Sign Of The 2nd Coming Of Christ


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Let’s back up a little here - The scripture Matt 24:30: "And then shall appear the sign of the Son of man in heaven:...".

Is the sign in heaven of the Son of man the star of Bethlehem? I though that the sign given in the heaven of the "Son of man" at his birth was the star of Bethlehem. I thought that the story of the "wise men" recognizing the sign was a type and shadow that would be given again according to Matt 24:30.

Am I the only one that has read the scriptures and wondered as to their meaning? What is the sign in heaven of the "Son of man" if it is not the star? How will you boys and girls know when the "Son of Man" comes?

The Traveler

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Ecclesiastes 1:9 "The thing that hath been, it is that which shall be; and that which is done is that which shall be done; and there is no new thing under the sun."

Is the star of Bethlehem "the thing that hath been" and is that sign the sign "which shall be"?

If I am nuts is there no one to correct me? If I am right is there no one to agree with me?

The Traveler

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  • 2 weeks later...

I don't think anyone on earth knows what that sign will be; however, since I know that God will never leave his people confused or lost, I also know anything we need to know will be revealed in due time. We have a prophet on the earth for that very reason. We shouldn't spend our time worrying about what the sign will be. Instead, we should prepare ourselves for the day when that sign does, in fact, appear.

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I believe a key Scripture passage says that EVERY eye will see Jesus when He returns. Of course, then it will be too late for decision-making. So, we tend to concentrate on the signs that his coming is imminent--and they are all around us.

What exactly will they see? I know the scriptures says they will see Jesus but do you really think that the saints of New England will see the same details as the saints of Florida?

As far as signs of his coming. If you are referring to historical events taking place - what events are so different from events of history that you feel the second coming of Christ is eminent? Myself, I feel his coming is approaching but I do not feel that it is imminent. Perhaps we should define imminent. I would define imminent as within 10 years.

the_jason Posted Yesterday, 03:03 PM

I don't think anyone on earth knows what that sign will be; however, since I know that God will never leave his people confused or lost, I also know anything we need to know will be revealed in due time. We have a prophet on the earth for that very reason. We shouldn't spend our time worrying about what the sign will be. Instead, we should prepare ourselves for the day when that sign does, in fact, appear.

There are two interesting scriptures in Ecclesiastes. The first is 3:1. This indicates that the things of G-d unfold in a predetermined order and are groped according to the "season" of that order.

The second is 1:9. This indicates that the things of G-d occur like the seasons in cycles and that the events of the past are a templet of what is to come. One thing I find quite interesting is the lack of communications (scriptures) between G-d and man prior to Christ's first coming. It would appear to me that not only is it important for devout believers (10 virgins) to prepare but to know when to prepare and what to prepare.

The Traveler

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What exactly will they see? I know the scriptures says they will see Jesus but do you really think that the saints of New England will see the same details as the saints of Florida?

Yes. How I don't know. He could simply be televised. Or, he could simply reveal himself physically for all to see. God's never been bound by human technology or limitations.

As far as signs of his coming. If you are referring to historical events taking place - what events are so different from events of history that you feel the second coming of Christ is eminent? Myself, I feel his coming is approaching but I do not feel that it is imminent. Perhaps we should define imminent. I would define imminent as within 10 years.

We all know the signs. The key is that as the time approaches they will happen with ever greater frequency and intensity. Furthermore, it will be a time when most do not expect him. IMHO, the aftermath of the Y2K and 3-millenium hype is a perfect time. If the things happening today were happening in the 1980s, Christian TV would probably be running numerous specials on "signs of the times." Left Behind has weigned, and people--especially Christian people--seem to have relaxed near to the point of complacency. Such will be the time.

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I believe that it could happen any minute now, or sometime in the next hundred years or so.

In my personal study, i have read the new testament again. Any time I read a Book of scripture again, I learn more and understand, that I understand less.

The return of the Saviour is not far off, but how far off is far off, in the time of the lord?

The star is not a bad idea, I just don't see any support for it in the scripture's. I will keep lookin.


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<div class='quotemain'>

What exactly will they see? I know the scriptures says they will see Jesus but do you really think that the saints of New England will see the same details as the saints of Florida?

Yes. How I don't know. He could simply be televised. Or, he could simply reveal himself physically for all to see. God's never been bound by human technology or limitations.

This is in part exactly why I ask. If we do not know exactly what it is we expect to see - how will we be sure when we see it or something that is not really it but that many many people seem sure that it is?


As far as signs of his coming. If you are referring to historical events taking place - what events are so different from events of history that you feel the second coming of Christ is eminent? Myself, I feel his coming is approaching but I do not feel that it is imminent. Perhaps we should define imminent. I would define imminent as within 10 years.

We all know the signs. The key is that as the time approaches they will happen with ever greater frequency and intensity. Furthermore, it will be a time when most do not expect him. IMHO, the aftermath of the Y2K and 3-millenium hype is a perfect time. If the things happening today were happening in the 1980s, Christian TV would probably be running numerous specials on "signs of the times." Left Behind has weigned, and people--especially Christian people--seem to have relaxed near to the point of complacency. Such will be the time.

I have an idea of the signs but I do not see that big of changes from history to say that there really are more and more powerful earth quakes. That war is involving more of mankind and the nations of mankind. That famines and disease are killing more people than in the past. Or that wickedness has reached the point that it is a definite sign. The two signs that I feel are taking place is a “restitution of all things” – in process but not complete. And the gathering of the Jews to Jerusalem – also in process but not complete – most Jews have not returned to Jerusalem and the rest of the tribes of Israel are still lost (ie the gathering by the house of Joseph).

The Traveler

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This is in part exactly why I ask. If we do not know exactly what it is we expect to see - how will we be sure when we see it or something that is not really it but that many many people seem sure that it is?

When the Scripture says that every eye will see him, and every knee will bow and every tongue confess, I presume that there won't be anything to debate. Jesus will reveal himself in undeniable Son of God fashion.

I have an idea of the signs but I do not see that big of changes from history to say that there really are more and more powerful earth quakes. That war is involving more of mankind and the nations of mankind. That famines and disease are killing more people than in the past. Or that wickedness has reached the point that it is a definite sign. The two signs that I feel are taking place is a “restitution of all things” – in process but not complete. And the gathering of the Jews to Jerusalem – also in process but not complete – most Jews have not returned to Jerusalem and the rest of the tribes of Israel are still lost (ie the gathering by the house of Joseph).

The Traveler

The message I see throughout the New Testament is that we are to be ready, to be alert, that Christ's return is immenent. Further, we've become desensitized to natural disasters, because everytime a preacher or Christian leader says, "See, Christ's return is near...God's judgement is at hand!" some TV crew offers footage of the suffering, and accuses the preacher of being hateful and insensitive. So, most of us are now most cautious about ascribing endtimes significance to such.

To me, the greatest change in the last 10 years has been the de-emphasis on the return of Christ--especially post-Y2K. One "sign" is that Jesus will come when we don't expect him.

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<div class='quotemain'>

This is in part exactly why I ask. If we do not know exactly what it is we expect to see - how will we be sure when we see it or something that is not really it but that many many people seem sure that it is?

When the Scripture says that every eye will see him, and every knee will bow and every tongue confess, I presume that there won't be anything to debate. Jesus will reveal himself in undeniable Son of God fashion.

Sorry I took so long - please let us consider some ideas together. The scripture that indicates that we will see him is in Matt 24:30. But what we will see is much more than Jesus. This is why I ask if we (you) have a clear idea of exactly what you expect to see or if you are not really sure but think you will know when something quite spectacular occurs. (This is not meant to be flippant – I am just trying to pick your brain because to be honest I am not quite sure on this myself).

The scripture of every knee shall bow and every tongue confess is in Isaiah and it is my impression that this is speaking of another event that will take place at another time and place (ie. The final judgment). I am asking you to be as specific as you can concerning your opinion of what you mean by “Jesus will reveal himself in undeniable Son of God fashion”. (Matt 24:27 should be a clue but I do not know what that means.)

The message I see throughout the New Testament is that we are to be ready, to be alert, that Christ's return is immenent. Further, we've become desensitized to natural disasters, because everytime a preacher or Christian leader says, "See, Christ's return is near...God's judgement is at hand!" some TV crew offers footage of the suffering, and accuses the preacher of being hateful and insensitive. So, most of us are now most cautious about ascribing endtimes significance to such.

To me, the greatest change in the last 10 years has been the de-emphasis on the return of Christ--especially post-Y2K. One "sign" is that Jesus will come when we don't expect him.

As far as natural disasters, I believe that Matt 24:21 "For then shall be great tribulation, such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time, no nor ever shall be." Is a clue that something out of the ordinary as far as disasters will take place. If you like I could post some possibilities that are quite close but I do not think anything I have experienced in my lifetime is even close to being a real indication.

One of the indications from scripture that concerns me is the parable of the 10 virgins. My understanding is that virgins refer to someone that believes and has faith in the coming of Jesus. It is also my understanding that a virgin is someone that thinks they are looking for his coming with joy in their heart. They are believers and they have faith - or they would not be call virgins and would not gather for his coming. But they were not ready. They lacked oil. Everyone I talk to on this matter thinks they have oil and it is someone else that does not understand what needs to be prepared. I am inclined to believe that no less than 50% of us that think we are ready and have prepared every needful thing will have forgotten something and we will have something to acomplish.

The Traveler

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Sorry I took so long - please let us consider some ideas together. The scripture that indicates that we will see him is in Matt 24:30. But what we will see is much more than Jesus. This is why I ask if we (you) have a clear idea of exactly what you expect to see or if you are not really sure but think you will know when something quite spectacular occurs. (This is not meant to be flippant – I am just trying to pick your brain because to be honest I am not quite sure on this myself). The scripture of every knee shall bow and every tongue confess is in Isaiah and it is my impression that this is speaking of another event that will take place at another time and place (ie. The final judgment). I am asking you to be as specific as you can concerning your opinion of what you mean by “Jesus will reveal himself in undeniable Son of God fashion”. (Matt 24:27 should be a clue but I do not know what that means.)

I shouldn't assume that people know my beliefs about the End Times, so let me explain a bit. I do believe that Christians will be 'snatched up' (raptured) prior to the Great Tribulation--a seven year period of judgements, and the reign of the Antichrist. The return of Christ envisioned in Matthew 24 is likely the ultimate return, when he comes in judgment. Those raptured will return with Him. So, what everyone will see is Jesus, coming in judgment. Every eye will see him, every tongue confess that He is LORD. The vision of his coming will dispel all doubts, and all disputes.

As far as natural disasters, I believe that Matt 24:21 "For then shall be great tribulation, such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time, no nor ever shall be." Is a clue that something out of the ordinary as far as disasters will take place. If you like I could post some possibilities that are quite close but I do not think anything I have experienced in my lifetime is even close to being a real indication.

I've always taken that to mean that the intensity and frequency of these disasters will increase, not that there will be any new thing. Again, the impending nature of Christ's return is so stressed in Scripture, that I would be hesitant to suggest that any new event or phenomenon would have to take place prior to the rapture I spoke of.

One of the indications from scripture that concerns me is the parable of the 10 virgins. My understanding is that virgins refer to someone that believes and has faith in the coming of Jesus. It is also my understanding that a virgin is someone that thinks they are looking for his coming with joy in their heart. They are believers and they have faith - or they would not be call virgins and would not gather for his coming. But they were not ready. They lacked oil. Everyone I talk to on this matter thinks they have oil and it is someone else that does not understand what needs to be prepared. I am inclined to believe that no less than 50% of us that think we are ready and have prepared every needful thing will have forgotten something and we will have something to acomplish.

The Traveler

85% of Americans think they are Christians. I'd be pleased if 42.5% of them really were. BTW, "oil" is often symbolic of the Holy Spirit, in Scriptures. I wonder how many Christians go through forms, disciplines, practices and routines, but have little or no on-going communion with God?

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I shouldn't assume that people know my beliefs about the End Times, so let me explain a bit. I do believe that Christians will be 'snatched up' (raptured) prior to the Great Tribulation--a seven year period of judgements, and the reign of the Antichrist. The return of Christ envisioned in Matthew 24 is likely the ultimate return, when he comes in judgment. Those raptured will return with Him. So, what everyone will see is Jesus, coming in judgment. Every eye will see him, every tongue confess that He is LORD. The vision of his coming will dispel all doubts, and all disputes.

I have heard about the concept of a (rapture) but I have never been able to connect the dots. For example in the parable of the 10 virgins I see the faithful in Christ waiting until he comes but some (half) lack oil - is it your understanding that when they go into the wedding feast that the rapture is taking place? It is believed that anyone left behind is not worthy and will not be part of the kingdom that Jesus will bring?

I have always had problems with the parable of the 10 virgins because it is my understanding the symbol of virgins is those that are dedicated and sanctified as "TRUE" believers in Christ. I do not understand how they could be virgins and lack the Holy Spirit.

Just for fun here is a possible scenario for an end of time disaster. Just within the last 10 years a “super” volcano, the world’s second largest was discovered beneath the ice cap of Antarctic. The volcano was discovered trying to trace down a 3 degree rise in temperature that was thought due to global warming. This volcano is increasing in activity and from the latest data will erupt sometime within the next 500 years. When this volcano erupts it will melt enough ice to raise the level of the oceans throughout the world from 12 to 20 feet. This will displace 80% of the world population in less then 48 hours. I believe the scriptures talk about the oceans “overflowing” their boundaries.

If you are one of the “left behind” you can join me in helping as many and as much as we can.

The Traveler

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I have heard about the concept of a (rapture) but I have never been able to connect the dots. For example in the parable of the 10 virgins I see the faithful in Christ waiting until he comes but some (half) lack oil - is it your understanding that when they go into the wedding feast that the rapture is taking place? It is believed that anyone left behind is not worthy and will not be part of the kingdom that Jesus will bring?

It's my understanding that they knew ofChrist, but did not have a true relationship with him. On optimistic view is that once the rapture takes place, many with Christian knowledge will realize the truth of it, and will repent and truly give their lives over to Jesus. Most of these will likely be martyred during the seven years of tribulation, but they will have a place of honor in the kingdom of God.

I have always had problems with the parable of the 10 virgins because it is my understanding the symbol of virgins is those that are dedicated and sanctified as "TRUE" believers in Christ. I do not understand how they could be virgins and lack the Holy Spirit.

I've always understood that they were those who had Jesus in their heads, but not their hearts. So, in essence, no, they were not true believers.

If you are one of the “left behind” you can join me in helping as many and as much as we can.

The Traveler

Sorry, I'm taking the first flight out. :sparklygrin:

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<div class='quotemain'>

I have heard about the concept of a (rapture) but I have never been able to connect the dots. For example in the parable of the 10 virgins I see the faithful in Christ waiting until he comes but some (half) lack oil - is it your understanding that when they go into the wedding feast that the rapture is taking place? It is believed that anyone left behind is not worthy and will not be part of the kingdom that Jesus will bring?

It's my understanding that they knew ofChrist, but did not have a true relationship with him. On optimistic view is that once the rapture takes place, many with Christian knowledge will realize the truth of it, and will repent and truly give their lives over to Jesus. Most of these will likely be martyred during the seven years of tribulation, but they will have a place of honor in the kingdom of God.

Just a follow up because I am not connecting the dots I think I see. Jesus himself is presenting the parable of the 10 virgins. Had he used a term other than "virgin" I could understand in part your interpretation. It is my interpretation that because Jesus used the term "virgin" that all 10 had a very personal relationship with Jesus. It is also my impression that the five foolish should have known better. The amount of oil for the ancient lamps is almost trivial.

It appears to me that Jesus is making a very important point. Why would anyone bring their lamp without any oil? Mere is my problem – the five foolish would not have come and waited half the night without a personal relation to the groom. They could have stayed home and sleep without exposing themselves.

But oil is what makes the lamp work and oil is not provided by G-d or anyone else. I think Jesus is saying that to be a “virgin” taken into the wedding feast that a believer must be invested beyond believing, having faith or even a personal relationship. I think oil is symbolic of something else. I think the error is ascribing anything specific as being the oil. I think Jesus is indicating that we should be careful and make sure we are fully or completely invested and not compare what we have to what other’s have (everyone could see the lamp – but not the oil. Therefore the foolish virgins “look” and appear like the wise (growing among the wheat) and do not know they are not complete – and will not abide tribulations – perhaps thinking they need not prepare for tribulations.

The Traveler

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But oil is what makes the lamp work and oil is not provided by G-d or anyone else. I think Jesus is saying that to be a “virgin” taken into the wedding feast that a believer must be invested beyond believing, having faith or even a personal relationship. I think oil is symbolic of something else. I think the error is ascribing anything specific as being the oil. I think Jesus is indicating that we should be careful and make sure we are fully or completely invested and not compare what we have to what other’s have (everyone could see the lamp – but not the oil. Therefore the foolish virgins “look” and appear like the wise (growing among the wheat) and do not know they are not complete – and will not abide tribulations – perhaps thinking they need not prepare for tribulations.

I like most of what you are saying here, Traveler, but would you please clarify a few of your statements:

"Oil is what makes the lamp work"


"I (you) think the error is ascribing anything specific as being the oil."

"oil is not provided by God or by anyone else.

where do you think the oil comes from?

You think everyone can't see the oil... they see only the lamps.

Are you saying it's impossible to recognize oil?

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Just a follow up because I am not connecting the dots I think I see. Jesus himself is presenting the parable of the 10 virgins. Had he used a term other than "virgin" I could understand in part your interpretation. It is my interpretation that because Jesus used the term "virgin" that all 10 had a very personal relationship with Jesus.

The Traveler

Two factors deter me from believing that the virgins were all believers, but that the five lacked something.

A. It would be common for the friends of a couple getting married to be virgins. After all, they were not married, and I doubt that 95% of New Testament unmarried people had premarital sex. B)

B. The rejection of the 5 who lacked oil would seem quite harsh and definite, if these were 'believers' who lacked something.

The missing 'oil' is very likely the Holy Spirit, and these 5 virgins were those who believed, but did not have intimacy with Jesus.

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To be honest, I really don't know much about the signs of His coming. I know certain things will happen, and have already happened, but I'm in suspense about what will happen next.

There is a thought I had recently that helped me to see something, though.

Our Lord's "second coming" will happen when our Father commands our Lord to come reap the Earth.

OIOW, it is all in the hands of our Father.

I already knew that before, but I know it even better now. I think it's neat how revelation does that. :)

Oh, and here's what I think about the lamp and oil.

Without oil, a person has only, at best, an empty lamp. Either that or some other "stuff" in their lamp.

But without oil, the lamp won't, and/or can't, give light. Without oil, the lamp won't, and/or can't, burn.

And a lamp burning oil radiates light from the lamp... but not enough to light the path for everyone.

So each person needs to have their own oil for their lamps. I think it's clear we already have our own lamp.

Do you think everyone knows where they can go get some oil?

Do you think everyone knows they have a lamp?

I would rather not chance it. If anyone doesn't know that, I recommend that you simply ask God.

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<div class='quotemain'>

Just a follow up because I am not connecting the dots I think I see. Jesus himself is presenting the parable of the 10 virgins. Had he used a term other than "virgin" I could understand in part your interpretation. It is my interpretation that because Jesus used the term "virgin" that all 10 had a very personal relationship with Jesus.

The Traveler

Two factors deter me from believing that the virgins were all believers, but that the five lacked something.

A. It would be common for the friends of a couple getting married to be virgins. After all, they were not married, and I doubt that 95% of New Testament unmarried people had premarital sex. B)

B. The rejection of the 5 who lacked oil would seem quite harsh and definite, if these were 'believers' who lacked something.

The missing 'oil' is very likely the Holy Spirit, and these 5 virgins were those who believed, but did not have intimacy with Jesus.

From a conversation with a Jewish Rabbi I was given to understand that the ancient term "virgin" implied one worthy and clean and able to perform rituals and ordinances at the temple (among other sacred things that required cleanlyness). It meant cut off from the world and all worldly things (unspotted by the things of man). The concept of sex and only sex is a modern interpertation according to my Rabbi friend. This is also backed up with documents I have read from the Dead Sea Scrolls which are from the exact same time period.

I agree that the result is quite harsh but I think Jesus is making a most important point - to which we ought to pay attention and above all else be sure that we are not foolish and make sure our lamps have oil. I think he is saying that at least 50% of those that think they have all that is necessare are 100% wrong.

The Traveler

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Pop quiz:

Where do you go to get oil?


This is a most interesting question Ray. To be honest I had not considered this part of the parable until you asked the question. According to Jesus as he gave the parable - you purchase the oil from those that sell it. In other words you must pay for it. I had not thought of that before but the ancient concept of paying for something did have ancient significance related to worship. For example to give money to observe the epoch of Baal was considered a form of worship and those of Israel that did such were reproved by prophets of G-d for their failure to not worship other G-ds.

The Traveler

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I believe the main difference between Traveler's understanding and mine is the question of who those five foolish virgins are? Ultimately, are they believers, who are somehow unprepared for the returned (saved but unready)? Or, are they those with head-knowledge, but no heart-submission (unbelievers who might assent to Christian teachings)?

In either understanding, the source of oil could be the Holy Spirit.

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A Muslim view of the Parable of the Ten Virgins:

According to Jesus' parable, the bridegroom married 5 of the ten virgins! It seems also that Jesus in this parable really allowed for all women to be naked in one room with their one husband. .. Polygamy is allowed in Islam, but it is forbidden for the man to share the room with more than one wife at a time:

'Abd al-Rahman, the son of Abu Sa'id al-Khudri, reported from his father: The Messenger of Allah (may peace be upon him) said: "A man should not see the private parts of another man, and a woman should not see the private parts of another woman, and a man should not lie with another man under one covering, and a woman should not lie with another woman under one covering. (Translation of Sahih Muslim, The Book of Menstruation (Kitab Al-Haid), Book 003, Number 0667)"

But anyway, Jesus in his parable clearly and irrefutably allowed polygamy.

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I believe the main difference between Traveler's understanding and mine is the question of who those five foolish virgins are? Ultimately, are they believers, who are somehow unprepared for the returned (saved but unready)? Or, are they those with head-knowledge, but no heart-submission (unbelievers who might assent to Christian teachings)?

In either understanding, the source of oil could be the Holy Spirit.

PC. Thanks for your input - you know that I always enjoy conversing with you on subjects. It means a lot to me because I know your heart is good even thought you have different views.

As we have talked on this subject of virgins - I wonder??? Could it be the the virgins are believers and that their hearts have the spirit and that they are converted. But 5 are not completly converted - they are not whole in their beliefs. But they do believe and the spirit has witnessed to them.

The Traveler

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I have heard that the 10 virgins refer to us as Latter Day saints

as for the oil all of the 10 virgins had oil- they just didn't know when the bridegroom

was going to come.

only half were prepared with extra oil and the other half left to get more oil but waited to late

and were not allowed in.

I always thought of the oil as our testimony of Christ and his teachings-

how much are we like him. did we really follow his example.

i think of the 5 trying to read the scriptures to get a better understanding of Christ,but just put it off to late.

You could also think of the oil as the 1 yr supply of food we are suppose to have on hand.

this is quoted from Dallin H. Oaks in the may 2004 Ensign

"A parable that contains an important and challenging teaching on this subject is the parable of the ten virgins. Of this parable, the Lord said, “And at that day, when I shall come in my glory, shall the parable be fulfilled which I spake concerning the ten virgins” (D&C 45:56).

Given in the 25th chapter of Matthew, this parable contrasts the circumstances of the five foolish and the five wise virgins. All ten were invited to the wedding feast, but only half of them were prepared with oil in their lamps when the bridegroom came. The five who were prepared went into the marriage feast, and the door was shut. The five who had delayed their preparations came late. The door had been closed, and the Lord denied them entrance, saying, “I know you not” (Matt. 25:12). “Watch therefore,” the Savior concluded, “for ye know neither the day nor the hour wherein the Son of man cometh” (Matt. 25:13).

The arithmetic of this parable is chilling. The ten virgins obviously represent members of Christ’s Church, for all were invited to the wedding feast and all knew what was required to be admitted when the bridegroom came. But only half were ready when he came."

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