Raising The Bar


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Would a young man be allowed to go on a mission if he had decked his school teacher in a dispute over the discipline of his little sister?

So why did you deck your teacher and I would say yes you could as I find most teachers are drunk on their own authority and supposed knowledge (I work in a school and know lots of teachers like this!)

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Berry, which talk is it?

The Greatest Generation of Missionaries

M. Russell Ballard, “The Greatest Generation of Missionaries,” Ensign, Nov. 2002, 46

This talk was given in the Priesthood Session of the Oct.2001 Conf.

My oldest who would be 19 the following May, came home and pretty much said that he would not be going on a mission. :( I can't tell you the trouble I have had with the timing of that talk. One day things were status quo, the next day with the raising of the bar left him feeling very inadequate. The part that pushed him out the window that was opened was that all teaching would be done by the spirit...no more teaching manuals. He is now married to a wonderful girl he took through the temple in 2004 and is very happy.

It wasn't long before they provided a manual of sorts for the missionaries to teach from. B)

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I love watching missionaries teach by the spirit and use the Teach my gospel manual. I have seen both.

Two years ago a new greeny came in to our aria his first time was in my home teaching one of my dearest friends. The spirit was thick in the air and unexpectedly he asked her if she would be baptized? Both had tears in their eyes and she said yes!

My husband and I are in our ward missionaries’ effort. This calling has given us the opportunity to teach years before we plane on going on a mission.

We are having grate results; this last Sunday we had the opportunity to report to the ward our success and our challenges. Our biggest success is our 90% retention rate and our rate of baptisms rate of on average three per month.

Three a month! Our small ward works for those three a month and we are growing! We are so excited and challenged as well. Our biggest challenge is friend-shipping ward member get pumped up then die off. Things like going with the missionaries to teach is the simplest thing, all you need is your testimony and a smile. Investigators need an every day member to help them understand how the every day gospel works in to their lives.

We ask them to change their lives but what is next is up to you and they feel lost.

Have you ever tried to explain to an investigator what is meant by holding the keys to the kingdom in Relief Society? I watched a RS teacher try and she made a mess of things. I finely asked if we could go back to the keys of the kingdom and I turned to this sister and explained, it acts car keys, each key is a stage of the priesthood how you cant drive one with out the other, increasing the priesthood authority with each stage. It was a relief to see a smile and the light bulb go on.

I cannot to tell you how wonderful this work is. You think you cannot do it but you can just by being you, your life is a testimony, your family your values and so on. How it blessed you. One of our lesions this last month touched on keeping the laws of the gospel. One was of course Chastity. Most single investigators get it right up front but want of the married investigators? Explaining Chastity from a married person standpoint is something they need to understand as well.

You are a walking missionary, ask the ones in your aria how can I help?

Tell them you like to open your home for them to teach in. Tell them what day is good for you and the time each week. The blessings you are pulling in to your home is amazing.

Go for it!

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It wasn't long before they provided a manual of sorts for the missionaries to teach from. B)

they dont really teach from it...its more of a teaching guied for them, it teaches them how to be good missionaries but they do the planing and teaching on there own, with the spirit. and its amazing at the spirit these boys have and how it just grows becuase of that
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I am one who was and is very thankful for Elder Ballard's talk. I agree that the bar needed to be raised. Missions are not rehab programs for young men who have been out enjoying their teen years doing anything and everything and then six months before going on their mission decide to clean their lives up.

I served a mission and so did our son and one of our daughters. I am thankful that an attempt is being made to not let those who have worked so hard to be worthy ambassadors of Jesus Christ to be out with those who brag about their activities before their missions and their plans as soon as they get home. Still some get between the cracks.

I have often said I would not be a good mission president. Would be sending way too many missionaries home after hearing the stories my missionary children shared.

Don't get me wrong most missionaries are devoted and work hard. I have the utmost respect for those who would dedicate two years full time to serving the Lord. It is the ones who go out and waste two years and pull others down that get to me.

Ben Raines

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It wasn't long before they provided a manual of sorts for the missionaries to teach from. B)

they dont really teach from it...its more of a teaching guied for them, it teaches them how to be good missionaries but they do the planing and teaching on there own, with the spirit. and its amazing at the spirit these boys have and how it just grows becuase of that

Yep, that is why I called it a manual of sorts. B)

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Hey Jason, long time no see.

We live in a society where few take responsibility for their own actions. People want to be kind and not hurt anyones feelings and tell them they can't go. I do understand repentance and am greatful for it in my life every day but it does not allow me to go and willfully disobey with the knowledge when I get ready to exit this life I can say I am sorry. That is not true repentance.

Ben Raines

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I would encourage every family to have the Preach My Gospel manual in their home. Great resource for Home Evening and for personal scripture study.

We have two of them and one for each YSA’s.

Talk about pulling teeth, learning to use them was like a trip to the dentist for some.

We have planes to go on a mission our self’s and we have learned so much from that manual.

We also just bought the families guide to the New Testament. We are looking forward to the other family study to the other scriptures. :idea:

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