So Are You Voting?

Winnie G

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So are you voting?

Political analysts say it will be a low turn out.

I was shocked to hear only 62 percent of women in the US vote!

If women voted, the white house would be accountable to the women of the US.

Women are a strong force; we are the ones who run the economy of our homes and therefore the nation.

I cannot believe women do not vote in grater numbers! :angry2:

I am the first one at the polls, I pick up my children from work to get to the polls right after work before they close.

I host a BBQ for the candidates in my aria and an open house if the weather does not work out. I am active, because I care and vote; I have a right to complain and vote their buns out if needed.

I do not let the men of this world t decide what kind of government runs my country.

In our house if you do not vote then you, have no complaint. :excl:

One of my dearest friends learned early on you do not vote then shut up!

My challenge to every board member is get out and vote!

You need a ride! Call your local political office of your candidate and they will pick you up! Their office will even watch your children so you can step in and vote.

If you do not vote, you have no say. So shut up or vote! :excl:

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In fact, you can do even better than merely voting. As I learned in the 2000 election (I was in Floriday at the time), everyone (at least those who plan on voting for the correct candidates) should . . .

Vote early . . . and . . .


Hey...I could of swore they held my ballot up for the count at least three times, during that fiasco. :-)

Just kidding--Winnie's right on all counts.

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My suggestion before voting is to ask yourself which party, if you were suddenly nominated to fill an important post, would support YOU! That's a great irony to me in regards to someone like Harry Reid. I have heard there is a justice on the Supreme Court who may be retiring in the next several months due to poor health. Wouldn't it be funny if Bush nominated the current senate minority leader to fill the post? I know Reid has some ethics problems (which the Democrats would likely overlook) but overall he is anti abortion and conservative on most social issues -- he considers himself a working class Democrat.

The Lieberman situation has exposed the way Democrats oppose people who may not fall in 100% on the issues they consider important -- in Lieberman's case the Iraq War. Nominating Reid to the court would embarass the Democrats as most of the liberals who supported him to be their leader in the senate would likely oppose his nomination to the court due to the abortion issue.

Doesn't this say anything to non-liberal Democrats?

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Absolutely; I'm voting. If you don't vote, you can't complain about the outcome later, as Winnie pointed out.

I find myself voting for one candidate just because his opponent ran all negative ads. As I see it, if the man could only throw mud at his opponent, he apparently had nothing to say about the actual issues...

And hey, won't it be great to see an end to the TV ads for a while? :wow:

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i voted, and i will sure be glad my phone stop ringing...tire of laura bush, jim and all the others calling me 4 times a day

Same here- Hit the poll at 8 am, was a half hour late for work. We got 6 calls today, but all was quiet when I got home from work.

Guess we can look forward :ph34r: (not) to all this again :disgust: in two years.

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A Politician are like garbage you can throw one out but there is always one to replace him.

I wonder if those who say pick the one is a little better then the other.

I don’t think anyone really got what they wanted , the change they want is their lives back before 911 and that is not going to happen any times soon.

I vote for my local guy, I know him he is a locale big grain framer, a family man who cares about those of us about the issues we care about. He has always voted the way those who put him in office want.

He is not a yes man in the house.

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