Cat urine smell- permanent?


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i didn't realize they had black lights in the 1870's. the things you learn, plus we know back then pam was a little past her teen years........

Souly..shut..errrr I mean be quiet.

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Is there a way to get cat urine smell out of carpets?

I have used Pine Sol in a hand held electric carpet cleaning machine. Sat on a low stool and sprayed the carpeting with it, and also added it to the water inside of the machine. Problem is, if the urine has been there for a long time, or if it has penetrated through the padding, then you pretty much have to toss the carpeting.

My Husband and I were going to buy a beautiful manufactured house- it was pretty much ideal for us, including the cost- until we went to look at it on a cold, rainy day when the owner had not only the heat turned up but also had the wood stove fired up.

There was cat urine smell throughout the entire home! The cat was actually two un-neutered males, who had used the interior of the house as their marking grounds.

We would have had to remove all of the carpeting, padding and the walls that were sheet rock. The owner wouldn't reduce the price of the home nor would she replace the carpeting, padding and the sheet rock walls that had been sprayed by her cats.

Two years later, she finally replaces the carpeting and the walls and sells for $5,000 less than what she had been asking. Not to us, we found a bigger home that is 5 years newer and 95% cleaner. And for $30,000 less!

Pine Sol really is one of the best cleaning products around. Another must have in your arsenal of cleaning/disinfecting products is Peroxide. I now use it on ALL of my bathroom and kitchen surfaces. I clean them first with HOT soapy water, rinse then spray with undiluted peroxide and let air dry.

I have two cats and the area when their litter boxes are is vinyl flooring and vinyl textured wall paper. They don't potty anywhere else, but in the boxes. Once I empty the boxes, clean them with Pine Sol, rinse with HOT water and dry with and old bath towel. I spray the entire box and the domed lid with straight peroxide. I mop the floor and surrounding walls with hot pine sol water, let dry, then spray with peroxide and again let dry.

As far as I know, peroxide is not toxic when mixed with other cleaners/chemicals. Not like bleach and ammonia. Or bleach and liquid dish detergent. That combo nearly killed me!

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Sodium hypochlorite (bleach) + ammonia = chlorine gas, ammonia is a product of the bacterial breakdown of urine. Now if it's minor amounts of urine, really fresh, or really old urine it may not be an issue, but it is something to keep in mind. I made the mistake of trying to sanitize a litter box with bleach once upon a time, bit of a face palm moment when I realize what I'd just done.

Edit: Or you know, what Anne said.

I was cleaning old stains on old concrete. Worked great.

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I have one stain on the carpet where the dog peed and we didnt' find it for a few days so it soaked into the padding and every time I clean it what is left in the pad wicks back up into the carpet. It doesn't smell bad anymore but I'd really like to get the stain out once and for all.

I first saturated it with Frebreeze which is probably why it doesn't smell bad anymore. I think I'll try the pinesol and follow up with the Kirby carpet shampoo (which usually takes the stains up the first time).

This has been an informative thread. I can't pour bleach on the carpet. Results would be big white spot, and the carpet and pad would eventually disintegrate because chlorine eats fibers.

I dream of the day when I have a pet free house.

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I dream of the day when I have a pet free house.

I dream of the day when I replace all the wall to wall carpeting with quality non-carpet flooring.

I just can't see myself pet free- I really need to be pet owned! :D Actually that is Cat owned :P

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A cat urine story - 'My' missionary and his companion went to visit a woman who, let's just say, has issues. He didn't realize when sitting on her couch that he had sat in wet cat urine. : ( He had to go to a gas station, take off his suit pants, wash them in the sink, etc. It was so bad, his garments were yellow. He sprayed Fabreeze on his clothes, but I think he'll have to get the suit cleaned. Yuck.

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I dream of the day when I replace all the wall to wall carpeting with quality non-carpet flooring.

I just can't see myself pet free- I really need to be pet owned! :D Actually that is Cat owned :P

I completely understand. Pets can be a big part of our lives. But for me pets have been nothing but more work. I'm allergic to cats and dogs. Birds were just noisy. Fish ...well they aren't cuddly and cleaning the tank is a major undertaking.

We have had pets for our children. I thought we were finally pet free until our grandson needed a pet because I can't give him a sibling and his Dad is not cooperating. LOL

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A cat urine story - 'My' missionary and his companion went to visit a woman who, let's just say, has issues. He didn't realize when sitting on her couch that he had sat in wet cat urine. : ( He had to go to a gas station, take off his suit pants, wash them in the sink, etc. It was so bad, his garments were yellow. He sprayed Fabreeze on his clothes, but I think he'll have to get the suit cleaned. Yuck.

Yuck is right.

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I dream of the day when I replace all the wall to wall carpeting with quality non-carpet flooring.

I just can't see myself pet free- I really need to be pet owned! :D Actually that is Cat owned :P

We are kindred spirits, you and I.

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