Holy Ghost as a Companion


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I have heard a lot of lesson, talks etc on the Holy Ghost.

Often we hear it taught especially towards youth that if you go somewhere, watch something, get involved with someone in the wrong way "the Holy Ghost departs"

Sometimes its taught on the other end of the spectrum that your life has to be completely fine tuned into the Holy Ghost in order to receive any instruction.

Hence i believe many members feel that they are somewhere in the middle and often they don't recognise or feel they qualify for direction from the Holy Ghost. They feel they are either not worthy to have the Holy Ghost because of Sin or they are not worthy to have the Holy Ghost because they haven't reached some upper level of righteousness.

Our Gospel Doctrine teacher asked our class the other day who had felt the Holy Ghost.

3 people put their hand up and shared rare dramatic experiences from a distant time frame in their lives. Don't get me wrong im not faulting any of their experiences but one was 20 years ago and i thought the sacrament prayer only 20min ago was that we could always have his spirit to be with us.

So i would like to know: when was the last time you felt the Holy Ghost? today, last week, last month, a year ago, never...

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I have an issue with the "feel" part of this. Yes, some don't feel the Holy Ghost, but what about flashes of inspiration? Something prompting one to do/not do something? Sudden strength to get past a temptation? Not everything the Holy Ghost does give a "burning bosom" confirmation. That's why it's called the "still small voice." So the ones who did not raise their hands may just possibly have had the influence of the Holy Ghost.

Besides, I believe that there are times a person can be "unworthy" but still be influenced because we all are "unworthy." So what's the threshold that differentiate having/not having the Holy Ghost? I believe it is different for everyone as well as a matter of degrees.

Now I'm ex'd so I don't have the Gift of the Holy Ghost, but I have had the Holy Ghost influence me. But I always know when he has had to depart because I get a hollow feeling inside. I felt it's influence help me with my daughter's homework. I didn't feel it when I was typing away and working. But I do try to draw on the Light of Christ all day long.

Edited by slamjet
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I have heard a lot of lesson, talks etc on the Holy Ghost.

Often we hear it taught especially towards youth that if you go somewhere, watch something, get involved with someone in the wrong way "the Holy Ghost departs"

Sometimes its taught on the other end of the spectrum that your life has to be completely fine tuned into the Holy Ghost in order to receive any instruction.

Hence i believe many members feel that they are somewhere in the middle and often they don't recognise or feel they qualify for direction from the Holy Ghost. They feel they are either not worthy to have the Holy Ghost because of Sin or they are not worthy to have the Holy Ghost because they haven't reached some upper level of righteousness.

Our Gospel Doctrine teacher asked our class the other day who had felt the Holy Ghost.

3 people put their hand up and shared rare dramatic experiences from a distant time frame in their lives. Don't get me wrong im not faulting any of their experiences but one was 20 years ago and i thought the sacrament prayer only 20min ago was that we could always have his spirit to be with us.

So i would like to know: when was the last time you felt the Holy Ghost? today, last week, last month, a year ago, never...

Maybe people are inured to believe that being spoken to by the Holy Ghost is unusual. I think it is actually quite common, but sometimes we mis label it or misinterpret it.

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Maybe people are inured to believe that being spoken to by the Holy Ghost is unusual. I think it is actually quite common, but sometimes we mis label it or misinterpret it.

Additionally sometimes we become inured to it such that we notice it more by it's absence rather than by it's presence. .

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I felt the Holy Ghost last night while reading in the scriptures. Like others have mentioned though, He is not always felt and yet still there. I am not always conscious of His presence and yet when He leaves I notice.

When I am teaching in Sunday School and my class is particularly disruptive I know he has left because I can no longer teach the class and have to quiet them down and then try to teach again and as long as no one disrupts again I often feel that He has returned.

I believe He is with me continuously even though I don't always feel his presence. He helps me in other ways by inspiring solutions to problems at work and guiding me as needed and I am sure that I miss His promptings at times or don't understand His message to me.

And I just felt Him as I was typing this. These feelings help to build my testimony and faith even as other events seem to try my faith and make me believe that I lack faith because of how I react to trials in my life.

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Most assuredly, we each have our own feelings about what constitutes the action of the Holy Spirit. Being not married, and not dating there are some very lonely times when I am not working. I need the companionship that Heavenly Father provides whether by the Holy Spirit or through other humans.

Perhaps my feelings about the Holy Spirit are what some would call magical thinking, but I doubt it. At times I feel very strong guidance, and to ease thoughts about the possibility of my having schizophrenia, I am always told to do nice things. :)

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The Holy Ghost, like the atonement, is always present. The problem is whether we are actively seeking it in our lives or not. How many members place themselves in spiritual experiences, versus waiting for one to happen? How many give due diligence to prayer, study, meditation and fasting? How many stop and listen for the Spirit throughout the day?

Then, how many have ear buds on listening to music, watching tv, texting, etc., during what could be the quiet spiritual moment?

We are commanded to "receive the Holy Ghost." It isn't given to us, as he is always present. But we are to bring him inside of us, so we can experience the constant companionship. Most of us do not notice it, because it usually is a quiet event or whisper. Sadly, many members live their lives with few wonderful spiritual experiences with the Spirit, because they only notice when a big manifestation occurs to them.

But if we ever wish to have Jesus as the Second Comforter and Companion, then we must first become well-acquainted with the Holy Ghost as comforter and companion.

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Being confirmed a member and actually consciously "receiving" the Holy Ghost are not always the same event for many, if not most people who become members. But for those who have literally, as King Benjamin says, "yield[ed] to the enticings of the Holy Spirit, and putteth off the natural man and becometh a saint through the atonement of Christ the Lord, and becometh as a child, submissive, meek, humble, patient, full of love, willing to submit to all things which the Lord seeth fit to inflict upon him, even as a child doth submit to his father," they are who have experienced that mighty change of heart that Alma describes to the people of Zarahemla, who cannot look at any sin except with abhorrence and are justified with baptism by the remission of their sins, thus receiving the constant companionship of the Spirit which is the justification of the reception of the gift at confirmation. In other words, you have actively and consciously "received" the Holy Ghost.

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I have an issue with the "feel" part of this. Yes, some don't feel the Holy Ghost, but what about flashes of inspiration? Something prompting one to do/not do something? Sudden strength to get past a temptation? Not everything the Holy Ghost does give a "burning bosom" confirmation. That's why it's called the "still small voice." So the ones who did not raise their hands may just possibly have had the influence of the Holy Ghost.

Besides, I believe that there are times a person can be "unworthy" but still be influenced because we all are "unworthy." So what's the threshold that differentiate having/not having the Holy Ghost? I believe it is different for everyone as well as a matter of degrees.

Now I'm ex'd so I don't have the Gift of the Holy Ghost, but I have had the Holy Ghost influence me. But I always know when he has had to depart because I get a hollow feeling inside. I felt it's influence help me with my daughter's homework. I didn't feel it when I was typing away and working. But I do try to draw on the Light of Christ all day long.

There is the difference between the ever present Light of Christ, which is the influence of the Spirit and the Gift of the Holy Ghost. We are all born with the Light of Christ, which is what you have described. These promptings come from the Spirit, which isn't quite the same as the member of the Godhead, the Holy Ghost. By receiving the Holy Ghost as Ram describes, is receiving Its constant companionship and thus always having the Spirit's promptings, influence, whisperings, and even audible exhortations. This "influence" becomes more powerful the more you put off the natural man, being sanctified.

To be completely justified is to have your C&E because you are justified in all the ordinances, covenants, etc in which you entered. (D&C 132:7) Sanctification happens because of justification. Sanctification is a state or a condition of being spotless. You have been made clean through the atonement and your garments made white.

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The Holy Ghost, like the atonement, is always present. The problem is whether we are actively seeking it in our lives or not. How many members place themselves in spiritual experiences, versus waiting for one to happen? How many give due diligence to prayer, study, meditation and fasting? How many stop and listen for the Spirit throughout the day?

Then, how many have ear buds on listening to music, watching tv, texting, etc., during what could be the quiet spiritual moment?

We are commanded to "receive the Holy Ghost." It isn't given to us, as he is always present. But we are to bring him inside of us, so we can experience the constant companionship. Most of us do not notice it, because it usually is a quiet event or whisper. Sadly, many members live their lives with few wonderful spiritual experiences with the Spirit, because they only notice when a big manifestation occurs to them.

But if we ever wish to have Jesus as the Second Comforter and Companion, then we must first become well-acquainted with the Holy Ghost as comforter and companion.

Bingo !

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The most common place I feel the Holy Ghost is within spiritual discussions. I do feel it at church, during the hymns, during the talks, and in primary there's often reason for us to wipe away a little tear every now and then. I have had a few dramatic experiences (especially surrounding when I first became a member), oddly enough my big experiences were not answers to prayers, or a reward for being righteous... they more of a kick in the behind to get me going in the right direction... perhaps now I only need nudges? but of coarse I would love to continually experience more than just nudges...

I like that thought, it's like the silence under the fireworks... the peace and quiet is always there, you just have to block the rest out...

..."it is like trying to savor the delicate flavor of a grape while eating a jalapeño pepper. Both flavors are present, but one completely overpowers the other...." - To Acquire Spiritual Guidance - general-conference

such a good talk.

It is not my intention to seem to try to out Christian you. I just think that we need to encourage each other because the world seeks to turn us away from Heavenly Father. I'm alone, with no one to guide me, so perhaps without the distractions of a Husband or children I am simply more conscious of his actions in my life, and well maybe he is giving me special attention. :) I am most conscious of Holy Spirit's actions in my life when I am perplexed by a situation that I can not solve. Very often a solution presents its self, sometimes with out even asking. I am thankful.

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Today, I was out with friends for breakfast, and on the way back home we saw a group of bikers (Bicycles) in the Ward parking lot and we stopped to chat. My two friends are not religious, so any time the opportunity comes to expose them to other Mormons, I'm up for it.

Well we pulled in and ran into several people that I know, so we started to have a jolly good time chatting. I am not sure what happened but someone brought up one of the Presidential Candidates and one of my friends said that he was a liar.

As soon as I could, I tried to put a stop to THAT conversation and confronted the brother that got it started. He is about a foot and a half taller than me, but I told him that he was talking to two potential Investigators, and asked him what he was doing?

That didn't stop the conversation, but we finally left with out any blood shed. On the way home I realized that I'd been really disrespectful to a member of the priesthood. Gosh, I wish the Holy Spirit carried a gag.

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I would think the fact that he's a fellow Saint, a friend, and a human being might be better reasons to regret an ill-advised tongue-lashing than that he holds the Priesthood.

From your description, it sounds like the brother simply brought up the Presidential candidate, and that your friend was responsible for starting the bad-mouthing. That cannot be laid at his door; if anything, the friend should have been questioned for getting combative in a casual group.

I don't blame you for not getting on your friend, but I do think we often shift blame away from the guilty party in an effort to somehow "be friendly". If blame really must be placed, I think it should go where it belongs, not where one might think it will do the least damage.

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