Where to find nice guys?!


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Okay, so I live in a pretty small town in central Sweden. There are very few mormon guys here, in my age. I wouldn't really like to date a 60 year old since I'm only 22. :P

So my question is, where do I find nice and kind guys who are mormon? Is there any good dating sites or so? It wouldn't be an option for me to date someone that's not a latter day saint.

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1) move!

2) pray for a miracle

3) do lots of missionary work

4) do lots of online lds dating (lots of american mormon men are fed up with american mormon women)

Given your posts on this site thus far, did you join just to put down women or are you going to actually engage in rational discussion at some point?

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1) move!

2) pray for a miracle

3) do lots of missionary work

4) do lots of online lds dating (lots of american mormon men are fed up with american mormon women)

Do you have references that back up #4?

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I've never been fed up with American LDS Women but if I'm honest I can't say they haven't frustrated me mightily.

1. Live worthy of the type of man you seek.

2. Continually pray for such blessings and for guidance as to what you can do to receive them.

3. Prayerfully consider moving into regions where their are more LDS men to interact with.

4. Search LDS.Org for talks and prophetic guidance in regards to dating/marriage for answers.

There is a great deal of advice to be found under #4 although some of what the Brethren have counseled is considered unpopular (which is why I'm referring you there rather than posting such views here since I have no desire to inflame the lovely female populace of this website =P)

A few thoughts =).

If you lived here, and you expressed interest in me, I'd be happy to take you on a date.

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To Oz:

There are plenty of lds dating websites, if that's your thing. I'd probably recommend meeting people live, however - I don't know whereabouts you are in Sweden, but I'd recommend attending Institute. From what I've heard from people who live in areas such as Sweden, Finland and Norway, guys outnumber girls there by quite a bit.

If you go to institute, flirt, laugh and just have a good time, the guys will be falling over themselves to go after you. You rock, girl! Now go show those Swedish guys that they want you. :D

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