How To Tell If You're A Racist


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Yes, I am judgmental when it comes to Rosie... sorry! She's a loud mouth, offensive woman - even if you agree with some of her viewpoints.

Shantress DON'T ever apologize for not liking Rosie - I used to like her, then something happened to her - she go way too big for her own good and now she is a TOTAL embarrasment to the human race!

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Yes, I am judgmental when it comes to Rosie... sorry! She's a loud mouth, offensive woman - even if you agree with some of her viewpoints.

Shantress DON'T ever apologize for not liking Rosie - I used to like her, then something happened to her - she go way too big for her own good and now she is a TOTAL embarrasment to the human race!

I agree. I used to like her when she had her own TV talk show. Then she took a wierd turn and freaked out on us. :rolleyes:

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Heard that Rosie's racist joking (the "ching chong" thing) made quite a few Asians mad. Wonder why that did not get more MSM coverage.

I also don't think it's a sign of racism to prefer to date people in your own race. Racism involves looking down on people due solely on their race, not wanting to marry people in your own race and have your children also inherit your cultural identity.

Let the firestorm begin, I don't really care.

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I also don't think it's a sign of racism to prefer to date people in your own race. Racism involves looking down on people due solely on their race, not wanting to marry people in your own race and have your children also inherit your cultural identity.

Let the firestorm begin, I don't really care.

It's not racist to prefer dating your own race, but it would be racist to prohibit your child from dating someone of another race.

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I saw this posted at another site, and found it both hilarious and true:

If you had to choose between Janet Jackson and Rosey O'Donnell, you are a racist if you pick Rosie.

What would be a good test for females?

The test for this female is to note your association with Rosey O'Donnell and Rosie. You're a closet Latter-day Saint awaiting the return of legalized polygamy?

Only in fun, chap,


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Yes, I am judgmental when it comes to Rosie... sorry! She's a loud mouth, offensive woman - even if you agree with some of her viewpoints.

Let me guess you intended to write it's merely your opinion and/or perception of her as being a loud-mouthed, offensive woman. At the end of the day, that arrives as more perfect, grammatically and spiritually. Or not.

Of course you're aware the woman in question lost her mother early in life. I cannot imagine losing my mother so early in life. It's also outside my experience to understand the pain of a parent's grief for a child's untimely death. So please, let us not beat her up here. a Christian community, of all places.

Let us walk a mile in her shoes...


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Yes, I am judgmental when it comes to Rosie... sorry! She's a loud mouth, offensive woman - even if you agree with some of her viewpoints.

Let me guess you intended to write it's merely your opinion and/or perception of her as being a loud-mouthed, offensive woman. At the end of the day, that arrives as more perfect, grammatically and spiritually. Or not.

Of course you're aware the woman in question lost her mother early in life. I cannot imagine losing my mother so early in life. It's also outside my experience to understand the pain of a parent's grief for a child's untimely death. So please, let us not beat her up here. a Christian community, of all places.

Let us walk a mile in her shoes...


Yes, it makes it all OK for her to act the way she does since she's gone through some bad things... my bad. ;)

It's merely my opinion that it gets old hearing excuses for the way people act. I've had some extremely bad things happen early on in my life. However, I will never use that to make excuses for any bad behavior I might exhibit.

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Better yet, let's also add Rosie's racist comments and let Michelle Malkin rip on the hypocrite:


I trust you're not implying two wrongs make it suddenly Right?

Two wrongs make something righ? What's that got to do with Rosie? I've never heard her say anything right in the first place.

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Shantress said: Yes, I am judgmental when it comes to Rosie... sorry! She's a loud mouth, offensive woman - even if you agree with some of her viewpoints.

Que Sera replies: Let me guess you intended to write it's merely your opinion and/or perception of her as being a loud-mouthed, offensive woman.

Something my 10th grade English teacher taught me: Never say, "I think" or "In my opinion," as the words are coming out of your mouth, or your name is on the paper you're writing. To say such things is like saying, "It's only me, and I'm probably wrong, so don't put any weight into my words." Either let your words speak directly, or don't bother. But none of the mousey, "IMHO" stuff.

Now, I sometimes will use "IMHO," but, I generally agree with that teacher. We're so afraid of offending. Shantress offered her assessment of Rosie. It was direct and unflattering, but not cruel. Rosie is a public personality, and therefore open game for such evaluations.

Of course you're aware the woman in question lost her mother early in life. I cannot imagine losing my mother so early in life.

I didn't know, and I'm sad for Rosie. However, such sadness isn't relevent to Shantress' evaluation of Rosie's volume-level, nor of her belief that the women offends people.

It's also outside my experience to understand the pain of a parent's grief for a child's untimely death. So please, let us not beat her up here. a Christian community, of all places.

I'm sorry, but this is a bit too prickly for me. Rosie is a public personality, one unafraid of ambush interviews, nor of controversial commentary. To poke fun with a comparison to Janice Jackson, and to correctly assess her abbrasiveness is hardly to "beat her up..."

Relax. Laughter is good medicine.

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Shantress said: Yes, I am judgmental when it comes to Rosie... sorry! She's a loud mouth, offensive woman - even if you agree with some of her viewpoints.

Que Sera replies: Let me guess you intended to write it's merely your opinion and/or perception of her as being a loud-mouthed, offensive woman.

Something my 10th grade English teacher taught me: Never say, "I think" or "In my opinion," as the words are coming out of your mouth, or your name is on the paper you're writing. To say such things is like saying, "It's only me, and I'm probably wrong, so don't put any weight into my words." Either let your words speak directly, or don't bother. But none of the mousey, "IMHO" stuff.

Now, I sometimes will use "IMHO," but, I generally agree with that teacher. We're so afraid of offending. Shantress offered her assessment of Rosie. It was direct and unflattering, but not cruel. Rosie is a public personality, and therefore open game for such evaluations.

Of course you're aware the woman in question lost her mother early in life. I cannot imagine losing my mother so early in life.

I didn't know, and I'm sad for Rosie. However, such sadness isn't relevent to Shantress' evaluation of Rosie's volume-level, nor of her belief that the women offends people.

It's also outside my experience to understand the pain of a parent's grief for a child's untimely death. So please, let us not beat her up here. a Christian community, of all places.

I'm sorry, but this is a bit too prickly for me. Rosie is a public personality, one unafraid of ambush interviews, nor of controversial commentary. To poke fun with a comparison to Janice Jackson, and to correctly assess her abbrasiveness is hardly to "beat her up..."

Relax. Laughter is good medicine.

Firstly, PC, why ever would you sometimes use the "mousey" IMHO. You wrote in support against that, sharing a story, saying you "generally agree with that teacher." It would then seem reasonable for me to assume one of two things: either you agree with that teacher or you do not fully agree with that teacher. Generally speaking, in my opinion.

I've listened to the public personality reasoning before. How public need another become for a named Christian to laugh at them, invoking less than kind personal assaults toward someone they've never met?

Laughter may be good medicine, in fun, when it does not include name-calling at another person's expense.

Que Sera

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