This Week's "duhhhh" Award Goes To...


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It's still idiocy and one knows if this had been a Republican congressman he would be the leading joke for Leno, Letterman and O'Brian and the talk of the news. Democrats get away with it of course, just like when Gore was visiting Montechello and while looking at a bust of Thomas Jefferson asked who the man was.

In the 1990s a liberal Democrat from Oregon (Ron Wyden) was asked by an interviewer to point at a globe (with countries written in) and identify where Bosnia was since he had just voted for sending troops there. He had no clue where it was. Now he's a US senator.

If you have such an important post as one overseeing intelligence not knowing much about Hezbollah or knowing the difference between a Shi'ite and a Sunni is unpardonable.

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I'm thinking of starting a Democrats for Jesus missions outreach. We'd dig into Democrat history, show how most of the writings are fraudulent fictions, how their founding leaders were reprobates, and then encourage them to accept conservatism into their hearts and come out of liberalism.

Do you think they'd consider me an "Anti"? :-))

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The new Democrat intelligence chief in the US House of Representatives.

Wait a minute....I might be due a Duuhhh award too, but doesn't this quote from the article:

'Rep. Silvestre Reyes of Texas, who incoming House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has tapped to head the Intelligence Committee...'

state that the Head of Intelligence Committee to be is a Republican????

Seems there's a little blame on both the Repubs and the Democratic sides here, is there not? :D

Ahem...unless REP. stands for Representative instead of Republican...edit for my stupidity if that's the case...sorry folks!!!

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The new Democrat intelligence chief in the US House of Representatives.

Wait a minute....I might be due a Duuhhh award too, but doesn't this quote from the article:

'Rep. Silvestre Reyes of Texas, who incoming House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has tapped to head the Intelligence Committee...'

state that the Head of Intelligence Committee to be is a Republican????

Seems there's a little blame on both the Repubs and the Democratic sides here, is there not? :D

Ahem...unless REP. stands for Representative instead of Republican...edit for my stupidity if that's the case...sorry folks!!!

...Pushka creeps quietly from the room with egg on her fur!! :blush:

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