabetes).

I would say the main reason is more of a test of obedience.


Actually maureen thats why my dad wouldnt quit, his Dr told him, its the oposite, Coffee was not the best thing for him to drink, and that he should quit...He's catholic......By the way all I'm proud of you dad............He finally quit drinking and smoking and is almost at the 1 yr mark WOOT WOOT !!!!!!

Doctors usually know what's best for their patients. But remember, just because it's not the best drink for your Father doesn't mean it's all bad for everyone.


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health...we are counseld against things that are addicting. and coffie is addicting

I would disagree with reasons of health, since there are some beneficial health reasons to drink coffee (possible prevention of colon cancer and type 2 diabetes).

I would say the main reason is more of a test of obedience.


I would disagree that it is addicting. But ive been drinking it since i was 5. My teeth are still white. :D

And so if it would be a test of obedeince. Why would all the mormons be ask to do something for no reason,

and if so what else are the mormons ask to give up.

I know alchohal cigarattes and sex, to me thoughs make a little sence

why are mormons not aloud to spend money on sunday and why do most mormons not sware ?

and what is the wite shurt that all grown up mormons ware?

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health...we are counseld against things that are addicting. and coffie is addicting

I would disagree with reasons of health, since there are some beneficial health reasons to drink coffee (possible prevention of colon cancer and type 2 diabetes).

I would say the main reason is more of a test of obedience.


I would disagree that it is addicting. But ive been drinking it since i was 5. My teeth are still white. :D

And so if it would be a test of obedeince. Why would all the mormons be ask to do something for no reason,

and if so what else are the mormons ask to give up.

I know alchohal cigarattes and sex, to me thoughs make a little sence

why are mormons not aloud to spend money on sunday and why do most mormons not sware ?

and what is the wite shurt that all grown up mormons ware?

Funny that you would say that you've been drinking coffee since you were 5. My parents and most of my family wouldn't allow us to drink tea or coffee before we were at least 12 because they believed it was bad for young kids to drink it. And none of my family are mormon!

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For every negative you can find about coffee, I can find a positive. Basically, it boils down to choice.

If you like it and it doesn't contradict with your religious beliefs, drink it, unless your doctor has told you not to.

From what I've read, coffee is harmless in moderation, and may actually provide some health benefits. Same as tea, which has even more benefits. Similarly with wine, which has some benefits... however the risk of alcoholism is an issue there.

I happen to love coffee and tea and drink them every day! And I love a good glass of wine on special occasions.

And my teeth are white as can be because I brush them often! :D


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Funny that you would say that you've been drinking coffee since you were 5. My parents and most of my family wouldn't allow us to drink tea or coffee before we were at least 12 because they believed it was bad for young kids to drink it. And none of my family are mormon!

I never realy had that problem, parntes telling me what i can and can not do. I started drinking it becouse my brother gave it to me. you drink it now though. Even adult mormons are not supposed to drink coffee, at least thats what i understand.

Did your parents tell you why it is bad for you?

Ill try not to drown in the cup(s) of water. :lolsign:

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The only drink you can't find negatives for is water, so drink up, but don't drowned.

actually heather if you drink to much water at one time it causes your brain to swell and can actually kill you, i remembering hearing about some kid who drank to much water and it killed him this summer.... you could probley find a negitive for jsut about anything
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The only drink you can't find negatives for is water, so drink up, but don't drowned.

actually heather if you drink to much water at one time it causes your brain to swell and can actually kill you, i remembering hearing about some kid who drank to much water and it killed him this summer.... you could probley find a negitive for jsut about anything

i was going to say... she says there is no negativity but then tells us not to drowned isnt that negative, lol

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The only drink you can't find negatives for is water, so drink up, but don't drowned.

actually heather if you drink to much water at one time it causes your brain to swell and can actually kill you, i remembering hearing about some kid who drank to much water and it killed him this summer.... you could probley find a negitive for jsut about anything

There are also other medical reports of drinking too much water and flushing your system of necessary balances such as hormonal and anti toxins. 8-12 glasses is the max recommended for regular climates (75 degrees) add 1 glass for each 10 degrees. (So says my husband whos doing his pre med(animal, but is also learning human biology), but hes not always right)

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My Husband has been bombarding me with articles (internet) about Alzheimers and the possibility (he claims it is more than just mere possibility) that it is made worse/triggered by the vast consumption of beef.

His Mother is in the advance stages of Alzheimers, she is not yet confined to 24 hours medical surpervision, though she is under 24 hour watch. She lives with her middle son and his wife. SIL doesn't have an out-side job. She cares for MIL.(soon it will turn into a vast job and she will need to hire help) His Mother ate beef a lot. Once a month she would serve pork or chicken. Seldom did she and her children eat fish. Also her mother died from Alzheimers, and DH believes that her uncles did also.

We are now having e-coli outbreaks. What is the cause? They believe it is runoff from the dairy's, unprocessed manure from the dairy's and cattle ranches. These farms have more waste production then beef/milk production and basically they do not have enough of a buying source for their waste production!

Now we go to the Word of Wisdom where it says to eat meat in moderation, in a little season. I certainly don't wonder why we should eat meat in moderation. It isn't because of no refrigeration today. Quite possibly so back then, but they also didn't have the e-coli/ Alzheimers back then either ((or did they?)).

The WofW also says to eat more vegetables, grains, fowl of the air and fish. If I lived too close to a cattle ranch or Dairy I would not have a vegetable garden. I also would have my well water tested quarterly.

Where I live in Arizona, the water table is very deep and it is tainted- too many years of chemicals from the growers. The filtration system is extremely expensive- and we still have to filter the water that we get from the city. I do not even give my cats unfiltered water.

Now that the spinach has been a victim of e-coli twice!, I am seriously thinking of doing container gardening.

To get a point-of-use outdoor filter system so that I can water my food plants would be a good investment.

I can't just dig up a chunk of land outside - even though we have an acre and a half - it is rotten soil. Husbands youngest brother lived here for 6 years, pouring car oil, and other car liquids, car battery acids, and other crap into the soil. Weeds only grow in a limited spot. We do not have the money to scrape off the top 2 or 4 or 12inches of soil to get to untainted soil.

For my garden it would be better in a container. I would love to use the huge peat pots. Had them on my porch in oregon. Landlord would not let me turn a section of the lawn into a vegie/edible garden! But I can not find them here.

We are counseled to have vegetable gardens, edible gardens. Because of what is happening to the foods we purchase in the stores - it is susceptible to toxins - I think we should heed this council. I would love to turn my entire property into container gardens, enough to can vegies for not only my food storage, but for as many people who would like to do it, and I have space for.

Yes, it is obedience. I believe that for every generation, era, even each individual there are reasons for not consuming coffee, tea, alcohol, excessive meats, excessive foods. Also the WofW is more than just what we are to consume and not consume - it is also about exercising.

I had a neighbor who delighted in debating (arguing really) the merits of tea and wine. He would cut out articles telling of the great and wonderful attributes that 'scientists' discovered about them and send them to me. Finally in desperation, I said: Did He abdicate and put this multitude of scientists in His place? Please keep your articles to yourself. Thank you, I just am not interested.

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I am not lds (big shock there), but I am not hearing a firm answer on this issue. Perhaps it is one of those things that exists in many denomination. Some do not consume alcohol, some do not allow dancing, some do not allow women to wear pants, some ask for no meant on Friday's. Sometimes there is no deep reason for these things or the original reason is now long forgotten. At the end of the day..no one is harmed by not consuming coffee....more for me? :D:D

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