Leaving the Church and/or Green Jello

the Ogre

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Well, there are lots more reasons that just that to stay....

I can relate to feeling like there are lots of reasons to leave the church. Really compelling ones. But I stay because I can't deny what I know. I stay because I can't deny the great effect living the gospel has on my spirit and being.

After weighing it all out, I've decided that remaining in the church means one has to be tough sometimes. Staying in the church takes strength. For me, leaving would make me a lightweight. :D

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Back in May of 2011, I was not going to join. I loved Heavenly Father, and Jesus Christ, believed Joseph Smith and the Book Of Mormon. I had never encountered a group of people who were less interested in my flaws. What, were they NUT! Could they not see how unworthy I was? I almost got mad at them because they gleefully ignored things about me that, I felt, made me unsuitable.

Right before I left Kirtland, I had stopped by the visitor's center to say goodbye, and to tell the Sisters that I was not going to continue. Two Sisters who I was not that familiar with took me aside and told me that I must continue. One said, "I have a brother who...". The other said, "I have a sister who...". We need you to persevere; to continue; to be the bridge that you are.

I know people who would have been in that group of people and think I am part of it.

Sometimes I just feel frustrated. I don't want to know anything about people's sexual preferences. I don't want to hear who's gay or lesbian, or bi or T or anything. I'm nuthin' and happy about it. Why can't we just be good, loving people and let the rest go?

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Originally Posted by Hala401

Why can't we just be good, loving people and let the rest go?

Well, isn't that exactly what the gospel is all about?

I'll say one more thing about this.

People enter the church thinking that they've finally found a church...a group of people who finally "get it".

Well, the truth is we are all in process of trying to "get it". And often....we miss the mark.

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. . . remaining in the church means one has to be tough sometimes. Staying in the church takes strength . . .

This is an awesome sentiment and I agree. I am intimately familiar with many of the reasons that group of people left the church, but to me it seems as if they surrendered somehow. Just gave up.

Staying with the church is very difficult. Going every week is hard. Obeying the commandments is hard. Not hiding your membership in an increasingly unfriendly world is very difficult.

Thank you Miss Halfway for a great sentiment. and Truth.

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This is an awesome sentiment and I agree. I am intimately familiar with many of the reasons that group of people left the church, but to me it seems as if they surrendered somehow. Just gave up.

Staying with the church is very difficult. Going every week is hard. Obeying the commandments is hard. Not hiding your membership in an increasingly unfriendly world is very difficult.

Thank you Miss Halfway for a great sentiment. and Truth.

Well, um lets see. Staying in the church means I can not wear bikini, can not go clubbing and drink enough to have hangover, can not smoke dope, no more micro skirt, can not get tatoo or brand on hip, can not have pierced nose. The nose was a really hard one, and I threw a fit over it! Where else will they fasten my chain at night?

Staying in church means not dating two guys at once. It means that I must drive slow enough to avoid speed ticket. I can not play Tabla Turbo loud late at night. Gee, ya think I need to get rid of belly dancing outfit?

I'm confused as to why staying in church is hard. For me it is better than where I been. I don't have to listen to some guy telling me that all Muslims are going to hell. I do not have to be a fruit inspector. Don't need no chain for my pickup so I can drag folks down the road until they go to seek their eternal reward.

I guess that once I get them garments, I can't wear no pretty stuff under my clothes. It's probably just as well as they don't make em in my size; Eliphant.

Ain't missin nuttin yet.

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I'm sorry, I do not see a present day connection between the LDS church and polygamy. No, I know that there are groups who believe they are Mormons who still practice polygamy, the Apostolic United Bretheren being one example.

Oddly, when I converted, I expected to encounter polygamy sooner or later, perhaps even wind up as part of a family, helping to cook, clean and care for the family because I was Muslim and it is part of that culture, though I have not met a woman who liked the idea.

I still believe it has a purpose under the right circumstances. I think it worked once and it may happen again. However, I want to be perfectly clear that I support the Presidency.

So, I am not certain about what those who quit are on about.

There is a lot of misinformation about the church's treatment of gays. I wonder where it will end?

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