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I joined this board earlier this month and have been lurking a bit. My name is Josh, and I am a convert to the LDS Church. I posted that story in the statement of beliefs area, so I'll keep this light. I am married, no kids, two dogs. I am in the US Air Force, currently stationed in the United Kingdom. I love reading, hiking, sight seeing, and camping. I am also a History major and would like to teach one day.

I am deeply grateful for the Gospel and the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. I have been able to serve my fellow brothers and sisters, and that has greatly impacted my understanding of the Gospel. I am always learning, and have a long ways to go. My wife and I are making our first trip to the temple in about a week and a half and we are super excited to be taking this next step.

I look forward to meeting all of you out ther in land!

Josh K.

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Hello brothers and sisters. My name is Jesika. I don't know how to post my own thread yet so I apologize for this being in comments... I'm a lifelong member of the LDS church, currently living in Long Island. I have a service project for anyone with a little time on their little brother is currently serving a mission in Kentucky. On Mother's Day I was able to talk to him. He spent a good amount of time scolding and rebuking me for my laziness in correspondence. Although he is absolutely right, and justified in his accusations, he seems to be getting a little too mouthy and uppity for his own dang good. Missionaries should be meek and humble. And little brothers should never challenge their older sisters. ;) what I'm trying to do is fill a large box with handwritten letters from anyone and everyone I can get to write them, and ship it to him. My goal is to get at least 350 letters, so he has one for every day he has left in the mission field. (Including several from me.) It doesn't need to be big. Write your testimony, or conversion story, an appropriate joke, have your kids/grandkids draw him a picture...every piece of paper counts. I want to blow him away just by sheer volume. I've already gotten my ward and his old ward involved, but an still far from my goal. I'm not trying to get any of your information. I don't care if you write your address on the envelope or not. My only agenda is winning this battle of sibling rivalry LOL! *If you're interested in helping me, please email me for my address. ([email protected]) His name is Elder J. Milo Webb. Thank you in advance! He's serving a Kentucky mission and is about half done. Thanks in advance! :D

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