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I just googled and there is a site that someone claims that the church also owns Target. So do you get discounts there if you are a full tithe payor or have a temple recommend? Would also be a good place to pick up Pepsi and Coke. :)

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I just googled and there is a site that someone claims that the church also owns Target. So do you get discounts there if you are a full tithe payor or have a temple recommend? Would also be a good place to pick up Pepsi and Coke. :)

A membership to Target.. Hmm..

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I just googled and there is a site that someone claims that the church also owns Target. So do you get discounts there if you are a full tithe payor or have a temple recommend? Would also be a good place to pick up Pepsi and Coke. :)

I always knew Target was the one true store.

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It's Tar-jay....

True Story: Before I met my husband (this would have been back in '95), one of my best friends who grew up in Mesa, Arizona told me a lot of wacky things about Mormons... and one of the things he told me is that they were not allowed to drink caffeine, so they can't drink cola products. But then one of their leaders bought stock in Coke so they made an exception to soda.

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What we have potentially discovered:

1. Free Coca-Cola and Pepsi for ward functions

2. Target discount if you show your temple recommend

3. Gambling will soon be a must, not forbidden

I assume if we all go on strike and stop paying tithing we surely could get the above three accomplished? :eek:

I am grateful for the internet, it only takes one naive person to get people to believe a whole bunch of falsehoods. And thus we have youtube comments or other websites addressing:

The Mormons have.........., no really I read it on the internet. It must be true!

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I'm sure there's at least one Mormon somewhere that owns some stock in one of these companies. I should go buy one share in each just in case, and plaster pictures of it on facebook telling wild tales about how I control Pepsi with my .0000000005% share of the stock.

*Mwa, hahahhahhahahahhahahahahahahahahha*

*Mwa, hahahahhahahahhehehhehehehehahhaha*

*Bwa, hahahahahhaahahhahahahahahahhahooho*

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