Looking to Make Some Things Right


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I've returned from serving for a brief period of time while being in Mexico for my mission from being sick (Lack of hydration, keeping food down, etc)

So I thought I should do some attempts if not complete corrections on some things I had done in my eariler years. I had talked with my bishop about it, and he said to make the attempt (an honest one) and try to make things right.

I had stolen some things while I was 16 (an ipod)

Needless to say, I was pretty stupid.

The thing that happend was I stole the ipod at school. I was talked to by an officer who was investigating the situation. I'm trying to see if there would be some information from them still in the system (how long they keep record of those incidents) and such.

I plan on making full recompensation of the cost of the ipod.

My question is, would the information be considered 'Public Knowledge'? or would I have to tell him what had happend first to be able to obtain information to make ends meet with the person? I'd prefer to talk to the person first and then, if preferred, have autorities take over if it is that heavy of a crime.


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Honestly, you need to talk to a lawyer. No one here is capable of giving you reliable advice over the internet.

But that won't keep us from trying! My first thought is that, if you committed this crime at 16 and you are now 19 or 20, you were a minor then and are an adult now. I would be surprised if you could even be prosecuted for it. I seriously doubt they would go to the trouble or expense of trying to hold you legally liable at this point. That's my non-educated guess.

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Your desire to make things right is commendable.

However, I would be cautious. Do you think that if you confessed to the school that it may be possible that they would file a police report, or do something to make your life miserable?

What I would do is take the value of the ipod (at the time) and donate that as a cash donation to the Fast Offering fund.

It may not be direct, but it would be a way to make it right with the Lord.

Not everyone believes in repentance or confession. Some business owners, if confessed to, may actually call the police. Schools might too. I just note this because I don't want your positive intention to become a negative consequence for you now.

I could be wrong, and I accept that. Please be careful.

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If you know the person, make it right with them. Recompense need to be made to the person, not the school, IF it can be made. If not, then make it right within yourself through repentance. These day's it's politically correct to sue the daylights out of someone and the last thing you need is to have a summons served to you. If you can get the info it easily, then ok. But protect yourself.

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Ya. My bishop suggested finding out the information if I can, but not necessarily suggested talking to the school directly as it is with the person to be honest and not the school.

Sadly, I knew the person, but only the first name. I'm going to call and ask tomorrow how long they keep record of things like this. I did have my mp3 player stolen a while back at school so asking if they still had any record of that would be of help to see how long they hold it for (the info).

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  • 2 weeks later...

It is such a blessing that you are home from your mission. The Lord really loves you and has given you an opportunity to repent and free yourself from your guilt. Don't worry. You are doing the right thing. Whatever happens, the Lord will help you. You don't need to walk yourself to the courthouse! Just make it right with the person. And I know you already know this, but I will say it anyway; pray, pray pray. The Lord will help you!

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